# How to Contribute to SINGA As with any open source project, there are several ways you can help: * Join the [mailing list](http://singa.apache.org/en/community/mail-lists.html) and answer other user's questions. * [Build SINGA](http://singa.apache.org/en/docs/installation.html) by yourself. * Report bugs, feature requests and other issues in the [issue tracking](http://singa.apache.org/en/community/issue-tracking.html) application. * Check SINGA's [development schedule](http://singa.apache.org/en/develop/schedule.html) and [contribute code](http://singa.apache.org/en/develop/contribute-code.html) by providing patches. * [Help with the documentation](http://singa.apache.org/en/develop/contribute-docs.html) by updating webpages that are lacking or unclear. # How to become a SINGA committer SINGA committers are members that have write access to SINGA code and documentation repositories. They can contribute by themselves and accept other contributions. Becoming a SINGA committer requires understanding the Apache Way and being an active member in the SINGA project. An active member participates on mailing lists, answers questions, contributes code, tests and documentation, presents SINGA in talks and seminars, verifies releases and report issues or feature requests. New committers can be suggested by current committers or PPMC members, and voted upon by the PPMC according to Apache guidelines. You can start by talking to other committers and ask for their advice and guidance.