Installing and Running The PHP Shindig Gadget Server with lighttpd ============================================ Prequisites before building Shindig for PHP ============================================ In order to build and run Shindig for PHP, you must have the following: - A Subversion client installed in order to checkout the code. Instructions for downloading and installing Subversion can be found here: - lighttpd with mod_rewrite enabled. - PHP 5.2.x(cgi/fastcgi) with the json, simplexml, mcrypt and curl extentions enabled. Getting the code ============================================ Create a directory, e.g. /var/www/html/shindig and checkout the Shindig code from its Subversion repository mkdir /var/www/html/shindig cd /var/www/html/shindig svn co . Running Shindig ============================================ To run the code, you have several options: a. Create a new virtual host (recommended) Shindig relies on all requests being redirected to the index.php script. In order to do that with lighttpd you need to use the "url.rewrite-once" directive in the configuration files. Point your lighttpd at the code by adding this to your lighttpd.conf: $HTTP["host"] == "shindig" { ... other normal settings for virtual hosts... server.document-root = "$YOURPATHHERE/shindig/php/" = "shindig" url.rewrite-once = ( "^[^?]*(\??)(.*)$" => "index.php$1$2" ) } (Replace "shindig" and "$YOURPATHHERE" as required) Restart lighttpd and make sure that you can resolve the new sub-host (e.g. by adding it to your local hosts file). Point your browser at: http://shindig/gadgets/ifr?url= (replace shindig with the name of your virtual host) you should see something like this: b. Run with an existing host If you cannot/don't want to create a virtual host, check out the Shindig code into a subdirectory of your document root and add this to your lighttpd configuration file: url.rewrite-once = ( "^shindig/[^?]*(\??)(.*)$" => "shindig/php/index.php$1$2" ) Restart lighttpd to apply the changes. You also need to edit the file php/config.php and change the web_prefix setting to '/shindig'. Point your browser at: http://localhost/shindig/gadgets/ifr?url= (replace localhost with the name of your host) you should see something like this: