Jini Architecture Specification Version 2.0 Overview - Apache River Release v2.1.2

JiniTM Architecture Specification Version 2.0 Extensions Overview
Apache River Release v2.1.2

This document provides an overview of the new components of the JiniTM v2.0 Architecture included in Apache River and explains how the components fit together and fit within the existing JiniTM technology infrastructure. Much of this information is available in the package, interface, and class documentation, but this document provides a higher-level overview and indicates where to find more information.

1 Overview of JiniTM Architecture

The Jini system architecture consists of three categories: programming model, infrastructure, and services. The original Jini Architecture Specification Version 1.0 defines these categories as follows:

The infrastructure is the set of components that enables building a federated Jini system, while the services are the entities within the federation. The programming model is a set of interfaces that enables the construction of reliable services, including those that are part of the infrastructure and those that join into the federation.

Originally, the programming model defined models for leasing, event notification, and transactions. The basic infrastructure consisted of the discovery/join protocol and the lookup service. Previous versions delivered implementations of the following Jini technology-enabled services (Jini services):

Apache River releases following and including the Jini v2.0 release add components to the first two categories (programming model and infrastructure) of the Jini architecture, although some components span both of these categories. Additionally, this release provides updates to existing services to account for the additions to the infrastructure and the programming model. The component additions can be summarized as follows:

Additions to Programming Models

New Infrastructure

Updates to Services

Each service has been updated to support being configured using a Configuration. Most of the services were previously configured via system properties. These services can now be configured via entries in the configuration. New types of behavior that can be configured are remote service exporting and proxy preparation.

1.1 Goals

The main goals for the additions in the Jini architecture are to:

The primary motivation for augmenting the Jini architecture is to provide the new programming models and infrastructure necessary to support and manage security in Jini technology-based distributed applications. The previous Jini architecture lacked direct support for a type of security many Jini / Apache River applications need, namely basic network security for remote calls to services. This goal is addressed by the new security infrastructure and constraint-based remote invocation model.

Another important goal for this release is to better unify the overall programming model for service developers, given the previous lack of uniformity in the APIs for implementing, exporting, and deploying services. Securing remote invocation requires additional client-side verification steps, so this release introduces a uniform client-side API to handle a "preparation" step before remote invocation. Additionally, application developers can ease deployment tasks by separating out deployment-time information from the application. The Configuration API introduced in the Jini 2.0 release provides a simple and uniform way to obtain deployment-specific information. The resulting programming model supports a uniform framework for pluggable security, exporter, transport, and other service providers.

A final goal is to provide an implementation of the Java RMI programming model that supports constraints on remote invocation (which is crucial to the security model), and supports pluggable invocation and dispatch behavior as well as pluggable transport providers on a per-object basis, features which are lacking in the JRMP implementation of Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition (J2SE(TM)) RMI. The Jini ERI API provides such a pluggable implementation of the Java RMI programming model.

2 Programming Model

Before delving into the discussion of the security architecture, it is important to understand initially a few additional programming models, Configuration, Exporter, and ProxyPreparer, each of which simplifies application development in general and secure application development in particular.

2.1 Configuration

An application is much easier to test, deploy, and evolve when the application's source code is not tied directly to specific deployments, but instead uses a level of abstraction, such as service provider interfaces. Such applications may separate out deployment-specific information from the application source code, allowing this information to be configured at deployment time. The obvious benefit of this approach is that the application can be configured to use the implementations that the deployment requires without having to change the application source code. If deployment needs change, only the configuration must change; the application can remain intact.

The net.jini.config.Configuration API supports this approach by providing a simple, uniform way to obtain the objects needed to configure an application. An application can obtain an object from a Configuration instead of explicitly constructing an instance to avoid tying the application to deployment-specific implementations. Typical objects that should be obtained from a configuration are Exporter and ProxyPreparer instances (discussed below).

An application may not want to be tied to a specific implementation of Configuration either, so an application can use net.jini.config.ConfigurationProvider to obtain a Configuration implementation. Using the ConfigurationProvider in an application allows the application's deployer to specify the most suitable Configuration implementation at deployment time. A given Configuration implementation might read configuration information from a file, a database, or from some other source.

