#!/local/perl586/bin/perl use LWP::Simple; use MIME::Parser; # feel free to add your name here -- or that of anyone you want # to allow to use this system my $ALLOWED_MAIL_PEOPLE = qr/^(?: jm\@jmason\.org| quinlan\@pathname\.com| maddoc\@maddoc\.net| lwilton\@earthlink\.net| duncf\@debian\.org| chris\@iloaf\.com )/isx; # where the files are saved my $OUT_DIR = "/home/bbmass/bymail"; # URL used to trigger the buildbot to build my $BB_URL = 'http://buildbot.spamassassin.org/preflight/__SLAVE__'. '/force?username=mail&comments=__WHY__'; my $WHY = 'rules received via email'; # name of the Buildbot slaves to trigger my @SLAVES = qw( mc-fast mc-med mc-slow mc-slower ); my $EXTRACT_LOG = "$OUT_DIR/extract.log"; my $LATEST_CF = "$OUT_DIR/latest.cf"; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; open (STDOUT, ">$EXTRACT_LOG") or die "cannot redir STDOUT to $EXTRACT_LOG"; open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT") or die "cannot redir STDERR"; chmod 0666, $EXTRACT_LOG; my $parser = new MIME::Parser; (-d "$OUT_DIR/tmp") || mkdir("$OUT_DIR/tmp", 0700); $parser->output_dir("$OUT_DIR/tmp"); my $ent = $parser->parse(\*STDIN) or die "parse failed\n"; print "Parsed message: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $ent->print(\*STDOUT); print "[EOM] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; my $from = $ent->head()->get("From"); if ($from =~ /<(.*?)>/) { $from = $1; } else { $from =~ s/\s*\(.*?\)\s*//; } # TODO: less stupid auth using SPF. this doesn't really matter all that much, # however, since we lint any submitted rules before using them, which should # catch dangerous stuff, and that lint takes place in an unpriv chroot. # if ($from !~ $ALLOWED_MAIL_PEOPLE) { print "$from is not on the 'allowed' list, ignoring"; goto done; } foreach my $part ($ent->parts) { my $ctype = $part->head->get("Content-Type") || ''; chomp $ctype; my $disp = $part->head->get("Content-Disposition") || ''; chomp $disp; my $desc = $part->head->get("Content-Description") || ''; chomp $desc; my $fname; if ($desc && $desc =~ /\S/) { $fname = $desc; } elsif ($disp && $disp =~ /filename=\"([^\"]+)\"/) { $fname = $1; } elsif ($disp && $disp =~ /filename=\'([^\']+)\'/) { $fname = $1; } elsif ($disp && $disp =~ /filename=([^\;\s]+)/) { $fname = $1; } $fname =~ s/^\s*//; $fname =~ s/\s*$//; print "part: fname=$fname, type=$ctype, disp=$disp\n"; if ($ctype !~ /^text.plain\b/) { print "skipping part: not text/plain\n"; next; } if (!$fname || $fname !~ /\.cf$/) { print "skipping part: filename doesn't end in '.cf'\n"; next; } open (SAVE, ">$LATEST_CF") or die "cannot save to $LATEST_CF"; print SAVE $part->bodyhandle()->as_string(); close SAVE or die "cannot write to $LATEST_CF"; chmod 0666, "$LATEST_CF"; system ("ls -l $LATEST_CF"); foreach my $slave (@SLAVES) { my $url = $BB_URL; my $why = $WHY; $why =~ s/\s+/%20/gs; $url =~ s/__SLAVE__/$slave/gs; $url =~ s/__WHY__/$why/gs; print "invoking force-build: $url\n"; get($url); } } done: $ent->purge(); exit;