This document talks about a new methodology for writing QA tests. There are two types of QA tests.
This methodology is designed to be used in testing Jini only. There is no attempt to make it generally applicable. This document covers all aspects of the methodology but does not go into much detail on who to write or run a test. There is two simpler documents entitled "Hot to Write a Conformance Test" and "How to Run Conformance Tests" that should also be read.
As of the date of this writing all tests are written by the software engineers who also write the implementations of the code under test. The tests are written specifically to allow them to be run inside of JavaTest. JavaTest is a powerful set of tools for testing software written in the Java programming language. The effort of creating a new QA Test Methodology is directed towards establishing a single testing strategy that is centered around the TCK. The TCK was written to be simpler than JavaTest and to more directly address the needs of Jini Technology QA testing.
Under section 1.3 (entitled Goals) "The Harness Specification" of the TCK (see http://jini/tck) states "The TCK should test all of the specifications laid out in the Jini Specification. This is known as the Completeness goal." The establishment and acceptance of the QA Test Methodology described in this document helps to realize this goal.
The Conformance Test Methodology is an amalgam of elements. Those that have been written specifically to support the Methodology and others that are borrowed from the TCK. Because of this many of the terms used are also borrowed from the TCK and may be unfamiliar to the reader. This section defines each of the terms below:
implements the
harness. More detail on this is available in the "How to Run a Test"
where the list of tests associated with
is supplied as a comma delimited string
in the TCK Config file.
The QA Test Methodology consists of three physical components.
A diagram of the Framework and Harness appears below:
.---------------------. is .------------. is |TCK harness |started .-------------. | TCK Config | used | class Runner |<-------|httpd | | Properties |----->| | by |Class Server | | file | by | | `-------------' `------------' `---------------------' localhost:8080 aka qatest.prop ^ | (is used by) | | .---------------------------------------. | | | Framework | | | | class QATest | | class Status | | | | | `---------------------------------------' ^ ^ | (implements) | (implements) | | .----------------. .----------------. |QATest | |QATest | | subclass | | subclass | `----------------' `----------------' ^ ^ (is used by) | | (is used by) | | .-------------------------. | QATestUtil | `-------------------------'
The QA Test Methodology shares many design goals with the TCK. The goals that the Methodology seeks to achieve are:
The documents How to Write a Test and How to Run a Test must be short (2-4 pages) and simple. This will allow new engineers and contractors to come up to speed quickly with a minimum of instruction.
By providing a standard way for engineers to write tests for the TCK, the TCK provides better coverage of the Jini Specifications.
By providing engineers with a standard methodology for writing tests, better code reuse is achieved. That means a higher degree of reliability and productivity is also achieved. Code becomes easier to comprehend because it is more uniform.
A test should run on all supported platforms with no special extra effort on the part of the engineer.
Every QA test subclasses the abstract class
which implements the
interface. There are 4 abstract
methods that must be implemented.
Please note that the Status
object mentioned below belongs
to the org.apache.river.tck.harness
package and has nothing to
do directly with the object of the same name implemented by JavaTest.
public abstract Status run(String[] args)
This method contains the actual workings of the individual tests. It must return a Status object indicating the outcome of the test. The argument list passed into this method is for passing test specific information into a test from the command line.
public abstract String getDescription()
This method returns the name of the particular test as a string. Test descriptions should be unique to each test so that testers can interpret the test results easily.
public abstract String[] getCategories()
This method returns an array of strings containing all the category
names that this test applies to. The returned array will contain at
least one known category (see How to Run Tests
below). This method is called by the TCK Runner harness before the
method and shouldn't rely on
to function. The setup()
is described below.
public abstract Class[] getRequiredAdmins()
This method returns an array of Class objects containing all the
admin interfaces that an admin implementation needs to implement to
work with this test. This method is called before
and shouldn't rely on setup()
function. Test writer only need to be concerned about this method
in the case were they are writing tests for a service. In that case
the test writer under is required to create a class that implements the
. The
BasicServiceAdmin requirement is discussed in more detail in a
later section. Otherwise, this method can just return
Also there are 4 methods provided with implementations. The setup and
tearDown methods will likely be overridden by the derived class and
calls to super.setup()
and super.tearDown()
must be the first line when overriding these methods.
