TransverseMercator changes for revisions 11696:11697

Those formulas have been rewritten in SIS.

Command line:

svn diff --extensions "--unified --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style" -r11696:11697
Revision 11696Revision 11697

 * Provides the transform equations for the spherical case of the
 * TransverseMercator projection.

protected double getToleranceForAssertions(final double longitude, final double latitude) {
    if (Math.abs(longitude - centralMeridian) > 0.26) {   //15 degrees
        // When far from the valid area, use a larger tolerance.
        return 2.5;
    } else if (Math.abs(longitude - centralMeridian) > 0.22) {  //12.5 degrees
        return 1.0;
    } else if (Math.abs(longitude - centralMeridian) > 0.17) {  //10 degrees
        return 0.5;
    // a normal tolerance
    return 1E-6;

 * Provides the transform equations for the spherical case of the
 * TransverseMercator projection.
        throws ProjectionException
    // Compute using ellipsoidal formulas, for comparaison later.
    assert (ptDst = super.transformNormalized(x, y, ptDst)) != null;

    double cosphi = Math.cos(y);
        throws ProjectionException
    // Compute using ellipsoidal formulas, for comparaison later.
    double normalizedLongitude = x;
    assert (ptDst = super.transformNormalized(x, y, ptDst)) != null;

    double cosphi = Math.cos(y);

double yy = cosphi * Math.cos(x) / Math.sqrt(1.0-b*b);
x = 0.5 * Math.log((1.0+b)/(1.0-b));    /* Snyder 8-1 */

if ((b=Math.abs(yy)) >= 1.0) {
    if ((b-1.0) > EPS) {
        throw new ProjectionException(Resources.format(
    } else {
        yy = 0.0;
} else {
    yy = Math.acos(yy);
if (y < 0) {
    yy = -yy;
y = (yy - latitudeOfOrigin);

assert Math.abs(ptDst.getX()-x) <= EPS*globalScale : x;
assert Math.abs(ptDst.getY()-y) <= EPS*globalScale : y;
if (ptDst != null) {
    return ptDst;

//Using Snyder's equation for calculating y, instead of the one used in Proj4
//poential problems when y and x = 90 degrees, but behaves ok in tests
y = Math.atan2(Math.tan(y),Math.cos(x)) - latitudeOfOrigin;   /* Snyder 8-3 */
x = 0.5 * Math.log((1.0+b)/(1.0-b));    /* Snyder 8-1 */

assert Math.abs(ptDst.getX()-x) <= getToleranceForSphereAssertions(normalizedLongitude,0) : ptDst.getX()-x;
assert Math.abs(ptDst.getY()-y) <= getToleranceForSphereAssertions(normalizedLongitude,0) : ptDst.getY()-y;
if (ptDst != null) {
    return ptDst;
assert (ptDst = super.inverseTransformNormalized(x, y, ptDst)) != null;

double t = Math.exp(x);
double d = 0.5 * (t-1.0/t);
t = Math.cos(latitudeOfOrigin + y);
double phi = Math.asin(Math.sqrt((1.0-t*t)/(1.0+d*d)));
y = y<0.0 ? -phi : phi;
x = (Math.abs(d)<=EPS && Math.abs(t)<=EPS) ?
        0.0 : Math.atan2(d,t);

assert Math.abs(ptDst.getX()-x) <= EPS : x;
assert Math.abs(ptDst.getY()-y) <= EPS : y;
if (ptDst != null) {
    return ptDst;
assert (ptDst = super.inverseTransformNormalized(x, y, ptDst)) != null;

double t = Math.exp(x);
double sinhX = 0.5 * (t-1.0/t);                //sinh(x)
double cosD = Math.cos(latitudeOfOrigin + y);
double phi = Math.asin(Math.sqrt((1.0-cosD*cosD)/(1.0+sinhX*sinhX)));
// correct for the fact that we made everything positive using sqrt(x*x)
y = ((y + latitudeOfOrigin)<0.0) ? -phi : phi;
x = (Math.abs(sinhX)<=EPS && Math.abs(cosD)<=EPS) ?
        0.0 : Math.atan2(sinhX,cosD);

assert Math.abs(ptDst.getX()-x) <= getToleranceForSphereAssertions(x,0) : ptDst.getX()-x;
assert Math.abs(ptDst.getY()-y) <= getToleranceForSphereAssertions(x,0) : ptDst.getY()-y;
if (ptDst != null) {
    return ptDst;
        return new Point2D.Double(x,y);

        return new Point2D.Double(x,y);

     *  Allow a larger tolerance when comparing spherical to elliptical calculations
     *  when we are far from the central meridian (elliptical calculations are
     *  not valid here).
     *  longitude here is standardized (in radians) and centralMeridian has
     *  already been removed from it.
    protected double getToleranceForSphereAssertions(final double longitude, final double latitude) {
        if (Math.abs(Math.abs(longitude)- Math.PI/2.0) < TOL) {  //90 degrees
            // elliptical equations are at their worst here
            return 1E18;
        if (Math.abs(longitude) > 0.26) {   //15 degrees
            // When far from the valid area, use a very larger tolerance.
            return 1000000;
        // a normal tolerance
        return 1E-6;
