------------------------------------------------------------ Microsling: the Sling request processing, reduced to the max **** THIS IS OBSOLETE - see the microsling-core module in the main sling code repository **** ------------------------------------------------------------ The goal of this prototype is to demonstrate the Sling HTTP request processing in the simplest possible way, to help the community converge on the goals and architecture of this module. How to build and run this ------------------------ Currently this depends on the Jackrabbit 1.4-SNAPSHOT, mostly because I had a project skeleton around that takes advantage of JCR-955 to reuse some Jackrabbit servlets. To build and run: 1) Install a JDK 1.5 and Maven 2.0.7. 2) Get and build the Jackrabbit trunk from http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jackrabbit/trunk I'm currently using revision 583722 for my tests. 3) Build and run this webapp: mvn clean package jetty:run Which should say "Started SelectChannelConnector@" once the build is done. 4) Connect to http://localhost:8080/ which should return a page saying "Microsling homepage". That page contains instructions for playing with Microsling.