PropertyAuthorityFactory changes for revisions 25939:25940

The only change in this commit is to rename FactoryGroup as ReferencingFactoryContainer. This change does not apply to SIS since we will try to avoid that ReferencingFactoryContainer class, or find another name.

Command line:

svn diff --extensions "--unified --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style" -r25939:25940
Revision 25939Revision 25940
 * @param  definitions URL to the definition file.
 * @throws IOException if the definitions can't be read.
public PropertyAuthorityFactory(final FactoryGroup factories,
                                final Citation     authority,
                                final URL          definitions)
        throws IOException
 * @param  definitions URL to the definition file.
 * @throws IOException if the definitions can't be read.
public PropertyAuthorityFactory(final ReferencingFactoryContainer factories,
                                final Citation     authority,
                                final URL          definitions)
        throws IOException
 * @since 2.4
public PropertyAuthorityFactory(final FactoryGroup factories,
                                final Citation[]   authorities,
                                final URL          definitions)
        throws IOException
 * @since 2.4
public PropertyAuthorityFactory(final ReferencingFactoryContainer factories,
                                final Citation[]   authorities,
                                final URL          definitions)
        throws IOException