public void setConfig(Config tCon)
This method handles the setting of the TCK Config component. The TCK Config, is a component that contains and handles the global configuration information for this run of the TCK (see section "How to Run a Test" below). The TCK harness calls setConfig before calling any other methods on the Test. Test writers need not be concerned with this method. In all cases the default implementation will suffice.
public Config getConfig()
This method handles getting of the TCK Config component. The tests call getConfig. Test writers need not be concerned with this method. In all cases the default implementation will suffice.
public void setup(String[] args)
This method should contain test specific actions that need to
happen before the test is run. It is called by the TCK harness
before the run()
method and after the
. All resource intensive startup behaviors
should take place in the setup method and not in the constructor.
The argument list passed into this method is for passing test
specific information gathered from the command line.
public void tearDown()
This method should contain any test-specific clean up that needs to be done after the test has been run. It is called by the TCK harness after the run method.
Not all tests are written to test services. Some tests will simply test utility classes. In that case no special extra code is required. The test is simply run inside the harness. If, on the other hand, the tests are written to test services (or clients) then some extra code must be written to support test automation and plug-ability of the service/client under test.
The TCK requires that for each service (product) under test the test
writer must create a class that implements the
interface. The
BasicServiceAdmin extends the interface
. The interface
definitions follow:
public interface BasicAdmin { void setConfig(Config conf); void start() throws RemoteException; InetAddress getAddress() throws RemoteException; void stop() throws RemoteException; }
BasicAdmin's methods have the following functions:
This starts the service being tested. A test can call this
whenever it needs the service started. The implementation of this
method should put the service in a state where it is starting the Jini
discovery protocols.
This stops the service being tested. A test can call this
whenever it needs the service stopped. The implementation of this
method should completely stop the product, cleaning up any state and
resetting the service to its initial state before being started.
Implementations of this method should return the network
address of the service or the hardware the service is running on. This
method is often called by low level tests that need to know the
network address of the product. If a service is multi-homed one
working address should be returned.
Provides to the admin implementations access to the
TCK Config. This method is called by the TCK Config when it creates
the BasicAdmin. This is called before any other admin calls except
for the constructor.
public interface BasicServiceAdmin extends BasicAdmin { String CATEGORY = service; ServiceItem pickService(ServiceItem[] services) throws RemoteException; ServiceTemplate getTemplate() throws RemoteException; }
BasicServiceAdmin's methods have the following functions:
Given an array of ServiceItem this method should return
the ServiceItem of the service being tested or it should return null
if the service isn't in the array.
Implementations of this method should return a template
that matches the service being tested. It doesn't need to be exact but
the more exact it is the more efficient the testing is.
A default abstract implementation of the above interfaces is provided
in the class
. In most
cases the methods provided by this class will be adequate.
The Framework has a single object that provides all the utility
methods offered to test writers. The class of the object is
. This class
publishes methods for test writers to request services, retrieve test
parameters, and perform reporting functions.
Also provided is a text file that serves as a template from which new tests can written. For more information please read the How to Write a Test document.
A QA test is run inside of a test harness that is supplied by the
TCK. The harness is implemented by the
class and its operation is
transparent to the user. The Runner
passes the command line
arguments and sets up the list of tests to run. There is a class server
integrated into the test harness. The harness starts the class server to
serve the class files and then runs the tests. The class server defaults
to port 8080 and there is currently no way to change this. The directory
defaults to the property org.apache.river.tck.installDir with the string
"/lib/dl" appended. There is no way to prevent the TCK from starting up
this class server.
is as follows:
ConfigFileName: This is the only mandatory argument. It tells the TCK where to find its Config file.
categories: This argument specifies what categories the current service being tested is in. The category is a string that should be indicative of the type of entity being tested. For example, a JoinManager test might be under category "joinmanager" since it is a utility class. Outrigger tests should probably be categorized under "javaspaces" and Mahalo tests should be categorized under "transactionmanager" since they are both services that implement those respective interface specifications.
