Array */ private static $PEOPLE_TABLE = "people"; /** * db["people"] -> Map> */ private static $ACTIVITIES_TABLE = "activities"; /** * db["data"] -> Map> */ private static $DATA_TABLE = "data"; /** * db["friendLinks"] -> Map> */ private static $FRIEND_LINK_TABLE = "friendLinks"; /** * db["userApplications"] -> Map> */ private static $USER_APPLICATIONS_TABLE = "userApplications"; private $allPeople = null; private $allData = null; private $allActivities = null; private $jsonDbFileName = 'ShindigDb.json'; public function getDb() { try { $fileName = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . $this->jsonDbFileName; if (file_exists($fileName)) { if (! is_readable($fileName)) { throw new SocialSpiException("Could not read temp json db file: $fileName, check permissions", ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR); } $cachedDb = file_get_contents($fileName); $jsonDecoded = json_decode($cachedDb, true); if ($jsonDecoded == $cachedDb) { throw new SocialSpiException("Failed to decode the json db", ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR); } return $jsonDecoded; } else { $jsonDb = Config::get('jsondb_path'); if (! file_exists($jsonDb) || ! is_readable($jsonDb)) { throw new SocialSpiException("Could not read json db file: $jsonDb, check if the file exists & has proper permissions", ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR); } $dbConfig = @file_get_contents($jsonDb); $contents = preg_replace('/[^http:\/\/|^https:\/\/]\/\/.*$/m', '', preg_replace('@/\\*(?:.|[\\n\\r])*?\\*/@', '', $dbConfig)); $jsonDecoded = json_decode($contents, true); if ($jsonDecoded == $contents) { throw new SocialSpiException("Failed to decode the json db", ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR); } $this->saveDb($jsonDecoded); return $jsonDecoded; } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new SocialSpiException("An error occured while reading/writing the json db: " . $e->getMessage(), ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR); } } private function saveDb($db) { if (! @file_put_contents(sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . $this->jsonDbFileName, json_encode($db))) { throw new Exception("Could not save json db: " . sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . $this->jsonDbFileName); } } private function getAllPeople() { $db = $this->getDb(); $peopleTable = $db[self::$PEOPLE_TABLE]; foreach ($peopleTable as $people) { $this->allPeople[$people['id']] = $people; } $db[self::$PEOPLE_TABLE] = $this->allPeople; return $this->allPeople; } private function getAllData() { $db = $this->getDb(); $dataTable = $db[self::$DATA_TABLE]; foreach ($dataTable as $key => $value) { $this->allData[$key] = $value; } $db[self::$DATA_TABLE] = $this->allData; return $this->allData; } private function getAllActivities() { $db = $this->getDb(); $activitiesTable = $db[self::$ACTIVITIES_TABLE]; foreach ($activitiesTable as $key => $value) { $this->allActivities[$key] = $value; } $db[self::$ACTIVITIES_TABLE] = $this->allActivities; return $this->allActivities; } private function getPeopleWithApp($appId) { $peopleWithApp = array(); $db = $this->getDb(); $userApplicationsTable = $db[self::$USER_APPLICATIONS_TABLE]; foreach ($userApplicationsTable as $key => $value) { if (in_array($appId, $userApplicationsTable[$key])) { $peopleWithApp[] = $key; } } return $peopleWithApp; } public function getPerson($userId, $groupId, $fields, SecurityToken $token) { if (! is_object($groupId)) { throw new SocialSpiException("Not Implemented", ResponseError::$NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } $person = $this->getPeople($userId, $groupId, new CollectionOptions(), $fields, $token); if (is_array($person->getEntry())) { $person = $person->getEntry(); if (is_array($person) && count($person) == 1) { return array_pop($person); } } throw new SocialSpiException("Person not found", ResponseError::$BAD_REQUEST); } public function getPeople($userId, $groupId, CollectionOptions $options, $fields, SecurityToken $token) { $sortOrder = $options->getSortOrder(); $filter = $options->getFilterBy(); $first = $options->getStartIndex(); $max = $options->getCount(); $networkDistance = $options->getNetworkDistance(); $ids = $this->getIdSet($userId, $groupId, $token); $allPeople = $this->getAllPeople(); if (! $token->isAnonymous() && $filter == "hasApp") { $appId = $token->getAppId(); $peopleWithApp = $this->getPeopleWithApp($appId); } $people = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { if ($filter == "hasApp" && ! in_array($id, $peopleWithApp)) { continue; } $person = null; if (is_array($allPeople) && isset($allPeople[$id])) { $person = $allPeople[$id]; if (! $token->isAnonymous() && $id == $token->getViewerId()) { $person['isViewer'] = true; } if (! $token->isAnonymous() && $id == $token->getOwnerId()) { $person['isOwner'] = true; } if (!isset($fields[0]) || $fields[0] != '@all') { $newPerson = array(); $newPerson['isOwner'] = isset($person['isOwner']) ? $person['isOwner'] : false; $newPerson['isViewer'] = isset($person['isViewer']) ? $person['isViewer'] : false; $newPerson['name'] = $person['name']; $newPerson['displayName'] = $person['displayName']; foreach ($fields as $field => $present) { $present = strtolower($present); if (isset($person[$present]) && ! isset($newPerson[$present])) { $newPerson[$present] = $person[$present]; } } $person = $newPerson; } $people[$id] = $person; } } if ($sortOrder == 'name') { usort($people, array($this, 'comparator')); } try { $people = $this->filterResults($people, $options); } catch(Exception $e) { $people['filtered'] = 'false'; } //TODO: The samplecontainer doesn't support any filters yet. We should fix this. $totalSize = count($people); $collection = new RestfulCollection($people, $options->getStartIndex(), $totalSize); $collection->setItemsPerPage($options->getCount()); return $collection; } private function filterResults($peopleById, $options) { if (! $options->getFilterBy()) { return $peopleById; // no filtering specified } $filterBy = $options->getFilterBy(); $op = $options->getFilterOperation(); if (! $op) { $op = CollectionOptions::FILTER_OP_EQUALS; // use this container-specific default } $value = $options->getFilterValue(); $filteredResults = array(); $numFilteredResults = 0; foreach ($peopleById as $id => $person) { if ($this->passesFilter($person, $filterBy, $op, $value)) { $filteredResults[$id] = $person; $numFilteredResults ++; } } return $filteredResults; } private function passesFilter($person, $filterBy, $op, $value) { $fieldValue = $person[$filterBy]; if (! $fieldValue || (is_array($fieldValue) && ! count($fieldValue))) { return false; // person is missing the field being filtered for } if ($op == CollectionOptions::FILTER_OP_PRESENT) { return true; // person has a non-empty value for the requested field } if (!$value) { return false; // can't do an equals/startswith/contains filter on an empty filter value } // grab string value for comparison if (is_array($fieldValue)) { // plural fields match if any instance of that field matches foreach ($fieldValue as $field) { if ($this->passesStringFilter($field, $op, $value)) { return true; } } } else { return $this->passesStringFilter($fieldValue, $op, $value); } return false; } public function getPersonData($userId, GroupId $groupId, $appId, $fields, SecurityToken $token) { if (! isset($fields[0])) { $fields[0] = '@all'; } $db = $this->getDb(); $allData = $this->getAllData(); $friendsTable = $db[self::$FRIEND_LINK_TABLE]; $data = array(); $ids = $this->getIdSet($userId, $groupId, $token); foreach ($ids as $id) { if (isset($allData[$id])) { $allPersonData = $allData[$id]; $personData = array(); foreach (array_keys($allPersonData) as $key) { if (in_array($key, $fields) || in_array("@all", $fields)) { $personData[$key] = $allPersonData[$key]; } } $data[$id] = $personData; } } return new DataCollection($data); } public function updatePersonData(UserId $userId, GroupId $groupId, $appId, $fields, $values, SecurityToken $token) { $db = $this->getDb(); foreach ($fields as $key => $present) { if (! $this->isValidKey($present)) { throw new SocialSpiException("The person app data key had invalid characters", ResponseError::$BAD_REQUEST); } } $allData = $this->getAllData(); $person = $allData[$userId->getUserId($token)]; switch ($groupId->getType()) { case 'self': foreach ($fields as $key => $present) { $value = isset($values[$present]) ? @$values[$present] : null; $person[$present] = $value; } break; default: throw new SocialSpiException("We don't support updating data in batches yet", ResponseError::$NOT_IMPLEMENTED); break; } $allData[$userId->getUserId($token)] = $person; $db[self::$DATA_TABLE] = $allData; $this->saveDb($db); return null; } public function deletePersonData($userId, GroupId $groupId, $appId, $fields, SecurityToken $token) { $db = $this->getDb(); $allData = $this->getAllData(); if ($fields == null || $fields[0] == '*') { $allData[$userId->getUserId($token)] = null; $db[self::$DATA_TABLE] = $allData; $this->saveDb($db); return null; } foreach ($fields as $key => $present) { if (! $this->isValidKey($key)) { throw new SocialSpiException("The person app data key had invalid characters", ResponseError::$BAD_REQUEST); } } switch ($groupId->getType()) { case 'self': foreach ($fields as $key => $present) { $value = isset($values[$key]) ? null : @$values[$key]; $person[$key] = $value; } $allData[$userId->getUserId($token)] = $person; $db[self::$DATA_TABLE] = $allData; $this->saveDb($db); break; default: throw new SocialSpiException("We don't support updating data in batches yet", ResponseError::$NOT_IMPLEMENTED); break; } return null; } public function getActivity($userId, $groupId, $appdId, $fields, $activityId, SecurityToken $token) { $activities = $this->getActivities($userId, $groupId, $appdId, null, null, null, null, $fields, array($activityId), $token); if ($activities instanceof RestfulCollection) { $activities = $activities->getEntry(); foreach ($activities as $activity) { if ($activity->getId() == $activityId) { return $activity; } } } throw new SocialSpiException("Activity not found", ResponseError::$NOT_FOUND); } public function getActivities($userIds, $groupId, $appId, $sortBy, $filterBy, $filterOp, $filterValue, $startIndex, $count, $fields, $activityIds, $token) { $db = $this->getDb(); $friendsTable = $db[self::$FRIEND_LINK_TABLE]; $ids = array(); $ids = $this->getIdSet($userIds, $groupId, $token); $allActivities = $this->getAllActivities(); $activities = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { if (isset($allActivities[$id])) { $personsActivities = $allActivities[$id]; $activities = array_merge($activities, $personsActivities); if ($fields) { $newPersonsActivities = array(); foreach ($personsActivities as $activity) { $newActivity = array(); foreach ($fields as $field => $present) { $newActivity[$present] = $activity[$present]; } $newPersonsActivities[] = $newActivity; } $personsActivities = $newPersonsActivities; $activities = $personsActivities; } if ($filterBy && $filterValue) { $newActivities = array(); foreach ($activities as $activity) { if (array_key_exists($filterBy, $activity)) { if ($this->passesStringFilter($activity[$filterBy], $filterOp, $filterValue)) { $newActivities[] = $activity; } } else { throw new SocialSpiException("Invalid filterby parameter", ResponseError::$NOT_FOUND); } } $activities = $newActivities; } } } $totalResults = count($activities); if (! $totalResults) { throw new SocialSpiException("Activity not found", ResponseError::$NOT_FOUND); } $activities = array_slice($activities, $startIndex, $count); $ret = new RestfulCollection($activities, $startIndex, $totalResults); $ret->setItemsPerPage($count); return $ret; } /* * * to check the activity against filter * */ private function passesStringFilter($fieldValue, $filterOp, $filterValue) { switch ($filterOp) { case CollectionOptions::FILTER_OP_EQUALS: return $fieldValue == $filterValue; case CollectionOptions::FILTER_OP_CONTAINS: return strpos($fieldValue, $filterValue) !== false; case CollectionOptions::FILTER_OP_STARTSWITH: return strpos($fieldValue, $filterValue) === 0; default: throw new Exception('unrecognized filterOp'); } } public function createActivity($userId, $groupId, $appId, $fields, $activity, SecurityToken $token) { $db = $this->getDb(); $activitiesTable = $this->getAllActivities(); $activity['appId'] = $token->getAppId(); try { array_push($activitiesTable[$userId->getUserId($token)], $activity); $db[self::$ACTIVITIES_TABLE] = $activitiesTable; $this->saveDb($db); // Should this return something to show success? } catch (Exception $e) { throw new SocialSpiException("Activity can't be created: " . $e->getMessage(), ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR); } } public function deleteActivities($userId, $groupId, $appId, $activityIds, SecurityToken $token) { throw new SocialSpiException("Not implemented", ResponseError::$NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } public function createMessage($userId, $appId, $message, $optionalMessageId, SecurityToken $token) { throw new SocialSpiException("Not implemented", ResponseError::$NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } /** * Determines whether the input is a valid key. * * @param key the key to validate. * @return true if the key is a valid appdata key, false otherwise. */ public static function isValidKey($key) { if (empty($key)) { return false; } for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($key); ++ $i) { $c = substr($key, $i, 1); if (($c >= 'a' && $c <= 'z') || ($c >= 'A' && $c <= 'Z') || ($c >= '0' && $c <= '9') || ($c == '-') || ($c == '_') || ($c == '.')) { continue; } return false; } return true; } private function comparator($person, $person1) { $name = $person['name']['unstructured']; $name1 = $person1['name']['unstructured']; if ($name == $name1) { return 0; } return ($name < $name1) ? - 1 : 1; } /** * Get the set of user id's from a user or collection of users, and group * Code taken from */ private function getIdSet($user, GroupId $group, SecurityToken $token) { $ids = array(); $db = $this->getDb(); $friendsTable = $db[self::$FRIEND_LINK_TABLE]; if ($user instanceof UserId) { $userId = $user->getUserId($token); if ($group == null) { return array($userId); } switch ($group->getType()) { case 'self': $ids[] = $userId; break; case 'all': case 'friends': if (is_array($friendsTable) && count($friendsTable) && isset($friendsTable[$userId])) { $ids = $friendsTable[$userId]; } break; default: return new ResponseItem(NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "We don't support fetching data in batches yet", null); break; } } elseif (is_array($user)) { $ids = array(); foreach ($user as $id) { $ids = array_merge($ids, $this->getIdSet($id, $group, $token)); } } return $ids; } }