The standard, default Configuration implementation is net.jini.config.ConfigurationFile. This implementation reads configuration information, written in a subset of the syntax of the Java programming language, from files and URLs to produce objects from the configuration. See the net.jini.config package documentation for an example of how an application can use a Configuration and how a deployer can use a ConfigurationFile source file to configure that application.

2.2 Exporter and the Server-Side Implementation Model

In Jini technology-based applications, invoking a method on a Jini service proxy has a uniform client-side model: a client simply invokes a method on the service's proxy to initiate remote communication to the service object, an invocation that follows the same general semantics as the Java RMI model.

The server-side implementation model for Jini / Apache River applications, however, is not uniform. An application developer typically implements a service and exports that service in a way that ties the service directly to a specific implementation and model of remote communication. This implementation dependence requires that the application source code be modified if the service needs to be exported in a slightly different way. For example, an application deployment may need to export a service to use a different port or socket factory, or may need to export that service using a different implementation of remote communication entirely, such as a different implementation of the Java RMI programming model.

The net.jini.export.Exporter interface unifies the server-side implementation model by providing an abstraction for exporting and unexporting a remote object. The details of export and unexport behavior, including communication protocols used for remote invocation and additional invocation semantics, are defined by the particular implementation of the Exporter interface.

Several standard Exporter implementations, which are also implementations of the Java RMI programming model, are provided. The following table lists these implementations along with the class whose behavior the exporter is semantically equivalent to.

Exporter Equivalent Class
net.jini.jrmp.JrmpExporter java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
net.jini.iiop.IiopExporter javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject
net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter itself

An application can use a Configuration together with the Exporter interface to export remote objects in a way that can be configured at deployment time. The following example (similar to those in the net.jini.config.Configuration package documentation) illustrates configurable exporting:

    import java.rmi.*;
    import net.jini.config.*;
    import net.jini.export.*;
    public class Example implements Remote {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.getInstance(args);
            Exporter exporter = (Exporter) config.getEntry(
                "Example", "exporter", Exporter.class);
            Remote proxy = exporter.export(new Example());

This application can be configured by specifying the following configuration file (that uses ConfigurationFile syntax) as a command line argument. The configuration file specifies the exporter to be a JrmpExporter, an exporter that produces proxies that participate in the JRMP protocol.

    import net.jini.jrmp.*;
    Example {
        exporter = new JrmpExporter();

Alternatively, the application can be deployed to specify the exporter to be a BasicJeriExporter (an exporter for exporting a remote object to use Jini ERI) constructed to export the object on an anonymous TCP port.

    import net.jini.jeri.*;
    import net.jini.jeri.tcp.*;
    Example {
        exporter = new BasicJeriExporter(TcpServerEndpoint.getInstance(0));

2.3 ProxyPreparer and the Client-Side Invocation Model

The new security model (discussed below) requires the application to perform some pre-invocation "preparation" of a service proxy before invoking its methods. This is because an application may receive the service proxy from an untrusted source. Therefore, before an application uses a proxy, that application might need to perform operations such as verifying trust in the proxy or granting permissions to the proxy once its trust has been verified.

These security requirements add an additional step to the client-side invocation model. The net.jini.security.ProxyPreparer interface abstracts the operation of "proxy preparation" into a single method, prepareProxy, so that the client-side invocation model can be uniform across applications using secure and non-secure proxies.

A ProxyPreparer can be used together with a Configuration to allow configurable proxy preparation. The following is a code snippet from the hello example client, which is part of a comprehensive example included in the Apache River release:

    ProxyPreparer preparer = (ProxyPreparer) config.getEntry(
	"preparer", ProxyPreparer.class, new BasicProxyPreparer());
    server = (Hello) preparer.prepareProxy(server);
    System.out.println("Server says: " + server.sayHello());

The call to getEntry supplies a default (new BasicProxyPreparer()) for the entry that will be returned if the configuration file does not have the specified entry. A net.jini.security.BasicProxyPreparer instance can be constructed with arguments specifying whether a proxy, passed to its prepareProxy method, needs to be verified or needs other security-related operations to be performed. A BasicProxyPreparer constructed with no arguments, which is the default above, specifies a "do nothing" ProxyPreparer that simply returns the proxy passed to the prepareProxy method.