All the characters of a category string must be in lower case. The categories are specified in a comma separated list with no spaces. Categories are returned to the harness by implementing the QATest interface method getCategories() which returns a String of categories. (See section "How to Write a Test" earlier in this document.
tests: This argument specifies the list of tests that the user selects to run. They are specified in a comma separated list. The list can contain both fully qualified class names and test sets that are specified as a Property in the TCK Config file. A test set is simply a comma delimited string of tests that are placed in the TCK Config properties file. Sets are allowed so that tests that test a certain subset of functionality can be grouped by the testers and included as needed, such as discovery related tests or registration related tests. Also using sets allows a notational convenience that allows many tests to be specified on the command line in a compact format. The sets are indicated by starting with Set: (this is not case sensitive). When a set is found in the test list the corresponding property is read in: it is of the same format as the command line, containing either tests or sets. For example:
-tests org.apache.river.tck.test.RegistrationTest,Set:my.tests
would run both the RegistrationTest and the MultiRegistrationTest. This expansion of sets continues until either there are no more sets to expand or the Runner decides that there is an infinite expansion in the sets. An infinite expansion can occur when one set includes another set and vice versa. For examples consider the following properties:
The above two lines are an error because they will cause an infinite expansion.
If an undefined property is in one of the lists it is skipped.
noduplicates: This flag specifies that each test should be run once even if the test appears more than once on the command line or in the test sets. The default behavior is to have the test run once for each appearance.
Any other command line arguments at the end are used to override the default values of the test(s) being run.
The list of tests is determined by checking what tests were specified on the command line. If none were specified on the command line all of the tests for the category are put in the list. Unfortunately, the list of all tests is hard coded in the TCK and includes only the well known TCK tests. Test writers will therefore always include at least one test or test set on the the command line. If some tests were specified on the command line then these tests are checked to make sure that they work for the category. Only tests applicable to the category are added to the list of tests to be run. If a specified test does not apply to the current category a message is displayed saying that the test has been skipped.
The use of parameter passing when writing tests is encouraged. Tests often encapsulate state variables which determine various operating parameters such as lease request durations, process timeouts, etc. It is recommended that such state variables be initialized via command line parameters rather than hard-coded. This allows test runners (who often are not the test writers) to easily alter the operating parameters if necessary.
Parameters are passed in one of three ways which form a hierarchy. A
parameters can be passed into a test from the command line as a
-keyword value
pair or the value for a parameter
may be stored in a Properties file as keyword=value
or the
parameters may be supplied in the code of the test itself. Command line
arguments override values in the Properties file which override values
passed directly from the test code. The test must have prior knowledge of
the keywords it is looking for and must be able to interpret the semantic
meaning of the values it retrieves.
In addition there is a hierarchy of Properties files. There is the so-called TCK Config property file that is associated with each invocation of the TCK Runner. The name of the Config file is passed into the Runner from the command line (See the "How to Run Tests" section above). Also, each test can be associated with its own private property file. The name of this property file is specified in the TCK Config file (see section entitled Properties Files below for details). The property values in this "test specific" property file override those values in the TCK Config file.
A command line argument has the format -keyword
. The following definitions apply:
A keyword should be chosen to give some idea about the meaning of its value. For example, LeaseRequestDuration would be a keyword whose associated value would represent the amount of time the test requests for the leases it obtains. No whitespace is allowed to appear in the keyword.
The value is a String representation of any valid value which can be assigned to the state variable represented by its keyword. If the value appears in quotes then white space may appear in the value. If the value is not valid an Exception is thrown.
It is not required that the test writer supply a Properties file for every or even any test. The ability to read test parameters from a Properties file is supplied primarily as a convenience. There are two reasons why Properties files will be used.
