--- title: Related Projects --- pipeline:conf h3. Related Projects - [Apache Karaf|http://karaf.apache.org/|OSGi Container] - [Apache ActiveMQ|http://activemq.apache.org/|The most popular and powerful open source Message Bus] - [Apache Camel|http://activemq.apache.org/camel/|POJO based Enterprise Integration Patterns and routing framework] - [Apache CXF|http://cxf.apache.org/|Service Enablement Framework based on SOAP and JAX-WS] - [Activiti|http://activiti.org/|Workflow and BPM Platform] - [Jencks|http://jencks.codehaus.org/|Message Driven POJOs and pooling for JMS and JDBC] - [Stomp|http://stomp.codehaus.org/|Simple cross language protocol for messaging] - [Spring|http://www.springframework.org/|The well know framework] - [Geronimo|http://geronimo.apache.org/|The Apache J2EE server]