# ============================================================================== # README.txt for the Shale Blank Starter Application # ============================================================================== Welcome to the Shale Blank Starter Application! These artifacts are provided for two major reasons: * Provide a very simple example of a minimal application using Shale. * For developers using Ant to build their projects, provide a complete "starter kit" project directory structure, without requiring you to hand configure the entire environment. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Components of the Shale Blank Starter Application # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To download a runnable version of this application, which can be simply dropped into a servlet container, download a file named "shale-blank-YYMMDD.war" from the nightly builds directory: http://people.apache.org/builds/shale/ The source code for this application is the Starter Kit artifact described in the next section. To run the application, most servlet containers provide a directory into which you can simply drop a WAR file, and it will automatically execute. For Tomcat, this is $CATALINA_HOME/webapps. The application consists of a single JSP page (welcome.jsp) which uses several components to retrieve localized message strings from a resource bundle included in the application, plus a component that is bound to the "timestamp" property of the corresponding backing bean. The backing bean class (WelcomeBean) implements ViewController (indirectly, by virtue of the fact that it extends AbstractViewController). The prerender() method is called immediately before the corresponding page is rendered, so we insert logic here to go retrieve the current date/time value that will be displayed by the component. The source code for the application (found in the Starter Kit) also includes other artifacts useful in understanding Shale based applications: - Basic configuration resources (web.xml and faces-config.xml) with comments describing customizations you would typically make. - A simple example of a unit test for a ViewController bean, used to perform out-of-container unit testing of the backing beans. These tests leverage the facilities of the Shale Test Framework. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Using the Shale Blank Starter Application As A Starter Kit # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To use the Shale Blank Starter Application as a starter kit, follow these steps: * Download a file named "shale-blank-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz" or "shale-blank-YYYYMMDD.zip" into the parent directory of where you want to create your new project. You can find this at the Shale nightly distribution site: http://people.apache.org/builds/shale/ * Untar or unzip the downloaded file to create the standard Shale Blank directory structure. * Rename the top level directory (shale-blank-YYYYMMDD) to the desired name for your project's top level directory, and change your current working directory into the project's top level directory. * In a text viewing application, open the "default.properties" file in the top level directory to review the property settings that you may configure without having to modify the build.xml script at all. * In a text editing application, create a new build.properties file (in the same directory as the default.properties file) to contain overrides for the properties you need to change. At a minimum, you will generally need to create custom values for the following properties: - All of the "Project Description Information" properties (project.copyright through project.version). - webapp.state.saving - The desired setting for JavaServer Faces component state saving (client or server). - lib.dir - Fully qualified pathname of a directory containing all of the library dependencies (other than a Shale distribution) that you will want to include in the web application's /WEB-INF/lib directory. It is acceptable for the JAR files in this directory to be nested inside other directories. One convenient mechanism to acquire such a set of libraries is to download a "shale-dependencies-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz" or "shale-dependencies-YYYYMMDD.zip" file from the nightly build distribution site mentioned above. - ext.dir - (Optional) Fully qualified pathname of a directory containing JAR files for dependencies that you wish to have present on the compile time classpath, but should *not* be included in the /WEB-INF/lib directory (presumably because they will be provided by the container you are running on already). It is acceptable for the JAR files in this directory to be nested inside other directories. - shale.dir - Fully qualified pathname of a directory containing the Shale binary distribution. - All of the (Optional) Tomcat Integration properties, *if* you plan on using the corresponding targets to install, reload, and remove your web application from a running instance of Tomcat (5.0 or later). * If necessary, you can customize the behavior of the build.xml script itself. This will not be needed for most simple applications, however. * Next, customize the configuration files for your application as necessary. - src/web/WEB-INF/web.xml - IF you are going to use the optional Spring Framework, integration features, uncomment the context initialization parameter and listener entries used to configure it. You will need to create a "src/web/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml" configuration for the beans to be loaded by Spring (or, use a different name if you change the value of the configuration parameter). - src/web/WEB-INF/web.xml - Change the mapping for the JavaServer Faces servlet if you prefer something other than the default (".faces). Changing this value will also require you to change the path in "src/web/index.jsp". - src/web/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml - Define the localization properties for the default and supported locales, and (optionally) declaring a resource bundle used to look up replacements for the standard messages. The easiest way to accomplish this is to uncomment the existing example entries, making any required changes. - src/web/WEB-INF/dialog-config.xml - If you are using the Shale Dialogs feature, you will define your dialogs here. Use the commented-out example as a guide to the required information, or see the web site documentation for more details: http://shale.apache.org/features-dialog-manager.html http://shale.apache.org/shale-core/apidocs/org/apache/shale/dialog/package-summary.html - src/web/WEB-INF/chain-config.xml - If you are using the advanced features of Shale to configure the Shale Application Controller Filter, you will create command chains here. - src/web/index.jsp - Adjust the path of the entry to point at your actual starting page. Be sure you use a URL that includes the mapping value for the JavaServer Faces controller servlet. * Now, you are ready to add a new page and its corresponding backing bean to the application. This generally involves the following steps: - src/web/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml - Add a new section of configuration information for the new page. - src/web/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml - Add a element describing the backing bean for your new view. If you are using the View Controller feature, be sure that the name you assign this bean corresponds to the mapping requirements described in the documentation: http://shale.apache.org/features-view-controller.html Unless you have a *really* good reason to do otherwise, view controller managed beans should be placed into request scope. - Add a corresponding Java class in the "src/java" directory, creating new package subdirectories as needed. If you are using the view controller capability, you will find it easiest to extend the convenience base class that Shale provides ("org.apache.shale.view.AbstractViewController"). - (Optional, but highly recommended) add a unit test class, into the "src/test" directory. The package name should be the same as the package containing the backing bean itself, and the class name should be the same as the simple class name of the backing bean itself, suffixed with "TestCase" (this enables the build.xml script to locate and execute all unit tests when you execute the "test" target). You will generally find it easiest to extend one of the base test classes provided by Shale's Test Framework (AbstractJsfTestCase or AbstractViewControllerTestCase) because they will set up all of the relevant container mock objects for you. For more information on using the test framework to create unit tests, see: http://shale.apache.org/features-test-framework.html * After you have created one or more of your own pages, you will likely want to remove the demo page (welcome.jsp), and corresponding Java classes (WelcomeBean and WelcomeBeanTestCase). * The supplied build.xml script includes optional integration with a running instance of Tomcat 5.0 or later. This capability utilizes custom Ant tasks provided by Tomcat to dynamically install, remove, or reload a web application currenty being developed, without having to restart Tomcat itself every time. Using this feature supports a very rapid turnaround cycle, with steps like this: (1) Start up Tomcat if it is not already running. (2) Execute the "install" target once, to install the application (if it is not already present). This target will automatically recompile anything that has been changed. (3) Test your web application in a browser, and note a change that needs to be made. (4) Make the necessary changes in your favorite IDE environment, on the files in the "src" directory hierarchy of your project. (5) Execute the "reload" target to recompile (if necessary) and redeploy the application. (6) Return to step (3) for the next incremental change, or proceed to Step (7) if you are done for now. (7) Optionally, execute the "remove" target to undeploy the application from Tomcat. (8) Optionally, shut down Tomcat if you are through with it.