If an application deployment has security requirements, the application can be deployed with a BasicProxyPreparer constructed with the appropriate arguments or can be deployed with an alternate ProxyPreparer implementation.

3 Security

In a typical Jini technology-based application, a client obtains a service proxy from somewhere (for example, from a lookup service or as a result of communicating with another service) and then invokes methods on that proxy to communicate with the service. Many applications have a need to secure such remote communication, requiring one or more of the following:

These requirements are typical for securing data communication; however, the Jini security model has an additional requirement: code integrity. In the Jini and Java RMI model, an object's data is sent in a remote invocation, but its code is downloaded out-of-band as a result of that remote invocation. An application needs to establish trust for the objects it receives, both in the integrity of an object's code as well as in its data.

This release provides a framework for trust verification as well as a constraint-based remote invocation model that enables an application to specify various requirements (such as security requirements) on remote invocations. The infrastructure also provides mechanisms that can be used to ensure code integrity.

3.1 Constraints and Remote Invocation

The security requirements described above can be expressed as constraints on remote invocation. A constraint is a specific requirement, set by the client, on the behavior of remote invocations through a proxy to its associated service. A proxy can implement the interface net.jini.core.constraint.RemoteMethodControl to enable a client to set constraints on remote invocation through that proxy. The constraint-based remote invocation model is general, providing for security-related constraint types as well as other constraint types.

One example use of constraints is a client that needs to authenticate the identity of a service (such as a bank) before communicating with it through its proxy. In this example, the service proxy can implement the interface RemoteMethodControl to enable a client to set a constraint requiring server authentication on any remote invocation through that proxy. It is the proxy's responsibility to satisfy those constraints, but it is the client's responsibility to verify that it can trust the proxy to carry out its responsibility (discussed below).

Each constraint is represented as a net.jini.core.constraint.InvocationConstraint instance. An InvocationConstraint instance expresses "what" but not "how"; that is, a constraint expresses "what" the constraint represents, but not "how" the constraint should be satisfied. A proxy is responsible for using the appropriate transport and protocols to satisfy the constraints set by the client. Because constraints are expressed abstractly, the security implementations are pluggable and thus are capable of supporting a wide variety of protocols such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Kerberos. See the net.jini.core.constraint package documentation for general information on constraints including a number of pre-defined basic constraints.

Before a client sets constraints on a proxy, the client first needs to verify that it can trust the proxy to carry out the constraints to be set, because the proxy may have been received from an untrusted source. If the client does not verify that the proxy is trusted, there is a danger that the proxy could simply ignore the client's constraints and perform unencrypted data transfer, misrepresent the client's or server's identity, or worse. After the client verifies trust in the proxy, it can then set constraints on the proxy to specify any desired security requirements, such as server authentication.

Once a client trusts a proxy, it may also need to grant additional permissions to the proxy, over and above the minimal permissions typically configured in advance for untrusted code, so that future invocations through the proxy function properly. A proxy may require net.jini.security.AuthenticationPermission so that it can authenticate with the server, for example. A client must not grant permissions to the proxy before it trusts the proxy, so that the proxy cannot abuse the grants in a way that might cause harm.

To summarize, a client receiving a proxy from an untrusted source needs to "prepare" the proxy in the following manner before invoking that proxy's methods. The full requirements for each of these steps are described in the net.jini.security package documentation:

The steps above can be encapsulated in a single operation known as proxy preparation, a term which means "preparing the proxy for remote invocation". The client-side interface net.jini.security.ProxyPreparer (discussed above) encapsulates such proxy preparation into a single method, prepareProxy.

The class net.jini.security.BasicProxyPreparer, a standard implementation of the ProxyPreparer interface, performs the three necessary steps above to prepare a proxy for secure remote calls. Most deployers can use a BasicProxyPreparer instance for proxy preparation and not worry about all the details behind trust verification (which are outlined in some detail below). Other applications may need to subclass BasicProxyPreparer if verifying trust, setting constraints, and/or granting permissions require some customization.

