--- title: ServiceMix 4.2.0 --- name:notes pipeline:conf h2. Components list JBI components included in this release: * Version [2010.01|servicemix-bean 2010.01] of [servicemix-bean] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-camel 2010.01] of [servicemix-camel] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-cxf-bc 2010.01] of [servicemix-cxf-bc] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-cxf-se 2010.01] of [servicemix-cxf-se] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-drools 2010.01] of [servicemix-drools] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-eip 2010.01] of [servicemix-eip] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-file 2010.01] of [servicemix-file] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-ftp 2010.01] of [servicemix-ftp] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-http 2010.01] of [servicemix-http] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-jms 2010.01] of [servicemix-jms] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-mail 2010.01] of [servicemix-mail] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-osworkflow 2010.01] of [servicemix-osworkflow] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-quartz 2010.01] of [servicemix-quartz] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-saxon 2010.01] of [servicemix-saxon] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-scripting 2010.01] of [servicemix-scripting] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-shared 2010.01] of the standard ServiceMix shared library * Version [2010.01|servicemix-smpp 2010.01] of [servicemix-smpp] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-snmp 2010.01] of [servicemix-snmp] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-validation 2010.01] of [servicemix-validation] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-vfs 2010.01] of [servicemix-vfs] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-wsn2005 2010.01] of [servicemix-wsn2005] This release packages the following dependencies: * Version 1.2.0 of [ServiceMix NMR|http://servicemix.apache.org/SMX4NMR/index.html] * Version 1.2.1 of ServiceMix Utils * Version 1.4.0 of [Apache Felix Karaf|http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-karaf.html] * Version [5.3.0|http://activemq.apache.org/activemq-530-release.html] of [ActiveMQ|http://activemq.apache.org] You can use it together with * Version 4.3 of the Maven plugins * Version 2010.01 of the archetypes h2. Release notes Release Notes - ServiceMix 4 - Version 4.2.0 ** Sub-task * [SMX4-220] - Extend the help command to display usefull help for all commands available * [SMX4-221] - The option --help on commands doesn't display good enough help ** Bug * [SMX4-51] - Loan broker bpel demo fails in smx4 * [SMX4-93] - servicemix binary throws error on startup * [SMX4-206] - Apache ServiceMix 4 binary assembly zip file is not valid * [SMX4-246] - Avoid duplication of config files for NMR and Features assembly build * [SMX4-258] - add wss4j and xmlsec bundle in cxf feature * [SMX4-260] - fix groovy.xml for simple example * [SMX4-264] - Upgrade Features to Spring DM 1.2.0-rc1 * [SMX4-270] - Features build fails on Hudson when building the assembly * [SMX4-274] - servicemix-osgi-cxf-code-first-archetype no longer works..... * [SMX4-275] - Upgrading jaxrs api from 0.8 to 1.0 * [SMX4-278] - cxf-transport-osgi: OsgiServlet fails to set Message.REQUEST_URI property, resulting in NPE in JAXRSInInterceptor * [SMX4-283] - there's no README for the cxf-jaxrs example in the kit * [SMX4-287] - can't build bridge-camel example if not build bridge example first * [SMX4-298] - servicemix-scripting feature can't start alone * [SMX4-302] - CXF feature doesn't include the saaj-impl bundle * [SMX4-303] - *.jks shouldn't be changed when generated src kit * [SMX4-304] - Hudson does not deploy artifacts for SMX4 features/assembly * [SMX4-305] - SMX 4 development builds have two files with ${} names not replaced * [SMX4-307] - servicemix-client fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/sshd/client/future/ConnectFuture * [SMX4-308] - Update examples to co-ordinate with OSGI HTTP Service default port to now be 8181 * [SMX4-309] - Problem in ActiveMQ command documentation and/or implementation * [SMX4-310] - JAX-WS consumer can not access the JAX-WS service deployed into the nmr * [SMX4-311] - Problems using CXF http-centric