1. Get the latest CVS version of SA following the instructions on the sourceforge website. You don't need to install it, just get it. Instructions at: https://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=25457 2. Now cd to the "masses" directory in the checked-out CVS code tree. 3. Read README to gain understanding of what mass-check does. 4. Run mass-check against your non-spam mail archive. 5. sort -rn +1 nonspam.log | head -20 6. Check each of those 20 messages by hand to make sure they're not spam that slipped through, or a forward of a spam message. 7. Repeat #6 until the top 20 are "clean" 8. rename nonspam.log to nonspam-yourname.log (ie for me nonspam-craig.log) 9. rsync -CPcvuzb nonspam-yourname.log belphegore.hughes-family.org::corpus That should do it. In the future when you re-run this procedure (starting from the top to get latest CVS rules), the rsync bit should make the transmission of the results a lot faster, since it should only send diffs (more or less) of the file, which probably won't change much from run to run. Thanks for your help, C