#!/bin/sh echo "Using ssh-nightly-slave settings from $HOME/.corpus" . $HOME/.corpus host=`echo "$1" | perl -ne 's/:-j(\S+)$//;print'` opts=`echo "$1" | perl -ne 's/:-j(\S+)$// and print "-j $1"'` set -x set -e tar=tar [ -x /usr/sfw/bin/gtar ] && tar=/usr/sfw/bin/gtar cd $tree $tar cfz $tmp/tf \ --exclude="*.log" \ --exclude=".svn" \ --exclude="tmp" \ . [ "$clienttree" = "" ] && clienttree=tree # a rather rough-and-ready way to ensure any hangover mass-checks # from the previous set are killed, before we start these ones; # ||true ensures we carry on even if this fails ssh $host \ killall perl || true ssh $host \ rm -rf $clienttree/code \; \ mkdir -p $clienttree/code \; \ cd $clienttree/code \; \ tar xfz - < $tmp/tf # source $HOME/envs to get whatever $PATH we need to use the correct perl. # (some hosts need to use /usr/local/bin/perl or $HOME/perl588/bin/perl # instead of /usr/bin/perl). Host admins: if your host needs a custom # perl, here's where to prepend that to the $PATH! # rebuild to compile the blib modules for this platform. ssh $host \ . envs \; \ cd $clienttree/code \; \ perl Makefile.PL \; \ make clean \; \ perl Makefile.PL \; \ make < /dev/null > $tmp/remote_build.$host.log # use a cs_cache in $clienttree/cs_cache -- this is not removed # with the above "rm -rf" command ssh -f $host \ . envs \; \ cd $clienttree/code/masses \; \ TZ=UTC perl mass-check \ --cs_ssl --cs_verbose --cs_schedule_cache --cs_cachedir=../../cs_cache \ --reuse $opts \ --client $serverhost &