Documentation Centre for the Apache Shindig's Features

This documentation centre is for developer who wants to use the Apache Shindig's features.

Apache Shindig Features

Apache Shindig 1.1.x supports several features.

Feature Description
analytics/feature.xml Google Analytics
auth-refresh/feature.xml To refresh the gadget security token
caja/feature.xml Caja support
core/feature.xml Core feature Core IO feature to provide remote content retrieval facilities.
dynamic-height/feature.xml To augment gadgets.window with functionality to change the height of a gadget dynamically.
flash/feature.xml To embed Flash content into gadgets.
locked-domain/feature.xml Locked domain.
minimessage/feature.xml To create small dismissible messages in gadgets.
oauthpopup/feature.xml To assist with management of the OAuth popup window.
opensocial-0.6/feature.xml Opensocial-0.6.
opensocial-0.7/feature.xml Opensocial-0.7.
opensocial-0.8/feature.xml Opensocial-0.8.
opensocial-base/feature.xml Opensocial base.
opensocial-current/feature.xml Opensocial current.
opensocial-data/feature.xml Opensocial data.
opensocial-data-context/feature.xml Opensocial data-context.
opensocial-jsonrpc/feature.xml Opensocial jsonrpc.
opensocial-reference/feature.xml Opensocial reference.
opensocial-rest/feature.xml Opensocial rest.
opensocial-templates/feature.xml Opensocial templates.
osapi/feature.xml Opensocial API.
pubsub/feature.xml Gadget-side PubSub library for gadget-to-gadget communication.
rpc/feature.xml RPC support.
setprefs/feature.xml To augment gadgets.Prefs with functionality to store prefs dynamically.
settitle/feature.xml To augment gadets.window with functionality to set the title of a gadget dynamically.
skins/feature.xml Provide operations for getting display information about the currently shown skin.
tabs/feature.xml Tab suuport.
views/feature.xml Gadgets.views API spec
xmlutil/feature.xml Provide xml utilities.

Using Features

To use an above feature in your gadget, you need to specify the feature as <require/> in <ModulePrefs/> and defining some Javascript codes to use it. Refer to the JavascriptDoc for 1.1.x to write your own Javascript.

For example, if you plan to use the tabs/feature.xml, your gadget will look like the following:

  <ModulePrefs title="TabExample" description="Tabs Example">
    <Require feature="tabs"></Require>
  <Content type="html">
    <script type="text/javascript">
      function onLoad(){ 
        var tabset=new gadgets.TabSet();



    <div id="tab1">
      Contents go to Tab1

    <div id="tab2">
      Contents go to Tab2

You could test your code using the Gadget testing container at: http://localhost:8080/gadgets/files/samplecontainer/samplecontainer.html

Tab Example

Create Your Own Feature

TODO, see How to Contribute page