Provides implementations of the {@link net.jini.jeri.Endpoint} and {@link net.jini.jeri.ServerEndpoint} abstractions that use TCP sockets as the underlying communication mechanism. Requests and responses are framed and multiplexed over TCP connections using the Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI) multiplexing protocol.

A {@link net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpEndpoint} can be used to initiate requests over a TCP connection. Each instance contains a host name string (which may be a name or an IP address) and a TCP port number, as well as an optional {@link} for customizing the type of {@link} instances to use. When initiating a new request, a new TCP connection is created to the host and port, using the socket factory if present, if an existing connection is not already available for use.

A {@link net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint} can be used to listen for and receive incoming requests over a TCP connection. Each instance contains a TCP port number to listen on, a host name string to use in Endpoint instances derived from the instance, an optional {@link} for customizing the type of {@link} instances to use, and an optional {@link} to use in derived Endpoint instances. When listening for requests, the port is bound to listen for TCP connections, using the server socket factory if present. The {@link net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint#enumerateListenEndpoints TcpServerEndpoint.enumerateListenEndpoints} method will produce TcpEndpoint instances with the same host name, port, and client socket factory for client-side use (for example, to be embedded in remote proxies).

Jini ERI multiplexing protocol mapping

TcpEndpoint and TcpServerEndpoint map, respectively, {@link net.jini.jeri.OutboundRequest} and {@link net.jini.jeri.InboundRequest} instances to distinct sessions of a Jini ERI multiplexing protocol connection. For each new request initiated, a TcpEndpoint starts a new session as the client of a connection to the remote endpoint. As the server of an accepted connection, a TcpServerEndpoint creates a new InboundRequest to represent each session started by the remote endpoint. Request data is transmitted as the data sent for the corresponding session by the client, and response data is transmitted as the data sent for the corresponding session by the server. TCP connections are reused by a TcpEndpoint when possible.

Constraint support

TcpEndpoint and TcpServerEndpoint support the transport layer aspects of at least the following constraints: (Note that ClientMaxPrincipal, ClientMaxPrincipalType, ClientMinPrincipal, ClientMinPrincipalType, ServerMinPrincipal, DelegationAbsoluteTime, and DelegationRelativeTime constraints are trivially supported if ClientAuthentication.YES, ServerAuthentication.YES, and Delegation.YES are not supported.) @since 2.0 @version 2.0 @org.apache.river.impl This implementation uses {@link net.jini.jeri.connection.ConnectionManager} and {@link net.jini.jeri.connection.ServerConnectionManager} for connection management.


This implementation uses the {@link java.util.logging.Logger} named net.jini.jeri.tcp.client to log information at the following levels:

Level Description
{@link org.apache.river.logging.Levels#FAILED FAILED} exceptions thrown attempting to initiate a request
{@link org.apache.river.logging.Levels#HANDLED HANDLED} exceptions caught attempting to connect a socket, set options on a client-side socket, or reuse a connection
{@link java.util.logging.Level#FINE FINE} client-side socket operations (create, connect, reuse, and close)

This implementation uses the {@link java.util.logging.Logger} named net.jini.jeri.tcp.server to log information at the following levels:

Level Description
{@link java.util.logging.Level#WARNING WARNING} exceptions accepting on a server socket
{@link org.apache.river.logging.Levels#HANDLED HANDLED} exceptions caught setting options on a server-side socket
{@link java.util.logging.Level#FINE FINE} server-side socket operations (create, accept, and close)

System Properties

This implementation recognizes the following system properties: