--- title: ServiceMix 3.3.2 --- name:notes pipeline:conf h2. Components list JBI components included in this release: * Version [2010.01|servicemix-bean 2010.01] of [servicemix-bean] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-camel 2010.01] of [servicemix-camel] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-cxf-bc 2010.01] of [servicemix-cxf-bc] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-cxf-se 2010.01] of [servicemix-cxf-se] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-drools 2010.01] of [servicemix-drools] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-eip 2010.01] of [servicemix-eip] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-exec 2010.01] of [servicemix-exec] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-file 2010.01] of [servicemix-file] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-ftp 2010.01] of [servicemix-ftp] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-http 2010.01] of [servicemix-http] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-lwcontainer 2010.01] of [servicemix-lwcontainer] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-jms 2010.01] of [servicemix-jms] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-jsr181 2010.01] of [servicemix-jsr181] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-mail 2010.01] of [servicemix-mail] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-osworkflow 2010.01] of [servicemix-osworkflow] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-quartz 2010.01] of [servicemix-quartz] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-saxon 2010.01] of [servicemix-saxon] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-script 2010.01] of [servicemix-script] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-scripting 2010.01] of [servicemix-scripting] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-shared 2010.01] of the standard ServiceMix shared library * Version [2010.01|servicemix-smpp 2010.01] of [servicemix-smpp] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-snmp 2010.01] of [servicemix-snmp] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-truezip 2010.01] of servicemix-truezip * Version [2010.01|servicemix-validation 2010.01] of [servicemix-validation] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-vfs 2010.01] of [servicemix-vfs] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-wsn2005 2010.01] of [servicemix-wsn2005] * Version [2010.01|servicemix-xmpp 2010.01] of [servicemix-xmpp] This release also includes: * Version 1.2.0 of servicemix-utils * Version [5.3.0|http://activemq.apache.org/activemq-530-release.html] of [ActiveMQ|http://activemq.apache.org] You can use it together with * Version 4.3 of the Maven plugins * Version 2010.01 of the archetypes h2. Release notes Release Notes - ServiceMix - Version 3.3.2 *Bug* * [SM-1875] - Use new snapshot repository location in archetypes * [SM-1887] - should ship only one bcprov version in the kit * [SM-1892] - Port property is not passed to any Servicemix Ant tasks in servicemix-ant-tasks.xml (install-component, etc) * [SM-1914] - ServiceMix fails to start when JAVA is installed under path containing spaces * [SM-1915] - Support more fine-grained authorization on JMX access * [SM-1924] - @{releases-repo-url} not filtered in smx-arch/smx-arch.bat * [SM-1925] - Add security check on remote broker when using JMSFlow/JCAFlow * [SM-1926] - Statistics Service throws NPE with DynamicEndpoints * [SM-1933] - Sample poms refer to people.apache.org instead of repository.apache.org for snapshot * [SM-1935] - samples pom has SNAPSHOT dependency in kit * [SM-1939] - RELEASE-NOTES file is not up to date * [SM-1940] - Schemas folder doesn't contain all components xsd * [SM-1941] - Add servicemix-vfs component in the distribution * [SM-1942] - Scripts in bin folder don't depend of the distribution format * [SM-1947] - Add missing Stax2 API jar file *Improvement* * [SM-1878] - refactor client.html used in cxf-wsdl-first * [SM-1899] - Upgrade to jenck 2.2 * [SM-1903] - Upgrade Apache ActiveMQ 5.3 * [SM-1905] - Upgrade ServiceMix 3 to ActiveMQ 5.3 * [SM-1922] - remove unnecessary kit_camel_example_pom.xml from camel example of kit * [SM-1928] - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.3 * [SM-1929] - Upgrade SMX3 to use CXF 2.2.6 * [SM-1937] - Incorrect logic in throttle method of DeliveryChannelImpl.java * [SM-1944] - Use ServiceMix Components 2010.01 *New Feature* * [SM-788] - start/stop/restart on SM *Task* * [SM-1911] - Upgrade Derby to * [SM-1930] - Upgrade geronimo jars to 2.1.1+ * [SM-1936] - Upgrade to use JavaMail 1.4.3 *Wish* * [SM-1864] - Add a sample showing the usage of servicemix-bean with a database backend h2. SVN Tag Checkout {code} svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/servicemix/smx3/tags/servicemix-3.3.2/ {code} h2. Changelog For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the [changelog|https://issues.apache.org/activemq/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&pid=10950&fixfor=12152&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC] --- name:content pipeline:ssp <%@ val notes : String %>

Downloads : Apache ServiceMix 3.3.2

<% render("/downloads/_servicemix3.scaml", Map("version" -> "3.3.2", "archive" -> true)) %> <%= unescape(notes) %>