To: users, dev, announce Subject: ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.3.0-alpha3 available [DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT - NOT YET RELEASED - DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT] Apache SpamAssassin 3.3.0-alpha3 is now available for testing. Downloads are available from: md5sum of archive files: TODO Note that the *-rules-*.tgz files are only necessary if you cannot, or do not wish to, run "sa-update" after install to download the latest fresh rules. The release files also have a .asc accompanying them. The file serves as an external GPG signature for the given release file. The signing key is available via the key server, as well as The key information is: pub 1024D/265FA05B 2003-06-09 SpamAssassin Signing Key Key fingerprint = 26C9 00A4 6DD4 0CD5 AD24 F6D7 DEE0 1987 265F A05B See the INSTALL and UPGRADE files in the distribution for important installation notes. Summary of major changes since 3.2.5 ------------------------------------ COMPATIBILITY WITH 3.2.5 - rules are no longer distributed with the package, but installed by sa-update - either automatically fetched from the network (preferably), or from a tar archive, which is available for downloading separately - CPAN module requirements: - minimum required version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker is 6.17 - modules now required: Time::HiRes, NetAddr::IP, Archive::Tar - minimal version of Mail::DKIM is 0.31 (preferred: 0.36_5 or later) - no longer used: Mail::DomainKeys, Mail::SPF::Query - support for versions of perl 5.6.* is being gradually revoked (may still work, but no promises and no support) - preferred versions of perl are 5.8.8, 5.8.9, and 5.10.0 or later (of these three the 5.8.9 appears to be the most buggy) BUILDING AND PACKAGING - rules are no longer distributed with the package, but installed by sa-update - simplify Makefile.PL and fix a bug in DESTDIR support by increasing the minimum ExtUtils::MakeMaker version required to 6.17 - we now include check_whitelist and check_spamd tools in the distribution, now called 'sa-awl' and 'sa-check_spamd' WORKAROUNDS TO PERL BUGS AND LIMITATIONS - let the plugin produce smaller chunks of source code from rules (60 kB) to avoid Perl compiler crashing on exceeding stack size - localize $1, $2, etc at several places, avoiding taint issue from propagating - avoid Perl I/O bug by replacing line-by-line reading with read() where suitable, or play down the EBADF status in other places and only report it as dbg instead of a die - while also providing a little speedup (10..25%) on reading a message - new sub Message::split_into_array_of_short_lines to nicely split a text into array of paragraph chunks of sizes between 1 kB and 2 kB, gives less opportunity to runaway regular expressions in rules; fixes bugs: 5717, 5644, 5795, 5486, 5801, 5041 MEMORY FOOTPRINT - as a side-effect of compiling rules in smaller chunks (to avoid compiler crashes) virtual memory footprint of SpamAssassin is reduced; - save some memory by not importing Pod::Usage unless it is needed; - save 350k+ of memory in sa-compile by replacing DynaLoader with XSLoader; - remove unneeded index from MySQL bayes_token table; IPv6 SUPPORT - IPv6 support for trusted_networks, internal_networks, whitelist_from_rcvd, msa_networks, and other stuff that uses NetSet and the Received header parser, using NetAddr::IP; - allow usage of a remote dccifd host through an INET or INET6 socket; - README.awl: increase suggested awl.ip field width to 45 to be able to hold IPv6 addresses (optionally); - IP_PRIVATE now includes the ipv6 variants of private address space, as well as the ipv6-mapped ipv4 addresses. - NetSet now understands that ::ffff: and are the same address; - IPv6 addresses are now recognised in Received headers; - when reading Received header fields, the "IPv6:" prefix is stripped from IPv6 addresses, and "::ffff:" is removed from IPv6-mapped IPv4 addresses (so strings can match them as simply IPv4 addresses); - ::1 is always included in the trusted_networks/internal_networks set similar to; SPAMC - add -n / --connect-timeout switch to spamc, allowing separate connection timeout from communication timeout; - add --filter-retries and --filter-retry-sleep - spamc would not time out connections to a hung spamd - spamc client library leaks the zlib compression buffer if compression is used - spamc long option '--dest' was broken SPAMD - when spamd is started with the daemonize option do not exit the parent until the child signals that it has logged the pid, to allow a wrapper script to simply continue immediately after starting spamd; - additional tempfile cleanup in kill_handler; - add SPAMD_LOCALHOST option to "make test" to allow specifying non- IP address for use in FreeBSD jail API - adding one optional argument to Mail::SpamAssassin::parse allows caller to pass additional out-of-band information to SpamAssassin (such as DKIM verification results, information about a SMTP session, or dynamic rule hits); this information is made available to plugins and the rest of the code through a 'suppl_attrib' hash; - Plugin::Check - pick up 'rule_hits' from caller via the new mechanism and call got_hit() on them; - simplified adding dynamic score hits and dynamic rules by plugins (such as AWL, CRM114, FuzzyOcr, Check) by letting got_hit() accept options tflags and description, and letting it store a supplied dynamic score for proper reporting; - let the timing breakdown information be accessible to a caller through the existing get_tag mechanism (tag TIMING); - let the generated header fields ('add_header' configuration options) be accessible to a caller through the existing get_tag mechanism (tag ADDEDHEADER and friends); RULES - rules are no longer distributed with the package; - dropped redundant rules or rules causing too many false positives; - added or updated rules (incomplete list in no particular order: vbounce, money, image spam, fill_this_form, FreeMail, European Parliament, HTML