--- title: ServiceMix 4.4.2 --- name:notes pipeline:conf h2. OSGi components list OSGi/JBI components included in this release: This release packages the following dependencies: * Version 1.5.0 of [ServiceMix NMR|http://servicemix.apache.org/SMX4NMR/index.html] * Version [2011.02|/downloads/subprojects/servicemix-components-2011.02.html] of the JBI components * Version [1.5.0|/downloads/subprojects/servicemix-utils-1.5.0.html] of ServiceMix Utils * Version 2.2.4 of [Apache Karaf|http://karaf.apache.org/] * Version [5.5.1|http://activemq.apache.org/activemq-551-release.html] of [ActiveMQ|http://activemq.apache.org] * Version 2.8.5 of [Camel|http://camel.apache.org] * Version 2.4.6 of [CXF|http://cxf.apache.org] You can use it together with * Version 4.5 of the Maven plugins * Version 2011.02 of the archetypes h2. Release notes h3. Improvement * [SMX4-1120|http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SMX4-1120] - remove some uncessary features h3. Task * [SMX4-1109|http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SMX4-1109] - upgrade to wss4j 1.6.5 and xmlsec 1.5.1 * [SMX4-1143|http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SMX4-1143] - Upgrade to Camel 2.8.5 h3. Wish * [SMX4-944|http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SMX4-944] - Provide a SMX test jar h2. SVN Tag Checkout {code} svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/servicemix/smx4/features/tags/features-4.4.2/ {code} h2. Changelog For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the [changelog|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SMX4/fixforversion/12321271] --- name:content pipeline:ssp <%@ val notes : String %>

Downloads : Apache ServiceMix 4.4.2

<% render("/downloads/_servicemix4.scaml", Map("version" -> "4.4.2", "archive" -> true)) %> <%= unescape(notes) %>