A test captures parameters by using methods of the
object. These methods
attempt to retrieve parameters first from the command line, and then from
the test's private property file, and failing that from the TCK Config
file, and failing that from the default value passed into the method from
the test code. This object provides the following methods for retrieving
QATest parameter values. The test writer will define his/her own
keywords and the test must be written in such a manner as to be able to
interpret the semantic meaning of the values of the parameters it
This method will retrieve the value of the test parameter whose name
corresponds to the string contained in the input argument
and whose value is of type 'int'. If the parameter
keyword does not exist, or if the string value of the parameter can not
be "cast" to the expected data type, then the default value will be
This method will retrieve the value of the test parameter whose name
corresponds to the string contained in the input argument
and whose value is of type 'long'. If the parameter
keyword does not exist, or if the string value of the parameter can not
be "cast" to the expected data type, then the default value will be
This method will retrieve the value of the test parameter whose name
corresponds to the string contained in the input argument
and whose value is of type 'float'. If the parameter
keyword does not exist, or if the string value of the parameter can not
be "cast" to the expected data type, then the default value will be
This method will retrieve the value of the test parameter whose name
corresponds to the string contained in the input argument
and whose value is of type 'double'. If the parameter
keyword does not exist, or if the string value of the parameter can not
be "cast" to the expected data type, then the default value will be
This method will retrieve the value of the test parameter whose name
corresponds to the string contained in the input argument
and whose value is of type 'String'. If the parameter
keyword does not exist, or if the string value of the parameter can not
be "cast" to the expected data type, then the default value will be
This method will retrieve the value of the test parameter whose name
corresponds to the path and filename contained in the input argument
and whose value is of type 'String'. All path
separator characters are substituted appropriately depending upon the
operating system in which the JVM is running. On Non-windows platforms,
any leading drive specification is striped off. On Windows platforms if
there is no drive specification then the current drive is appended by
default. If the parameter keyword does not exist, or if the string value
of the parameter can not be "cast" to the expected data type, then the
default value will be returned.
This method will retrieve the value of the test parameter whose name
corresponds to the string contained in the input argument
and whose value is of type 'boolean'. If the parameter
keyword does not exist, or if the string value of the parameter can not
be "cast" to the expected data type, then the default value will be
Each test must supply a default value for each of its test parameters. In other words, every QA test must run without the need to specify any values for its parameters either as command line arguments or in a Properties file. Therefore, it is required that a reasonable default value for each parameter be supplied when using the QATestParameter methods as described above.
The path and name of a test specific Properties file to be used when
running a test is specified in the TCK Config file as a property. The
property name is the test's fully qualified class name followed by
".prop". For example given the test
, the entry in the
Properties file would be :
The only naming convention required for QATest Properties files is that the extension be ".prop". The file name is anything that makes logical sense to the creator.
It is highly recommended that tests be organized into suites. The tests
in a suite correspond to a TCK test set. Each TCK Test Set should have a
corresponding TCK Config file associated with it. The TCK Config file
name should be the same as the Test Set and the extension should be
. For example a set of JavaSpaces QA tests might
belong to the Set JavaSpacesConfTests and the associated TCK Config file
would be JavaSpacesConfTests.cfg. A set of tests that were dependent upon
a particular implementation of JavaSpaces might reside in another Set
called OutriggerImplTests and the TCK Config file would be
The JDK with which tests are run is chosen by default from the PATH
environment variable. There is a command line keyword called
which can be used to override this default. The value of
the argument is the path where the bin
and lib
directories of the JDK reside. For example given:
-jdk /js/files/JDK1.3
the default
directories for the JVM and the JDK jar files would be
and /js/files/JDK1.3/lib
respectively. This keyword may only be expressed as a command line
argument can not be expressed as a property within the TCK Config file.
Special reporting functions supplied as part of the framework detect which JDK is being used and print out the JDK version as part of the standard reporting information.
Often, a test will require services other than the entity under test to accomplish its testing function. A test does not know any of the particulars of requesting an auxiliary service. Instead, a test only knows an interface Class which corresponds to the service it wishes to start. The test issues a request to the framework which will ensure that the requested service is started or that the requested service has already been started. The interface Class simply corresponds to a test parameter value which specifies the class name of the service implementation to be started. If the service is unavailable or can not be started an Exception is thrown. Special test parameters are available to control how services are obtained. These parameters appear in the appendix at the end of this document.
