#!/local/perl586/bin/perl -w my $automcdir = "/home/automc/svn/spamassassin/masses/rule-qa/automc"; # need this to ensure that 'svn log' will include ALL changes my $svn_checkins_root = "http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/spamassassin/"; # we won't provide who-checked-in and commit-message details for changes # older than this. Note, this is not in rev number terms; it's an # absolute count of revisions. # update: alternatively, since the zone's SVN is too old (!), use a date. # my $svn_log_limit = 500; my $full_rebuild = 0; if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-f/) { $full_rebuild = 1; } use XML::Simple; use strict; use bytes; use POSIX qw(strftime); my $myperl = $^X; open (CF, "<$automcdir/config"); my %conf; while() { /^(\S+)=(\S+)/ and $conf{$1} = $2; } close CF; die "no conf{html}: $conf{html}" unless (-d $conf{html}); my $svn_log; # all known date/revision combos. warning: could get slow in future my @daterevs = get_all_daterevs(); foreach my $dr (@daterevs) { my $drdir = get_datadir_for_daterev($dr); # this one is always rebuilt. # print "$drdir/fastinfo.xml: creating...\n"; my $fastinfo = get_fastinfo($dr, $drdir); if (!defined $fastinfo) { next; } # always rewrite { open (OUT, ">$drdir/fastinfo.xml") or die "cannot write $drdir/fastinfo.xml"; print OUT $fastinfo; close OUT or die "failed to write to $drdir/fastinfo.xml"; chmod 0666, "$drdir/fastinfo.xml"; # or warn "failed to chmod $drdir/fastinfo.xml"; } # this one is only built if it doesn't already exist, because # it's quite expensive to build if (!$full_rebuild && -f "$drdir/info.xml" && -s _) { # print "$drdir/info.xml: good\n"; next; } if (!-e "$drdir/info.xml" || -s "$drdir/info.xml" == 0) { print "$drdir/info.xml: creating...\n"; my $info = get_info($dr, $drdir); open (OUT, ">$drdir/info.xml") or die "cannot write $drdir/info.xml"; print OUT $info; close OUT or die "failed to write to $drdir/info.xml"; chmod 0666, "$drdir/info.xml"; # or warn "failed to chmod $drdir/info.xml"; } } sub get_info { my ($dr, $drdir) = @_; $dr =~ /^(\d+)[-\/]r(\d+)-(\S+)$/; my $date = $1; my $rev = $2; my $tag = $3; my $info = { }; if (!$svn_log) { get_svn_log(); } foreach my $logentry (@{$svn_log->{logentry}}) { next if ($logentry->{revision} > $rev); $info->{msg} = $logentry->{msg} || ''; $info->{checkin_rev} = $logentry->{revision} || ''; $info->{checkin_date} = $logentry->{date} || ''; # '2005-10-31T04:20:10.686485Z' $info->{author} = $logentry->{author} || ''; last; } return XMLout($info); } sub get_fastinfo { my ($dr, $drdir) = @_; $dr =~ /^(\d+)[-\/]r(\d+)-(\S+)$/; my $date = $1; my $rev = $2; my $tag = $3; if (!defined $tag) { warn "dir with no tag! ignored: $dr\n"; return; } my $info = { date => $date, rev => $rev, tag => $tag, includes_net => 0 }; if (-f "$drdir/NET.all") { $info->{includes_net} = 1; } $info->{mclogmds} = ''; $info->{submitters} = ''; if (-f "$drdir/DETAILS.all") { read_submitters("$drdir/DETAILS.all", $info); } elsif (-f "$drdir/NET.all") { # this can happen when a weekly mass-check shares a rev with a previous or # later night's nightly m-c; all the non-weekly data winds up under another # date. read_submitters("$drdir/NET.all", $info); } return XMLout($info); } sub read_submitters { my ($fname, $info) = @_; open (IN, "<$fname") or warn "cannot read $fname"; while () { # spam results used for 329933 DETAILS all: spam-mc-fast.log spam-foo.log if (/^# spam results used for .+?: (.*)$/) { my $sub = $1; $sub =~ s/\bspam-/ /gs; $sub =~ s/\.log\b/ /gs; $sub =~ s/\s+/ /gs; $sub =~ s/^ //gs; $sub =~ s/ $//gs; $info->{submitters} = $sub; } if (/^#\s*(.*<\/mclogmds>)/) { $info->{mclogmds} = XMLin($1); # incorporate raw XML } last if (!/^#/); # don't want anything after the comments end } close IN; } sub get_all_daterevs { return sort map { s/^.*\/(\d+)\/(r\d\S+)$/$1-$2/; $_; } grep { /\/(\d+\/r\d\S+)$/ && -d $_ } (<$conf{html}/2*/r*>); } sub get_datadir_for_daterev { my $npath = shift; $npath =~ s/-/\//; return $conf{html}."/".$npath."/"; } sub get_svn_log { print "getting svn log... (".time.")\n"; my $limitdate = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d", localtime time-(24*60*60*30*12)); if (open (IN, "svn log -r 'HEAD:{$limitdate}' --xml $svn_checkins_root |")) # if (open (IN, "svn log --limit $svn_log_limit --xml $svn_checkins_root |")) { eval { my $xml = join('', ); $svn_log = XMLin($xml); }; if ($@) { die "svn xml: $@"; } close IN or die "svn failed: $!"; } if (!$svn_log) { die "no svn log --xml"; } print "got ".(scalar @{$svn_log->{logentry}})." log entries (".time.")\n"; # use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($svn_log); die; }