Jini (tm) 1.1 Technology Test Categorizations


The purpose of this document is to provide a separation of the Jini 1.1 technology QA tests into 12 possible categories based upon the type of assertion being tested and the methodology being used. A categorization is a combination of assertion coupled with a methodology. The symbols for the various types of assertions and methodologies appear below



Assertion Symbol

Assertion Description


The assertion is derived strictly from the spec.


The assertion is derived not just from the spec, but also from some additional spec (for example, a specific admin interface).


The assertion is tied to a specific (or a class of) implementation.



Methodology Symbol

Methodology Description


The methodology is applicable to a broad range of implementations of the spec.


The methodology depends on the thing under test having certain additional capabilities, but is designed to be easily pluggable so that the thing can implement those capabilities in a variety of ways


The methodology depends on the thing under test also adhering to other specs (for example, specific admin interfaces), but is otherwise applicable to a broad range of implementations of those specs


The methodology depends on details of a specific implementation.