3.2 Proxy Preparation Using BasicProxyPreparer

The BasicProxyPreparer class encapsulates the three steps of verifying trust, setting constraints, and granting permissions to a proxy. A BasicProxyPreparer instance can be constructed in a variety of ways, supporting many common cases for proxy preparation including the following:

Static methods Security.verifyObjectTrust and Security.grant of the net.jini.security.Security class implement the trust verification and permission granting mechanisms, respectively. Constraints can be set on the proxy implementing the RemoteMethodControl interface by calling its setConstraints method. A BasicProxyPreparer uses these three mechanisms to implement the specifics of proxy preparation.

The next three sections describe the mechanics of proxy preparation using a BasicProxyPreparer instance that performs all three steps. For the purposes of this discussion, let's assume that a BasicProxyPreparer is constructed as follows:

    new BasicProxyPreparer(true, constraints, permissions)

where the argument true indicates that the proxy should be verified for trust, constraints is a MethodConstraints object (an object containing the per-method constraints to set on the proxy), and permissions is an array containing the java.security.Permissions to be granted to the proxy.

The UML sequence diagrams (PDF files) referred to in the next three sections illustrate the proxy preparation and trust verification processes. Together, these diagrams depict a full scenario of verifying trust, granting permissions, and setting constraints:

Note: See this tutorial for a description of the syntax of UML sequence diagrams.

Note that the BasicProxyPreparer class is designed to be subclassable, therefore the implementation of the prepareProxy method invokes protected methods on the instance (verify, grant, setConstraints, etc.) to allow a potential subclass to customize the instance behavior.

3.2.1 Verifying Trust

The basic model for verifying trust in an object received from an untrusted source is to consult one or more trust verifiers (of type net.jini.security.TrustVerifier) that are essentially part of the "trusted computing base" (a term which means the platform's hardware and software that is fully trusted to enforce the security mechanisms and policies in place) to see if at least one of those verifiers trusts the object in question. If one trust verifier is unable to verify trust, then another one is consulted. This trust verification process is carried out by the static method Security.verifyObjectTrust.

The Security.verifyObjectTrust method obtains trust verifiers from a resource, META-INF/services/net.jini.security.TrustVerifier, which, in this distribution, is part of the file jsk-resources.jar, which is referenced by jsk-platform.jar. These built-in trust verifiers are provided to verify instances of classes in the Apache River release. The following table lists these trust verifier implementations along with a description of the instances they verify:

TrustVerifier Verified Instances
constraint classes in net.jini.core.constraint
proxy produced by BasicJeriExporter.export, if the proxy's invocation handler is a standard BasicInvocationHandler instance containing a BasicObjectEndpoint instance, the proxy's class loader is trusted, and the proxy's server constraints and Endpoint are trusted
client-related classes in the net.jini.jeri.ssl package
client-related classes in the net.jini.jeri.kerberos package
proxy that can be verified by obtaining a trust verifier from the proxy's server
ConstraintableLookupLocator instances
discovery constraints

Most clients will use one or more of the trust verifiers above (indirectly) when verifying trust in a proxy. However, a service will need to implement a special trust verifier for a smart proxy, or for a proxy produced by BasicJeriExporter.

Proxy preparation is initiated by invoking the prepareProxy method on a BasicProxyPreparer instance (constructed as above, with verify set to true), passing it the proxy to be prepared (see Figure 1). The BasicProxyPreparer instance initiates trust verification by invoking the Security.verifyObjectTrust method, passing the proxy, the value null (loader) to specify the context class loader, and the constraints (obtained from the instance itself) to use on any remote communication by the trust verification mechanism.

The Security.verifyObjectTrust method obtains the trust verifiers from the resource in the specified loader (if the trust verifiers have not already been obtained) and creates a net.jini.security.TrustVerifier.Context (context) containing the ordered list of trust verifiers. Next, the isTrustedObject method of each trust verifier is invoked, passing it the proxy to be verified and the trust verifier context, until one trust verifier returns true. A given trust verifier will return true if it can verify trust in the object passed to it. A trust verifier may also use the context passed to verify other component objects recursively, before deciding whether it trusts the object.

