2008-October JSecurity Incubator status report JSecurity is a powerful and flexible open-source Java security framework that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise session management and cryptography. JSecurity has been incubating since June 2008. Last month, a new external release was issued (0.9.0-RC2). After this, a single bug fix has been implemented and committed to the external SourceForge SVN repository. Many other commits have been made, but all were nonfunctional and were made to round out the project's JavaDoc. The JavaDoc is already quite good, but not 100%. The team has discussed on the development list that it would be a good idea to get the JavaDoc completed at 100% before releasing 0.9 final, with 0.9 final being the last external release. After this point, we wanted to inject the code source into the Apache repository as a 'clean slate' initiative. The idea is that perhaps 0.9.1 would be an Apache release, allowing that release to focus only on adherence to Apache policy and not dependent on code or documentation. Then all subsequent releases could benefit from the experience of this 'first run', continuing to maintain Apache policy. The JavaDoc is currently being updated intermittently, as the development team has the opportunity to update it in their spare time. It is certainly desirable to finish this effort soon, hopefully no more than a week or two. But this time frame is ultimately dependent upon the number of contributors. The project team is not considering graduation at this point, as the code is not ready for an Apache release. The community is working well, with decisions being made in public. The status is being maintained at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/jsecurity/STATUS