AuthorityFactoryAdapter changes for revisions 26211:26212

Change of lower case "t" into upper case "T" in "GeoTools". This change obviously do not apply to Apache SIS.

Command line:

svn diff --extensions "--unified --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style" -r26211:26212
Revision 26211Revision 26212

 * Returns one of the underlying factories as an instance of the Geotools implementation. If
 * there is none of them, then returns {@code null} or throws an exception if {@code caller}
 * is not null.

 * Returns one of the underlying factories as an instance of the GeoTools implementation. If
 * there is none of them, then returns {@code null} or throws an exception if {@code caller}
 * is not null.