# singa-incubating-2.0.0 Release Notes --- SINGA is a general distributed deep learning platform for training big deep learning models over large datasets. This release includes following features: * Core components * [SINGA-434] Support tensor broadcasting * [SINGA-370] Improvement to tensor reshape and various misc. changes related to SINGA-341 and 351 * Model components * [SINGA-333] Add support for Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) format * [SINGA-385] Add new python module for optimizers * [SINGA-394] Improve the CPP operations via Intel MKL DNN lib * [SINGA-425] Add 3 operators , Abs(), Exp() and leakyrelu(), for Autograd * [SINGA-410] Add two function, set_params() and get_params(), for Autograd Layer class * [SINGA-383] Add Separable Convolution for autograd * [SINGA-388] Develop some RNN layers by calling tiny operations like matmul, addbias. * [SINGA-382] Implement concat operation for autograd * [SINGA-378] Implement maxpooling operation and its related functions for autograd * [SINGA-379] Implement batchnorm operation and its related functions for autograd * Utility functions and CI * [SINGA-432] Update depdent lib versions in conda-build config * [SINGA-429] Update docker images for latest cuda and cudnn * [SINGA-428] Move Docker images under Apache user name * Documentation and usability * [SINGA-395] Add documentation for autograd APIs * [SINGA-344] Add a GAN example * [SINGA-390] Update installation.md * [SINGA-384] Implement ResNet using autograd API * [SINGA-352] Complete SINGA documentation in Chinese version * Bugs fixed * [SINGA-431] Unit Test failed - Tensor Transpose * [SINGA-422] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named "_singa_wrap" * [SINGA-418] Unsupportive type 'long' in python3. * [SINGA-409] Basic `singa-cpu` import throws error * [SINGA-408] Unsupportive function definition in python3 * [SINGA-380] Fix bugs from Reshape