The Security.verifyObjectTrust method returns true if there is at least one trust verifier in the context that trusts the proxy.

A net.jini.security.proxytrust.ProxyTrustVerifier can verify a service proxy for which a trusted verifier can be obtained from the service's remote object in a pre-defined manner, requiring cooperation with the proxy and the service's remote object. The two typical cases that ProxyTrustVerifier handles are: verifying non-smart proxies (for example, a simple proxy returned by BasicJeriExporter) and verifying smart proxies that wrap simple (non-smart) proxies. These cases are described in the following two sections.

ProxyTrustVerifier implements a trust verification mechanism that uses a trusted bootstrap proxy (either derived or obtained from the original proxy) to obtain a trust verifier from the server to use to verify the original proxy.

The reasoning behind this trust verification approach is as follows: if you trust the service (like your bank), and you obtain the trust verifier by communicating with the service through a trusted bootstrap proxy with server authentication and integrity, then you can trust the verifier returned by the service to verify the service proxy. After all, it is the service that knows best how to verify its own proxies.

Non-Smart Proxy Trust Verification

If a non-smart proxy that is a dynamic proxy would be directly trusted by a local trust verifier if only its proxy class were defined by a class loader trusted by such a verifier, then the non-smart proxy can implement net.jini.security.proxytrust.ProxyTrust so that it can be verified by a net.jini.security.proxytrust.ProxyTrustVerifier. In this case, the service's remote object must also cooperate in ProxyTrustVerifier's verification scheme by providing a TrustVerifier for its proxies as described in the section "Implementation Requirements for Trust Verification".

The mechanism implemented by ProxyTrustVerifier verifies non-smart proxies by performing the following:

The details of this mechanism are implemented by the ProxyTrustVerifier.isTrustedObject method (depicted in Figure 2). The proxy itself implements ProxyTrust and, as such, is considered a bootstrap proxy. However, this proxy is not typically trusted because, in most cases, the proxy's class is defined by an untrusted class loader when the proxy is received by a remote virtual machine. In this case if certain conditions are met, the ProxyTrustVerifier creates a "derivative bootstrap proxy" using a dynamic proxy class defined by the parent class loader (which is typically a trusted class loader) with the identical invocation handler as the bootstrap proxy. If the derivative bootstrap proxy is trusted by one of the locally trusted trust verifiers available in the context (determined by invoking isTrustedObject on the TrustVerifier.Context), then the derivative bootstrap proxy is the bootstrap proxy.

If the derivative bootstrap proxy is trusted, then the ProxyTrustVerifier can obtain the trust verifier from the service. The ProxyTrustVerifier first sets constraints (obtained from the context) on the derivative bootstrap proxy so that it will obtain the trust verifier from the server in a secure way. Next, the ProxyTrustVerifier invokes the ProxyTrust.getProxyVerifier method on the bootstrap proxy to obtain the trust verifier. This invocation is a remote call to a "bootstrap remote object" that implements the ProxyTrust interface. The getProxyVerifier implementation can then call the ServerProxyTrust.getProxyVerifier method on the service (which is a local method call) to obtain the trust verifier and then return the result. Note that the bootstrap remote object and the service remote object could be the same object; that is, the service object can implement ProxyTrust. If the service's remote object is exported to use BasicInvocationDispatcher, a separate bootstrap remote object is not needed, nor does the remote object's class need to implement ProxyTrust, because BasicInvocationDispatcher takes care of these details. In this case, however, the service's remote object will still need to implement ServerProxyTrust as described in the section "Implementing ServerProxyTrust".

After the ProxyTrustVerifier obtains the trust verifier from the service, it can then invoke the trust verifier's isTrustedObject method, passing it the original service proxy and the context, to determine whether the proxy is really a proxy that the service trusts.

Smart Proxy Trust Verification

Smart proxies or other proxies that do not implement ProxyTrust and that cannot be verified directly by the built-in trust verifiers can also be verified by net.jini.security.proxytrust.ProxyTrustVerifier. A ProxyTrustVerifier, in verifying smart proxies, uses some mechanisms in addition to those described above for non-smart proxies that implement ProxyTrust directly. As with non-smart proxies verified by ProxyTrustVerifier, a smart proxy and its corresponding remote object must cooperate in ProxyTrustVerifier's verification mechanism. The implementation requirements for service proxies and their remote objects are described in the section "Implementation Requirements for Trust Verification".