client api in ServiceMix JBI component * [SMX4-312] - gshell failed when invoking osgi/list command * [SMX4-317] - camel features doen't includes right version of bundles which are shipped with Servicemix * [SMX4-320] - port used in examples should be changed from 8080 to 8181 * [SMX4-322] - Copying zip file to deploy directory on Windows causes error from java.util.zip.ZipFile file in use by another process * [SMX4-323] - ant tasks do not work from install (taskdef.properties incorrect) * [SMX4-326] - Hot-deployed CXF bundles do no start after restarting servicemix * [SMX4-338] - FUSE ESB 4 Failover does not work with PostgreSQL and Oracle * [SMX4-340] - servicemix xmlsec(1.4.2 & 1.4.3) bundle should use optional import * [SMX4-345] - feature name for cxf-wsdl-first-osgi-package example should be examples-cxf-wsdl-first-osgi-package * [SMX4-357] - xmlbeans bundle should import ant optionally * [SMX4-362] - Missined commons-vfs bundle dependency in features/assembly/pom * [SMX4-363] - Unable to create a camel-jpa route inside Servicemix * [SMX4-364] - nmr/examples not getting picked up in generated zip/gz * [SMX4-365] - Some remaining references to servicemix.base (vs. karaf.base) * [SMX4-370] - add a startup.properties for features kit * [SMX4-371] - porting camel example working with karaf and camel 2.0 * [SMX4-372] - porting bridge-camel example working with karaf and camel 2.0 * [SMX4-373] - porting simple example working with karaf and camel 2.0 * [SMX4-374] - add system.properties for features kit * [SMX4-375] - strange output of console * [SMX4-376] - restart karaf container in servicemix kit will hang * [SMX4-377] - Replace our own camel features descriptor with the one provided by Camel itself * [SMX4-378] - Updates to the servicemix example readmes: Maven version and port no updates * [SMX4-380] - Zip distro for features includes the wrong etc/org.apache.felix.karaf.features.cfg files * [SMX4-381] - update maven-bundle-plugin version to 2.0.0 * [SMX4-383] - cluster demo can't work in current Servicemix kit * [SMX4-385] - NMRConduitTest compilation failure on JDK 6 * [SMX4-386] - unix kit is missing the start/stop scripts * [SMX4-387] - The start scripts call bin/karaf rather than bin/servicemix * [SMX4-388] - Update the bundle to export the version number * [SMX4-389] - Features repository url not available during startup * [SMX4-392] - Default JMX connector path used by JBI ant tasks has been superceeded by Karaf switch-over * [SMX4-393] - XMLSec bundle has bad imports * [SMX4-395] - update org.apache.servicemix.management.cfg with new jmx url/user/password with karaf * [SMX4-396] - Problems using JbossMessaging JMS provider (jndi problem) * [SMX4-397] - help content for activemq command isn't correct * [SMX4-398] - openjpa bundle should import the transaction package without optional flag * [SMX4-399] - Assembly build failures from mismatch of versions in features.xml * [SMX4-403] - Failed to parse a schema during ServiceMix 4 / Fuse ESB build * [SMX4-404] - Updates to ServiceMix example readmes * [SMX4-406] - Groovy bundle fails to build * [SMX4-407] - java.io.FileNotFoundException: etc/activemq-broker.xml when start servicemix not from $SMX_HOME * [SMX4-413] - some port specified in cxf-jaxrs demo isn't correct * [SMX4-414] - shouldn't ship loan-broker-bpel example in smx4 kit * [SMX4-415] - need add josql bundle to activemq feature * [SMX4-416] - Bridge example fails after restart * [SMX4-420] - In-only consumers break Camel routes containing in-out parts * [SMX4-421] - JBI Maven plugin can not build SA if several Camel SUs are included * [SMX4-422] - CamelCXF Producer does not work if deployed inside JBI SU * [SMX4-426] - Redundancy in bundles/versions for PAX-WEB between feature file of ServiceMix 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT and Karaf 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT * [SMX4-437] - Update loan-broker-bpel example to use ode-1.3.4 feature * [SMX4-440] - servicemix-osgi-cxf-wsdl-first-archetype and servicemix-osgi-cxf-code-first-archetype doesn't work anymore * [SMX4-442] - Inconsisten Jetty versions between SMX4.1-SNAPSHOT and Camel 2.1-SNAPSHOT breaks CXF * [SMX4-443] - CXF JAX-RS feature lists a duplicate JAX-RS 1.0 specs bundle dependency * [SMX4-451] - camel-osgi demo fails with org.apache.camel.FailedToStartRouteException (Multiple consumers for the same