dnl Autoconf file for Serf AC_PREREQ(2.50) AC_INIT(context.c) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(build) sinclude(build/apr_common.m4) sinclude(build/find_apr.m4) sinclude(build/find_apu.m4) AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(/usr/local/serf) dnl Get the layout here, so we can pass the required variables to apr APR_ENABLE_LAYOUT(Serf, []) dnl reparse the configure arguments. APR_PARSE_ARGUMENTS APR_CONFIG_NICE(config.nice) nl=' ' dnl Check that mkdir -p works APR_MKDIR_P_CHECK($top_srcdir/build/mkdir.sh) AC_SUBST(mkdir_p) dnl ## Run configure for packages Apache uses dnl shared library support for these packages doesn't currently dnl work on some platforms AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM orig_prefix="$prefix" echo $ac_n "${nl}Configuring Apache Portable Runtime library...${nl}" APR_FIND_APR("$srcdir/apr", "./apr", 1, [0 1]) if test "$apr_found" = "no"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([APR not found. Please read the documentation.]) fi if test "$apr_found" = "reconfig"; then APR_SUBDIR_CONFIG(apr, [--prefix=$prefix --exec-prefix=$exec_prefix --libdir=$libdir --includedir=$includedir --bindir=$bindir --datadir=$datadir --with-installbuilddir=$installbuilddir], [--enable-layout=*|\'--enable-layout=*]) dnl We must be the first to build and the last to be cleaned SERF_BUILD_SRCLIB_DIRS="apr $SERF_BUILD_SRCLIB_DIRS" SERF_CLEAN_SRCLIB_DIRS="$SERF_CLEAN_SRCLIB_DIRS apr" fi APR_SETIFNULL(CC, `$apr_config --cc`) APR_SETIFNULL(CPP, `$apr_config --cpp`) APR_SETIFNULL(APR_LIBTOOL, `$apr_config --apr-libtool`) APR_ADDTO(CFLAGS, `$apr_config --cflags`) APR_ADDTO(CPPFLAGS, `$apr_config --cppflags`) APR_ADDTO(LDFLAGS, `$apr_config --ldflags`) SHLIBPATH_VAR=`$apr_config --shlib-path-var` APR_BINDIR=`$apr_config --bindir` APR_INCLUDEDIR=`$apr_config --includedir` APR_VERSION=`$apr_config --version` APR_CONFIG="$apr_config" AC_SUBST(APR_LIBTOOL) AC_SUBST(APR_BINDIR) AC_SUBST(APR_INCLUDEDIR) AC_SUBST(APR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(APR_CONFIG) echo $ac_n "${nl}Configuring Apache Portable Runtime Utility library...${nl}" APR_FIND_APU("$srcdir/apr-util", "./apr-util", 1, [0 1]) if test "$apu_found" = "no"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([APR-util not found. Please read the documentation.]) fi # Catch some misconfigurations: case ${apr_found}.${apu_found} in reconfig.yes) AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot use an external APR-util with the bundled APR]) ;; yes.reconfig) AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot use an external APR with the bundled APR-util]) ;; esac if test "$apu_found" = "reconfig"; then APR_SUBDIR_CONFIG(apr-util, [--with-apr=../apr --prefix=$prefix --exec-prefix=$exec_prefix --libdir=$libdir --includedir=$includedir --bindir=$bindir], [--enable-layout=*|\'--enable-layout=*]) dnl We must be the last to build and the first to be cleaned SERF_BUILD_SRCLIB_DIRS="$SERF_BUILD_SRCLIB_DIRS apr-util" SERF_CLEAN_SRCLIB_DIRS="apr-util $SERF_CLEAN_SRCLIB_DIRS" fi APR_ADDTO(LDFLAGS, `$apu_config --ldflags`) APU_BINDIR=`$apu_config --bindir` APU_INCLUDEDIR=`$apu_config --includedir` APU_VERSION=`$apu_config --version` APU_CONFIG="$APU_BINDIR/apu-`echo ${APU_VERSION} | sed 's,\..*,,'`-config" AC_SUBST(APU_BINDIR) AC_SUBST(APU_INCLUDEDIR) AC_SUBST(APU_VERSION) AC_SUBST(APU_CONFIG) dnl In case we picked up CC and CPP from APR, get that info into the dnl config cache so that PCRE uses it. Otherwise, CC and CPP used for dnl PCRE and for our config tests will be whatever PCRE determines. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CPP AC_PROG_INSTALL if test "x${cache_file}" = "x/dev/null"; then # Likewise, ensure that CC and CPP are passed through to the pcre # configure script iff caching is disabled (the autoconf 2.5x default). export CC; export CPP fi echo $ac_n "Configuring Serf...${nl}" dnl Absolute source/build directory abs_srcdir=`(cd $srcdir && pwd)` abs_builddir=`pwd` dnl get our version information get_version="$abs_srcdir/build/get-version.sh" version_hdr="$abs_srcdir/serf.h" SERF_MAJOR_VERSION="`$get_version major $version_hdr SERF`" SERF_DOTTED_VERSION="`$get_version all $version_hdr SERF`" AC_SUBST(SERF_MAJOR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(SERF_DOTTED_VERSION) AC_SUBST(SERF_BUILD_SRCLIB_DIRS) AC_SUBST(SERF_CLEAN_SRCLIB_DIRS) AC_ARG_WITH(openssl, APR_HELP_STRING([--with-openssl=PATH],[Path to OpenSSL (eg. /usr/local/ssl)]), [ if test "$withval" = "yes"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-openssl requires a path]) else openssl_prefix=$withval if test "x$openssl_prefix" != "x" -a ! -d "$openssl_prefix"; then AC_MSG_ERROR('--with-openssl requires a path to a directory') fi APR_ADDTO(CPPFLAGS, "-I${openssl_prefix}/include") APR_ADDTO(LDFLAGS, "-L${openssl_prefix}/lib") APR_ADDTO(LDFLAGS, "-R${openssl_prefix}/lib") fi ]) dnl Look for OpenSSL AC_CHECK_HEADER([openssl/opensslv.h], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([We require OpenSSL; try --with-openssl])]) libs="`$apu_config --link-libtool --libs` `$apr_config --link-libtool --libs`" APR_ADDTO(SERF_LIBS, [$libs]) AC_SUBST(SERF_LIBS) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([mkdir-vpath],[make mkdir-vpath]) AC_OUTPUT