The mechanism implemented by ProxyTrustVerifier verifies smart proxies by performing the following:

The details of this mechanism are implemented by the ProxyTrustVerifier.isTrustedObject method (depicted in Figure 3). The ProxyTrustVerifier uses a special iterator, ProxyTrustIterator, to obtain the bootstrap proxy. This special iterator and the bootstrap proxy (from the iterator) are obtained as follows.

The ProxyTrustVerifier reflectively invokes a (typically private) method, getProxyTrustIterator, on the supplied proxy or the supplied proxy's invocation handler to obtain a ProxyTrustIterator. This iterator is used to obtain the bootstrap proxy, an object that must implement the interface ProxyTrust, which is a remote interface for obtaining a proxy trust verifier from the service. If the object returned from the iterator is not a ProxyTrust instance, then a ProxyTrustIterator is obtained from the returned object recursively. Otherwise, if the returned object does not implement the interface RemoteMethodControl, the ProxyTrustIterator is used again to obtain another candidate bootstrap proxy.

When the iterator returns a bootstrap proxy implementing ProxyTrust and RemoteMethodControl, the ProxyTrustVerifier verifies trust in the bootstrap proxy by using the locally trusted trust verifiers available in the context. This trust verification process is the same as described for the method Security.verifyObjectTrust.

If the bootstrap proxy is not trusted by the locally trusted verifiers available in the context (that is, the method isTrustedObject on the TrustVerifier.Context returns false), then if certain conditions are met, the ProxyTrustVerifier creates a "derivative bootstrap proxy" using a dynamic proxy class defined by the parent class loader (which is typically a trusted class loader) with the identical invocation handler as the bootstrap proxy. If the derivative bootstrap proxy is trusted by one of the locally trusted verifiers (determined by invoking isTrustedObject on the TrustVerifier.Context), then the derivative bootstrap proxy can be used as the bootstrap proxy.

Once trust in the bootstrap proxy (or derivative) has been established, the ProxyTrustVerifier can obtain the trust verifier from the service. The ProxyTrustVerifier first sets constraints (obtained from the context) on the bootstrap proxy so that it will obtain the trust verifier from the server in a secure way. Next, the ProxyTrustVerifier invokes the ProxyTrust.getProxyVerifier method on the bootstrap proxy to obtain the trust verifier. This invocation is a remote call to a "bootstrap remote object" that implements the ProxyTrust interface. The getProxyVerifier implementation can then call the ServerProxyTrust.getProxyVerifier method on the service (which is a local method call) to obtain the trust verifier and then return the result. Note that the bootstrap remote object and the service's remote object could be the same object; that is, the service object can implement ProxyTrust.

After the ProxyTrustVerifier obtains the trust verifier from the service, it can then invoke the trust verifier's isTrustedObject method, passing it the service proxy and the context, to determine whether the proxy is really a proxy that the service trusts.

Implementation Requirements for Proxy Trust Verification

There are two main kinds of service proxies: a "simple" proxy, that is, a "non-smart" proxy returned from export (like a JRMP stub), and a smart proxy that wraps the proxy returned from export. This section describes the verifiers that can be used to verify different categories of proxies, based on their characteristics, and explains the implementation requirements for service proxies and their respective remote objects.

A BasicJeriTrustVerifier can be used as a trust verifier for a Jini ERI proxy (a proxy returned by BasicJeriExporter) if that proxy's class is defined by a trusted class loader and uses BasicInvocationHandler and BasicObjectEndpoint containing locally verifiable endpoint instances (such as net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint and net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint). This is not a typical case, though, because in most cases, the class of a Jini ERI proxy received by a remote VM will be defined by an untrusted class loader.