endpoint) * [SMX4-453] - servicemix.bat doesn't handle server and client parameter properly * [SMX4-461] - Test failures in SMX4 Features' project on AIX * [SMX4-462] - Installing camel-cxf breaks the console * [SMX4-463] - servicemix-osgi-camel-archetype uses obsolete XML schema namespaces for Camel * [SMX4-466] - camel-osgi feature no longer exists in Camel 2.1 * [SMX4-467] - Feature for 'servicemix-http' is incomplete * [SMX4-468] - Unable to start admin:create'd instances with the provided bin/karaf command * [SMX4-473] - WSRMTest fails on AIX * [SMX4-474] - namespace of the message in cxf-camel-nmr example should match the class package * [SMX4-476] - ServiceMix camel-ognl feature don't include all required dependencies * [SMX4-477] - groovy-bundle references to wrong antlr versions * [SMX4-478] - SMX4 assembly contains several files named ..formatted * [SMX4-480] - Files in deploy folder before initial startup are getting deployed before boot features * [SMX4-481] - Not correct file mode in etc directory of the distribution * [SMX4-485] - ServiceMix 4 doesn't use the etc/shell.init.script provided in the distro * [SMX4-491] - Wrap commons-pool 1.4 and 1.5.4 in servicemix bundles * [SMX4-500] - version filter for README.txt of examples doesn't work anymore * [SMX4-501] - miss bundle for activemq feature * [SMX4-502] - stop script doesn't match the default user/pass used by ServiceMix * [SMX4-504] - headers/attachment would lose from camel exchange to nmr exchange * [SMX4-508] - features should be self contained * [SMX4-515] - opensaml bundle should include conf/schemas resource folders * [SMX4-516] - The camel-nmr ServiceMixProducer creates a new Channel per-exchange, also doesn't close it. ** Improvement * [SMX4-203] - Name of the Endpoints / MBeans in JConsole is confusing and useless * [SMX4-219] - The help of the shell commands is wrong or not sufficient and needs improvement * [SMX4-259] - minor revise for examples README * [SMX4-267] - Port bridge sample to use camel instead of eip component * [SMX4-282] - Add the Java DSL example for the example of camel-osgi * [SMX4-284] - add filter to exclude artifacts after running mvn eclipse:eclipse for examples * [SMX4-286] - Restructure and add more description to 'bridge' example * [SMX4-293] - change cxf nmr transport id to match the package path of generated code * [SMX4-316] - add xmlbeans bundle for cxf feature * [SMX4-319] - feature for cxf-ws-addressing miss version attribute * [SMX4-324] - feature kit should reuse the ant related files from nmr kit * [SMX4-325] - Fixed the XMLResolver's IOException of JDK 1.5 in XMLResolver bundle * [SMX4-327] - add cxf-osgi and cxf-nmr features to features-repo * [SMX4-334] - Create top-level examples README that lists with a brief description all the examples, and general info * [SMX4-346] - shouldn't specify release version for xsi:schemaLocation for cxf-wsdl-first-osgi-package example * [SMX4-347] - add opensaml bundle for cxf feature * [SMX4-349] - Restructure and add more description to 'camel-osgi' example * [SMX4-351] - add more package import for cxf-osgi-transport bundle so that it can work with ws-security * [SMX4-352] - Fix the ClassNotFoundException in the xml security bundle * [SMX4-353] - add cxf-ws-security test in examples/itests * [SMX4-354] - OSGi bundles and versioning * [SMX4-356] - Added OpenJPA 1.2.1 bundle * [SMX4-366] - Update rest of SMX4 examples * [SMX4-379] - Redo the branding for ServiceMix * [SMX4-401] - ServiceMix 4 features file must be updated for ActiveMq 5.3.0 * [SMX4-428] - Support direct delegation to Camel routes * [SMX4-446] - Update Feature file of SMX4 to use HTTP feature of karaf and same version of jetty as camel feature file * [SMX4-475] - Add a new bundle for Lucene 3.0.0 (lucene-core) jar in order to support the camel-lucene feature in Camel * [SMX4-479] - Override etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg to generate servicemix.log in place of karaf.log * [SMX4-482] - Default user is karaf/karaf and not smx/smx in the distribution * [SMX4-484] - Create a smack 3.1.0 bundle * [SMX4-494] - Add a new bundle for Lucene 3.0.1 (lucene-core) jar in order to support the latest version of the camel-lucene feature in Camel * [SMX4-496] - add optional package bundle for cxf feature * [SMX4-512] - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.3.1 * [SMX4-514] - Need a Netty bundle in Servicemix 