Downloads : Apache ServiceMix 6.0.0.M1
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OSGi components list
Components included in this release:
This release packages the following dependencies:
Release notes
* SM-2303 - ActiveMQ web console not installable after upgrade to 5.9.1
* SM-2244 - Uninstall activiti feature results in error
* SM-2256 - Unable to shutdown container when JMS appender is configured
* SM-2267 - Provide working configuration for activemq-web-console
* SM-2269 - ActiveMQ quick start doesn't work due to the missing activemq component
* SM-2271 - Can't install hibernate-envers in SMX5
* SM-2277 - activiti-camel thrown ActivitiException when put document in delivery folder
* SM-2279 - The jndi feature can not be installed
* SM-2280 - Activiti test case fails after upgrade to 5.15.1
* SM-2282 - Installation of the eventadmin feature fails
* SM-2286 - Intermittent test failure in ActivitiExamplesTest.testActivitiCamelExample
* SM-2304 - activemq:bstat fails with error "Attribute Uptime can not be found"
* SM-2305 - Access to ActiveMQ web console fails
* SM-2309 - Add itest for camel-cxf-rest example
* SM-2317 - activemq:browse no more working
* SM-2318 - Can't install Hibernate 3
* SM-2319 - Connector feature not in sync with transaction
* SM-2322 - !<history-number> executes wrong history entry
* SM-2324 - Use JcaPooledConnectionFactory instead of XaPooledConnectionFactory
* SM-2326 - Route deployed in deploy directory using activemq does not start after ServiceMix restart
* SM-2337 - Can't install release bundles from a custom repository
* SM-2346 - Can not resolve feature: camel-avro
* SM-2361 - cxf feature should be present as a boot feature
* SM-2376 - Incorrect javax.annotation version for java7
* SM-2377 - Java8 packages related to JavaFX are missing
* SM-2396 - CXF WSN sample installation fails
* SM-2422 - Multiple JMS connection factories found for amq-broker
* SM-2293 - Enable optional imports OBR resolution
* SM-2298 - Add a CXF SOAP with Camel example
* SM-2299 - Add itest for cxf-wsn example
* SM-2327 - Improve camel-cxf-rest example
* SM-2341 - Improve WS-Security demos
* SM-2388 - Add "update-strategy" to camel-blueprint example
New Feature
* SM-2288 - Add drools feature
* SM-2381 - Web Script Console Plugin
* SM-2223 - Incorrect Information on Remote-debugging ServiceMix in Eclipse
* SM-2229 - Upgrade to activiti version 5.15.1
* SM-2245 - Upgrade to Pax Exam 3.5.0
* SM-2270 - Merge ServiceMix archetypes with ServiceMix code base
* SM-2274 - Upgrade to Camel 2.13.0
* SM-2276 - Upgrade to Karaf 3.0.1
* SM-2281 - Upgrade to Karaf 2.3.5
* SM-2283 - Align some versions duplicated after the Activiti upgrade
* SM-2292 - Upgrade to Camel 2.13.1
* SM-2294 - Cleanup nonexisting cxf dependencies from dependency management
* SM-2295 - Change the target/source level in compiler plugin to 1.6
* SM-2296 - Add the boot features to the system repository
* SM-2306 - Update the README file
* SM-2307 - Add itest for camel-cxf-soap example
* SM-2308 - Add itest for camel-drools-blueprint example
* SM-2312 - Remove placeholder configuration from the activemq-camel blueprint
* SM-2313 - Trying to get person with unknown end with error in camel-cxf-soap example
* SM-2314 - Trying to get person with unknown end with error in camel-cxf-rest example
* SM-2315 - activemq:dstat fails after any messagin operation is performed
* SM-2316 - Problems when reinstalling the drools examples
* SM-2321 - Upgrade to Karaf 3.0.2
* SM-2328 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.10.0
* SM-2332 - Remove Alfresco repository from org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg
* SM-2340 - Upgrade to Camel 2.13.2
* SM-2354 - Upgrade to maven-bundle-plugin 2.5.0
* SM-2359 - Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.1.0
* SM-2362 - Require JDK 7 for build
* SM-2367 - Upgrade to Felix BundleRepository 2.0.2
* SM-2368 - Upgrade to Camel 2.14.0 and CXF 3.0.2
* SM-2372 - Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.2.0
* SM-2380 - Create a overview page with servicemix roadmap
* SM-2392 - Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.3.0
* SM-2393 - Upgrade to Activiti 5.16.4
* SM-2398 - Upgrade maven plugins
* SM-2399 - Upgrade to Apache POM 15
* SM-2400 - Upgrade to Felix maven-bundle-plugin 2.5.3
* SM-2402 - Use correct cxf.codegen-plugin version
* SM-2403 - Upgrade to maven-surefire-plugin 2.18
* SM-2409 - Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.4.0
* SM-2411 - Upgrade to Camel 2.14.1
* SM-2421 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.10.1
* SM-2424 - Release Apache ServiceMix 6.0.0.M1
* SM-2255 - Intermittent test failure in StatsTest
SCM tag
Tag servicemix-6.0.0.M1 is available in Git (commit id d65fb6093df416228e020da69d7337be4993f99f)
For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the changelog