If a Jini ERI proxy satisfies all of BasicJeriTrustVerifier's conditions for trust, except the condition regarding its dynamic proxy class's loader, then (on the asumption that the parent of that loader will be locally trusted) the service proxy and its remote object can cooperate in the verification mechanism provided by ProxyTrustVerifier. In this case, the proxy itself serves as the bootstrap proxy and must implement ProxyTrust. To facilitate this, the service's remote object can be exported with a net.jini.jeri.ProxyTrustILFactory which ensures that the service proxy implements ProxyTrust (in addition to RemoteMethodControl). The service's remote object must also implement the ServerProxyTrust.getProxyVerifier method to return a verifier for the proxy (as described below in the section "Implementing ServerProxyTrust").

If a Jini ERI proxy that could be trusted by clients (perhaps by ProxyTrustVerifier as described above) is used inside a smart proxy that will not be trusted directly by clients, a ProxyTrustILFactory can be used to cause the inner Jini ERI proxy to also be an instance of ProxyTrust (in addition to RemoteMethodControl). To fit into the ProxyTrustVerifier mechanism, the outer proxy must implement the getProxyTrustIterator method to return a ProxyTrustIterator whose next method returns the inner proxy (referred to as the "bootstrap proxy" above). The net.jini.security.proxytrust.SingletonProxyTrustIterator is a simple implementation of ProxyTrustIterator whose next method returns the object the instance is constructed with. Additionally, the service's remote object must implement the ServerProxyTrust interface to return a trust verifier that verifies the proxy (as described below in the section "Implementing ServerProxyTrust").

For other smart proxies or Jini ERI proxies containing a custom invocation handler or custom endpoint that will not be trusted directly by clients, a net.jini.security.proxytrust.ProxyTrustExporter can be used to combine that proxy with a trustable bootstrap proxy, such that the client can use ProxyTrustVerifier to verify that the aggregate proxy can be trusted. The service's remote object would need to implement ServerProxyTrust.getProxyVerifier to return a verifier for the aggregate proxy.

Implementing ServerProxyTrust

A service's remote object should implement the ServerProxyTrust interface to provide a trust verifier for its proxies that simply compares a known canonical service proxy with the yet-to-be-trusted proxy, testing that the proxies are trust equivalent. An object is considered trust equivalent to a known, trusted object if it is equivalent in trust, content, and function to that trusted object. The net.jini.security.proxytrust.TrustEquivalence interface can be implemented by trusted objects (say component objects in the proxy) that need to allow other objects to be checked for trust equivalence. The TrustEquivalence interface has a single method, checkTrustEquivalence, for checking trust equivalence.

An implementation of a basic proxy trust verifier, which could be returned by an implementation of the ServerProxyTrust.getProxyVerifier method, is the com.sun.jini.proxy.BasicProxyTrustVerifier (see the source code BasicProxyTrustVerifier.java for implementation details).

3.2.2 Granting Permissions

Once trust in a proxy has been verified, the client may wish to grant permissions to the proxy so that future invocations on the proxy will function correctly. This task can also be accomplished through a BasicProxyPreparer.

Permissions can only be granted to a proxy if dynamic permission grants are supported by the installed security policy implementation. This release provides a java.security.Policy implementation, net.jini.security.policy.DynamicPolicyProvider, that supports such dynamic granting of permissions at runtime. The DynamicPolicyProvider implements the interface net.jini.security.policy.DynamicPolicy, which defines methods for granting permissions on the granularity of a class loader. For an application to grant a specific permission, the calling context must have net.jini.security.GrantPermission for the permission being granted. Note that the Security class has a static method, grantSupported, that can be called to check whether dynamic permission grants are supported.

A BasicProxyPreparer grants permissions to the proxy on the granularity of the proxy's class loader. The preparer invokes its own getPermissions method, passing the proxy, to obtain the permissions to grant. If there are permissions to grant, the preparer invokes Security.grant with the proxy's class (proxyClass) and the permissions to grant (see Figure 1).

The Security.grant operation will delegate to the security policy implementation to grant the permissions if the policy supports dynamic permission grants via DynamicPolicy. This Security.grant method grants the specified permissions to all protection domains that are associated with the class loader of the given class (which, in this example, is the proxy's class) and passes at least the principals of the current subject (if any). If grants are not supported or the calling context does not have the requisite GrantPermission for each permission to grant, then a SecurityException is thrown.

