Welcome to the ServiceMixBPEL Example ============================================= This example uses shows how to connect the JMS bindings to a BPEL service component provided by the PXE AsyncProcess example - see www.fivesight.com The needed files (JBI component and service assembly) currently have dependencies on non ASL compatible licenses. So you will have to download then with the following command line: ant setup To start the servicemix server using the sample configuration, just run: ../../bin/servicemix servicemix.xml This will start a component which sends a soap message to a JmsServiceComponent which forwards the request to the PXE BPEL engine and waits for a response. A simple JMS client is provided so that messages can sent and received from the JMSService. The client is built and run from source using Ant, http://ant.apache.org. Just execute 'ant' from the current directory to run the JMS client. For more information on this example please see http://incubator.apache.org/servicemix/BPEL+example