UnitsTest history

Click on the commit message for inspecting the diff and how the code has been rewritten.

Command line:

svn log -r31996:1 https://svn.osgeo.org/geotools/trunk/modules/library/referencing/src/test/java/org/geotools/measure/UnitsTest.java
Rev. Date Author Message
307762008-06-20desruisseauxGeoTools implementation update for GeoAPI change (GEO-136): Envelope.getCenter renamed as getMedian and getLength renamed as getSpan. Deprecated GridRange, to be replaced by GridEnvelope.
307602008-06-18desruisseauxUpgrated from JSR-108 to JSR-275 (GEOT-1266). Some opportunist javadoc fixes and @Override annotations in the process.