December 15th, 2010
Status report for the Apache ServiceMix project - December 2010
Project Status
We continue to have an active community with high levels of participation from users on mailing lists, IRC, and issue reporting in Jira.
No issues for the board to consider.
* Voted and accepted Willem Jiang as Comitter
* Voted and accepted Johan Edstrom as Comitter
Community Objectives
We are in the process of releasing ServiceMix 4.3.0 and associated dependencies. Several community members are working on a new documentation site as well as public web site and project logo.
Core Project
* ServiceMix Utils 1.3.0
* ServiceMix Specs 1.6.0
* JBI Maven Plugin 4.4.0
OSGi Bundles (Versions of these libraries with added OSGi metadata)
* ASM 3.1_1
* ASM 3.3_1
* Castor 1.3.1_1
* ehcache 1.6.2_1
* ehcache 2.0.1_1
* ehcache 2.1.1_1
* ehcache 2.2.0_1
* ehcache 2.3.0_1
* Guice 2.0_1
* jasypt 1.7_1
* javassist 3.9.0.GA_1
* javassist 3.11.0.GA_1
* jaxb-impl
* jaxb-xjc
* jaxp-ri 1.4.4_1
* jetty 6.1.26_1
* lucene 3.0.3_1
* mongodb 2.3_1
* mvel 2.0.18_1
* netty 3.2.3.Final_1
* qpid 0.6.0_1
* quartz 1.8.4_1
* quickfix 1.5.0_1
* restlet 1.1.10_1
* rhino 1.7R2_1
* scala-compiler 2.8.1_1
* scala-library 2.8.1_1
* shiro 1.1.0_1
* velocity 1.7_1
* xmlsec 1.4.4_1
* dozer-5.3.0
* drools-5.1.1
* hsqldb-
* hsqldb-
* jain-sip-ri-1.2.154
* jaxb-xjc-2.1.13
* jetty-6.1.25
* jsch-0.1.44
* mybatis-3.0.2