time; } public function sleep($second) { $this->time += $second; } } /** * CacheMemcache test case. */ class CacheMemcacheTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @var Cache */ private $cache; /** * @var MockRequestTime */ private $time; /** * Prepares the environment before running a test. */ protected function setUp() { if (!extension_loaded('memcache')) { $message = 'memcache requires the memcache extention'; $this->markTestSkipped($message); } parent::setUp(); $this->time = new MockRequestTimeMc(); try { $this->cache = Cache::createCache('apache\shindig\common\sample\CacheStorageMemcache', 'TestCache', $this->time); } catch (\Exception $e) { $message = 'memcache server can not connect'; $this->markTestSkipped($message); } if (! is_resource($this->cache)) { $message = 'memcache server can not connect'; $this->markTestSkipped($message); } } /** * Cleans up the environment after running a test. */ protected function tearDown() { $this->cache = null; $this->time = null; parent::tearDown(); } /** * Tests cache->delete() */ public function testDelete() { $this->cache->set("test", "testing"); $this->assertTrue(false != $this->cache->get("test")); $this->cache->delete("test"); $this->assertFalse($this->cache->get("test")); } /** * Tests cache->delete() */ public function testDeleteException() { $this->setExpectedException("CacheException"); $this->cache->delete("test"); } /** * Tests cache->get() */ public function testGet() { $this->cache->set("test", "testing"); $this->assertEquals("testing", $this->cache->get("test")); $this->cache->delete("test"); } /** * Tests cache->get() */ public function testExpiredGet() { $this->cache->set("test", "testing", 1); $this->time->sleep(100); $this->assertFalse($this->cache->get("test")); $expected = array("found" => true, "ttl" => 1, "valid" => true, "data" => "testing"); $output = $this->cache->expiredGet("test"); $expected["time"] = $output["time"]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $output); $this->cache->delete("test"); } /** * Tests cache->set() */ public function testSet() { $this->cache->set("test", "testing"); $this->assertEquals("testing", $this->cache->get("test")); $expected = array("found" => true, "valid" => true, "data" => "testing"); $output = $this->cache->expiredGet("test"); $expected["time"] = $output["time"]; $expected["ttl"] = $output["ttl"]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $output); $this->cache->delete("test"); } /** * Tests cache->invalidate() */ public function testInvalidation() { $this->cache->set("test", "testing"); $this->cache->invalidate("test"); $this->assertEquals(false, $this->cache->get("test")); $expected = array("found" => true, "valid" => false, "data" => "testing"); $output = $this->cache->expiredGet("test"); $expected["time"] = $output["time"]; $expected["ttl"] = $output["ttl"]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $output); } }