Release Notes - ServiceMix 4 - Version specs-1.4.0

* SMX4-329 - jaxb-api bundle should throw JAXBException when contextPath is empty string
* SMX4-358 - JAX-RS 1.1 specification is unable to load implementation classes
* SMX4-384 - Unable to build JAXP 1.3 specification on IBM JDK 1.6
* SMX4-390 - jsr311-api-1.1 specs is missing a factory locator

* SMX4-237 - A stax-api bundle that exports packages with version 1.0.1
* SMX4-355 - Added JavaPersistence1.1.1 API spec

New Feature
* SMX4-318 - Add JSR-311 (JAX-RS) 1.1 specification bundle