Downloads : Apache ServiceMix 3.4.0
Older version of Apache ServiceMix
This download page refers to an older version of Apache ServiceMix. After December 2012, we will only be maintaining and releasing Apache ServiceMix 4.
You can download the latest release
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Dependency versions
This release packages the following dependencies:
You can use it together with
Release notes
SM-1206 - ClientFactory JNDI bind fails in non-standalone ServiceMix installs
SM-1438 - Exceptions while shutting down ServiceMix
SM-1456 - Statistics Service throws NPE on startup.
SM-1521 - Released version of archetype-catalog is corrupt
SM-1823 - JaasAuthenticationService not properly authenticating certificate chains.
SM-1863 - Exceptions for SOAP calls after retrieving WSDL
SM-1887 - should ship only one bcprov version in the kit
SM-1949 - Upgrade stax-api version
SM-1958 - ServiceMix 3 doesn't start correctly due to NoClassDefFoundError on ActiveMQ bean
SM-1972 - Missing javax.annotation causes exceptions on AIX
SM-1995 - Maven tries to download several resources from repository that aren't there.
SM-2025 - ServiceMix fails to start if SU hangs during startup
SM-2026 - ServiceMix does not start some components if some component failed during start
SM-2030 - SMX3 doesn't build
SM-2037 - Cant use servicemix start just after installation
SM-2056 - Upgrade to JAXB 2.2 and include JAXB API in the container lib
SM-2057 - Add JAX-WS in the distribution kit
SM-2066 - Reinclude lightweight component into build
SM-2071 - lots of tests failure in common/servicemix-components
SM-2075 - Basic examples doesn't work
SM-2077 - ServiceMix wsn2005 doesn't start correctly on SMX3
SM-2094 - Duplicate entry for wsnotificationCF
SM-2111 - kit miss spring-jms jar
SM-2117 - Fail to uninstall components after container restart
SM-2119 - Hardcoded parameters are used instead of ones in property files in default configuration
SM-2129 - NullPointerException at org.apache.servicemix.jbi.framework.DeploymentService.start(
SM-2137 - Each call to a servicemix-http endpoint, in apache-servicemix-web deployed on Apache Tomcat, opens a new session.
SM-1573 - Use of useJBIWrapper flag in smx-cxf-bc consumer and smx-http soap-consumer endpoints is inconsistent
SM-1659 - should filter the version for kit_camel_example_pom.xml which is used in kit
SM-1660 - add createDaemonExecutor api for ExecutorFactory
SM-1945 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.3.1
SM-1950 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.3.2
SM-1960 - Upgrade to log4j 1.2.16
SM-1962 - Upgrade ServiceMix 3.3 to use Spring 3
SM-1964 - JMS Flow only uses one connection even with a PooledConnectionFactory
SM-1965 - Prepare the upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.4.0
SM-1966 - Upgrade to Camel 2.4.0
SM-1971 - Upgrade to Spring 3.0.3.RELEASE
SM-1973 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.4.0
SM-1996 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.4.1
SM-1997 - Upgrade to CXF 2.2.10
SM-1998 - Upgrade to Camel 2.5.0
SM-2001 - Make the executors/threadpool viewable as JMX mbeans
SM-2007 - Components should use separate thread pools for consumer and provider endpoints
SM-2019 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.4.2
SM-2024 - Improve message flow logging
SM-2031 - Upgrade to SMX components 2010.02
SM-2032 - Upgrade to slf4j 1.5.8
SM-2035 - Upgrade to Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE
SM-2039 - Upgrade to CXF 2.3.2
SM-2040 - Upgrade to Camel 2.6.0
SM-2041 - Upgrade to ServiceMix Components 2011.01
SM-2043 - SimpleEndpoint fail method error is not logged
SM-2070 - update woodstox stax2-api to 3.0.2
SM-2072 - upgrade to jetty 6.1.26 for smx3
SM-2076 - Avoid usage of jbi:projectDeploy in examples
SM-2095 - Improve compatibility with WebSphere (WAR deployment)
SM-2103 - Fix ServiceMix 3 build to get rid of warnings in Maven 3
SM-2118 - Container is in inconsistent state just after start
SM-2133 - Upgrade to Camel 2.8.3
SM-2139 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.5.1
New Feature
SM-1877 - update wss4j to 1.5.8
SM-1951 - upgrade to cxf 2.2.8
SM-1954 - upgrade to cxf 2.2.9
SM-2048 - Switch to use slf4j as logger (instead of commons-logging)
SM-2055 - Release ServiceMix 3.4
SM-2079 - Upgrade ServiceMix 3 to use JBI maven plugin 4.5
SM-2084 - Upgrade to Camel 2.7.1
SM-2085 - Upgrade to CXF 2.3.3
SM-2086 - Upgrade to ServiceMix Specs 1.8.0
SM-2090 - Upgrade to Camel 2.8.0
SM-2093 - upgrade to cxf 2.4.1
SM-2116 - upgrade to cxf 2.4.2
SM-2120 - Camel log level should be set
SM-2123 - Upgrade to Camel 2.8.1
SM-2128 - upgrade to spring 3.0.6
SM-2130 - upgrade to cxf 2.4.4
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For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the changelog