In order to start and stop services generically, two assumptions are made.
codebase, policyfile, persistencepath, group(s), others
An auxiliary service is started using the QATestUtil method
requestService(Class serviceInterfaceClass). This method takes the
interface class of the requested service (for example The actual implementation class of the
service that is started is specified with a command line argument or a
property in the test's Properties file. The keyword is (for example)
and the value is a string
expressing the fully specified class name of the service class such as
. So from the command
line one would enter
or from a Properities file:
The framework supplies a method to clean up auxiliary services when a test has completed. The framework keeps track of all services that the test requests and will clean up all such services when the test completes. There is a special flag that can be passed to tests that is recognized by the framework that prevents the cleanup from happening even though the test requested it. This allows auxiliary services to live across multiple tests. The cleaning up of an auxiliary service requires that the service implement the DestroyAdmin interface. If this interface is not implemented, an Exception is thrown and the test fails. Special test parameters are available to control how services are destroyed. These parameters appear in the appendix at the end of this document.
One of the more time consuming tasks in writing Jini tests is keeping track of leases. The framework provides methods to keep track of requested leases and then cancels any still active leases automatically when the test exits. This can help to ensure a clean environment for the next test, especially in the case where services have been left up and running. Ensuring the cancellation of leases also saves system resources.
The QATest object provides a method trackLease(Lease l) which adds a lease to a special lease tracking list. When the tearDown() method is called by the harness, the cancelTrackedLeases() method is called effectively cancelling all the leases on the tracking list.
There are two types of reporting information. One type which is generated by the framework and the other type which is generated by the test. The framework can be configured to provide pre-test (report header) information and post-test (report footer) information. This information is primarily used by QA engineers and will not be displayed during initial testing by the engineers who are writing the tests.
There exist three PrintWriter objects for output of testing information. These are
(the logging file)QATest.err
(standard error)QATest.out
(standard output)By default all PrintWriters are assigned as follows:
QATest.log | System.out |
QATest.out | System.out |
QATest.err | System.err |
to redirect all output of the PrintWriter log
to the file /files/tmp/temp.txt. Likewise this could be accomplished from
the TCK Config file by including a linelog=/files/tmp/temp.txt
It is hoped that test writer will be generous in the use of these Writers to aid QA Engineering in the detection of logic faults. As a suggestion, a message denoting the all important events in a test should be output to QATest.log. Any information about error conditions should be output to err. QATest.out should be used for temporary debugging information which is used during test development.
The framework provides methods for reporting on the following:
The above information is produced automatically only if the
parameter is set to
. Reporting control parameters are listed in the
appendix at the end of this document
Parameter Name | Description | Default |
serviceInterfaceClass.implClass | The Class that implements the serviceInterfaceClass | null |
serviceInterfaceClass.codebase | codebase URL | InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() + ":8080" |
serviceInterfaceClass.classpath | where service loads classes from | qaTest.util.getStringArgValue("org.apache.river.tck.installDir", null) + "/lib" |
serviceInterfaceClass.policyFilePath | Security policy file location | qaTest.util.getStringArgValue("org.apache.river.tck.installDir", null) + "/config/tck.policy" |
serviceInterfaceClass.persistence | Where service will store files to support persistency | randomly generated | | Group of the Lookup services to join (should be unique). | InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()+currentTimeMillis() |
serviceInterfaceClass.cmdLineArgs | Any additional command line arguments not covered by the above | new String() |
servicesAlreadyStarted | If the value has been set to true when requesting a service, the utility code assumes that all services have been pre-started and will perform discovery but skip service startup code. | false |
belayServiceShutdown | If set to true, Exec'd services will not be shutdown automatically | false |
Parameter Name | Description | Default |
fullReporting | Enable output of standard test report headers and footers. | false |
log | File to which output is redirected for the PrintWriter QATest.log | System.out |
out | File to which output is redirected for the PrintWriter QATest.out | System.out |
err | File to which output is redirected for the PrintWriter QATest.err | System.err |