attachments, uri_obfu*, urinsrhsbl, urinsrhssub, urifullnsrhsbl, URI_OBFU_X9_WS, rDNS=localhost, INVALID_DATE_TZ_ABSURD, KHOP_SC, RCVD_IN_PSBL, FRT_VALIUM*, BOUNCE_MESSAGE, VBOUNCE_MESSAGE, __BOUNCE_UNDELIVERABLE, HELO_STATIC_HOST, FILL_THIS_FORM_FRAUD_PHISH, CHALLENGE_RESPONSE, DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU, DKIM_ADSP_*, NML_ADSP_CUSTOM_{LOW,MED,HIGH}, __VIA_ML, MIME_BASE64_TEXT, FORGED_MUA_THEBAT_BOUN, FORGED_MUA_THEBAT_CS, UNRESOLVED_TEMPLATE, __THEBAT_MUA, __ANY_OUTLOOK_MUA, RP_MATCHES_RCVD, one-word X-Mailer, ... - rule for plain text attachments with octet-stream MIME type; - avoid false positives on ISO-2022-JP messages in several rules; - updated various default whitelists, uridnsbl_skip_domain, adsp_override, ... PLUGINS - new plugins: FreeMail, PhishTag, Reuse - now enabled by default: DKIM - now disabled by default: AWL - retired plugin: DomainKeys AWL PLUGIN - plugin AWL is now disabled by default; - README.awl: increase suggested awl.ip field width to 45 to support IPv6 addresses or DKIM signer domains; - allow storing an IPv6 address (previously causing SQL server errors: value too long) - let AWL keep separate records for DKIM-signed and unsigned mail (when auto_whitelist_distinguish_signed configuration option is true, and SQL field awl.ip field size is increased or made dynamic); - gracefully handle NaN from corrupted database or a broken emulator; DCC PLUGIN - added support for DCC reputations, added setting dcc_rep_percent, new test check_dcc_reputation_range(), new tag DCCREP (DCC servers supply reputation data only to licensed clients); - allow usage of a remote dccifd host through an INET or INET6 socket; DKIM PLUGIN - plugin is now enabled by default; - absolute minimal version of Mail::DKIM is 0.31; support for ADSP requires Mail::DKIM 0.34; a DNS test (and rule) for NXDOMAIN is operational since Mail::DKIM 0.36_5 - supports multiple signatures (useful for whitelisting); - distinguishes author domain signatures from third party signatures (useful for whitelisting); - provides a tag DKIMIDENTITY (in addition to DKIMDOMAIN); - DKIM now supports Author Domain Signing Practices - ADSP (RFC 5617); - use the Mail::DKIM::AuthorDomainPolicy instead of Mail::DKIM::DkimPolicy, when available (since Mail::DKIM 0.34); - implements an 'adsp_override' configuration directive and adds an eval:check_dkim_adsp check, which is used by new DKIM_ADSP_* rules; - rules contain an initial set of 'adsp_override' directives, listing some of the more popular target domains for phishing (applicable only to domains which sign all their direct mail with a DKIM or DK signature); - this plugin can now re-use Mail::DKIM verification results if made available by a caller, which saves resources and makes it possible for SpamAssassin to work on a truncated large mail without breaking DKIM signatures; BUG FIXES - fixed Rule2XSBody segfaults; - do not treat user data as perl booleans (a string "0" is a false); - avoid data from the wild be interpreted as perl regular expressions; - ArchiveIterator: prevent _scan_directory from passing directories to _scan_file (on NFS it would fail with EISDIR on read(2); - fixed vpopmail support; - the 'exists:' evaluator in HEADER rules now works as documented and tests for existence of a header field, instead of testing for a header field body being nonempty; internally, the pms->get can also now distinguish between empty and nonexistent header fields - fixes to header fields parsing in several places: header field names are case-insensitive, whitespace is not required after a colon, obsolete rfc822 syntax allowed whitespace before a colon; VBounce: match "Received:" only at the beginning of a line; - Exporter never really worked in SA, was not enclosed in BEGIN{} ERROR HANDLING, ROBUSTNESS - improved error detection and reporting: test status of all system calls and I/O operations (or explicitly document where not), and report unexpected failures; - eval calls now check for eval result instead of testing the $@, which is not always reliable; - localized $@ and $! in DESTROY methods to prevent potential calls to eval and calls to system routines in code executed from a DESTROY method from clobbering global variables $@ and $!; - Util::helper_app_pipe_open_unix: contain a failing exec with an eval to prevent additional cases of process cloning. The exec could fail this way when given tainted arguments; - Util::helper_app_pipe_open_unix: flush stdout and stderr before forking, otherwise an error reported by exec (such as 'insecure dependency') was lost in a buffer; - eval-protect an open($fh,'-|') to capture implied fork failures due to lack of system resource; - explicit untainting: combine "use re 'taint'" with untaint_var(), avoiding implicit perl untainting and workarounds to prevent it; - add 'use strict' where missing; - avoid a bunch of warnings on "Use of uninitialized value" - clearly report reasons for helper application process failures OTHER - more expensive code sections are now instrumented with timing measurements; timing report is logged as a debug message by the end of processing, and made available to a caller and to 'add_header' directives through a TIMING tag; - total rewrite of URI detection in plain text body; - pseudoheader "ALL:raw" returns a pristine header section, and pseudoheader "ALL" returns a cleaned header section - many updates to the list of top level domains; - add 'util_rb_3tld', allowing 3-level TLDs to be listed in URIBLs and allowing new 3TLDs to be added from rule updates; - avoid trusted_networks bog down due to O(n^2) loop with millions of entries; - preserve order of declared 'add_header' haeder fields; - allow debug areas to be excluded from debugging, e.g.: -D all,norules,noconfig,nodcc - fixes to Plugin/, updated VBounce ruleset; - new module Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::BDB, but is not yet ready for use - numerous additional and updated self-tests; - updated documentation, fixed numerous typos and mistakes in documentation text and in log messages; - extensive improvements to development process: automated testing through Hudson, improvements to mass-check and rules