4/Karaf to facilitate installation of the recently added camel-netty component ** New Feature * [SMX4-143] - Create an "servicemix-osgi-restful-service" archetype that shows how to deploy a RESTful CXF web service in SMX4 * [SMX4-268] - add java client for the new added bridge-camel example which is easy for CPI test * [SMX4-279] - Provide cxf-jaxrs feature and associated demo * [SMX4-313] - ruby webservice support * [SMX4-314] - groovy webservice support * [SMX4-315] - javascript webservice support * [SMX4-444] - Add camel-activemq feature * [SMX4-448] - Create bundle for AspectJ * [SMX4-450] - Create a specs bundle for JPA 2.0 * [SMX4-454] - Provide example : camel-loadbalancing-cxf-jax-rs-dao * [SMX4-460] - Add bundle for jstl and standard jars files required for Web project using jsp/taglibs * [SMX4-470] - Create bundle for Dozer * [SMX4-486] - Add an example to show how to use ServiceMix' Transaction support in a Camel route * [SMX4-495] - Added new version (6.1.22) of jetty cometd bundle * [SMX4-499] - Add jsendnsa-core-1.3.1 bundle for camel-nagios * [SMX4-509] - add cxf ws-rm example ** Task * [SMX4-201] - Upgrade to woodstox 4.x as it comes natively as an osgi bundle * [SMX4-257] - Provide a Xalan 2.7.1 bundle * [SMX4-261] - add Velocity 1.6.2 Bundle * [SMX4-271] - flesh out features/examples/cxf-ws-addressing * [SMX4-272] - Upgrade to CXF 2.2 * [SMX4-273] - add opensaml bundle * [SMX4-281] - Improve test coverage :: SMX4 :: cxf-transport-osgi * [SMX4-290] - Improve test coverage :: SMX4 :: cxf-transport-nmr * [SMX4-291] - Improve test coverage :: SMX4 :: cxf-binding-nmr * [SMX4-292] - add example to demostrate how to package JBI endpoint with spring dm osgi bundle * [SMX4-294] - refactor tests to not use port 9000 so that the tests can pass with sonar on same machine * [SMX4-296] - upgrade to cxf 2.2.2 * [SMX4-300] - add cxf-ws-addressing example into the kit * [SMX4-301] - Improve test coverage :: SMX4 :: servicemix-camel * [SMX4-306] - ensure all test pass with IBM jdk * [SMX4-332] - Port SMX4 nmr and features over to karaf * [SMX4-335] - Replace the Geronimo mail bundle with Sun's ri * [SMX4-336] - update cxf version to 2.2.3 * [SMX4-337] - use wss4j bundle jar directly instead of the servicemix wss4j bundle one * [SMX4-339] - Create Javax mail 1.4.1 bundle * [SMX4-341] - use new created xmlsec 1.4.3 bundle in smx4 kit * [SMX4-367] - upgrade the org.apache.servicemix.camel.component to use camel 2.0 * [SMX4-369] - upgrade org.osgi.compendium and org.osgi.core version to 1.4.0 * [SMX4-400] - Upgrade the Features project to depend on CXF 2.2.4 * [SMX4-411] - Remove unused file: org.apache.servicemix.management.cfg * [SMX4-436] - Add a bundle for juel 2.1.2 * [SMX4-438] - Change out-of-the-box etc/activemq-broker.xml to listen on tcp:// instead of tcp://localhost:61616 * [SMX4-464] - add a demo for cxf with ws-security using http-osgi transport * [SMX4-465] - Update Jettison dependency to 1.2 * [SMX4-471] - Upgrade to Camel 2.2.0 * [SMX4-472] - add JPA/Hibernate example in SMX4 * [SMX4-483] - Add explicit statement to top-level NOTICES.txt on relicensing of specs bundles under ASL * [SMX4-488] - Add a bundle for JavaMail 1.4.3 * [SMX4-492] - Upgrade to use JavaMail 1.4.3 * [SMX4-493] - Upgrade to commons-dbcp 1.3 * [SMX4-498] - Added new version (7.0.1.v20091125) of jetty cometd bundle * [SMX4-517] - create a OSGi bundle for jsch 0.1.42 ** Test * [SMX4-269] - remove unnecessary camel endpoint spring definition for SmxToCxfTest * [SMX4-288] - Exclude demo/example modules from Sonar test coverage reports. * [SMX4-368] - fix IntegrationTest wit karaf * [SMX4-409] - examples/itests/test/IntegrationTest failed after upgrade to activemq 5.3 * [SMX4-447] - Failing unit in servicemix-camel component in the features project ** Wish * [SMX4-348] - use XmlSchema 1.4.5 directly as it's already a bundle h2. SVN Tag Checkout {code} svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/servicemix/smx4/features/tags/features-4.2.0/ {code} h2. Changelog For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the [changelog|https://issues.apache.org/activemq/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&pid=11060&fixfor=12083] --- name:content pipeline:ssp <%@ val notes : String %>

Downloads : Apache ServiceMix 4.2.0

<% render("/downloads/_servicemix4.scaml", Map("version" -> "4.2.0", "archive" -> true)) %> <%= unescape(notes) %>