3.2.3 Setting Constraints

Once trust is verified and permissions (if any) have been granted to the proxy, constraints should be set on the proxy to ensure the desired level of security on future remote invocations through the proxy. A BasicProxyPreparer's final task is to set constraints (if any) on the proxy, resulting in a new proxy (with the constraints set), and to return that proxy as the result of the prepareProxy operation (see Figure 1).

A proxy must implement the interface net.jini.core.constraint.RemoteMethodControl to enable the setting of constraints. Constraints are set by invoking the proxy's setConstraints method, passing a MethodConstraints object containing the constraints to set. A BasicProxyPreparer obtains the method constraints from itself by invoking its own getMethodConstraints method and then sets these constraints on the proxy. The copy of the proxy (new proxy) returned by the setConstraints method is returned as the result of preparing the proxy.

3.3 Code Integrity

The net.jini.core.constraint.Integrity constraint should be set on a proxy if remote calls through that proxy require integrity protection on both the in-band call data, transmitted as part of the remote call, and the code downloaded out-of-band as a result of the call. A communication mechanism enforcing an Integrity constraint can use the Security.verifyCodebaseIntegrity method to determine if all URLs in a codebase provide content integrity, based on whatever net.jini.security.IntegrityVerifier instances are configured.

The application does not have to worry about verifying codebase integrity itself; that task is carried out by the underlying communication mechanism enforcing the Integrity constraint. Such communication mechanisms should verify the codebase URLs for integrity when unmarshalling objects during a remote call.

The Security.verifyCodebaseIntegrity method obtains integrity verifiers from a resource, META-INF/services/net.jini.security.IntegrityVerifier, which, in this distribution (and similar to trust verifiers), is part of the file jsk-resources.jar. The following table lists the standard integrity verifier implementations along with the type of URLs they verify.

IntegrityVerifier Verified URLs
net.jini.url.httpmd.HttpmdIntegrityVerifier HTTPMD
net.jini.url.https.HttpsIntegrityVerifier HTTPS
net.jini.url.file.FileIntegrityVerifier FILE

The mechanism implemented by Security.verifyCodebaseIntegrity is pluggable (since it uses a resource), so that other IntegrityVerifier implementations can be configured if a deployment requires other URL types to have their integrity protection verified.


A deployment requiring integrity protection for downloaded code may wish to make use of HTTPMD URLs, introduced in this release. An HTTPMD URL includes a message digest for the data retrieved from the URL. The URL input stream ensures that the data has the correct message digest when the end of file for the stream is reached.

The reasoning behind why HTTPMD URLs can be used to verify code integrity is as follows. An HTTPMD URL (configured in a codebase path for an application and subsequently used by the underlying communication mechanism as a class annotation) is transmitted in band as part of a remote call. Because the HTTPMD URL (both the URL and message digest component) is transmitted in band, the message digest can be trusted to the same extent as any other data transmitted in the call. If the HTTPMD URL is communicated with integrity, the value of the message digest must be correct. Therefore, the URL input stream can use the message digest to verify correctly the integrity of the stream contents.

The URL protocol handlers in J2SE can be configured with additional protocol handlers, over and above built-in handlers (such as for HTTP and FILE URLs). To configure the use of HTTPMD URLs for an application, the "java.protocol.handler.pkgs" system property should be set to "net.jini.url".

For convenience, the tool ComputeHttpmdCodebase can be used to compute message digests for a codebase with HTTPMD URLs.

4 Jini Extensible Remote Invocation

Jini ERI, defined in the net.jini.jeri package, is a pluggable implementation of the Java RMI programming model that supports the remote object export model defined in the net.jini.export package and supports the security model described above, including invocation constraints, remote method control, and the trust verification model. Jini ERI allows customization of client-side and server-side remote invocation behavior and also allows the use of a variety of communication transports.

See the net.jini.jeri package documentation for more information.

5 Service Providers

While this release provides a pluggable infrastructure with many avenues for customization, it also includes many provider implementations that are sufficient for most applications. These providers are summarized in this section.

Many applications will use the supplied providers, having one or more of them specified in deployment-time information in a resource or configuration. Other applications may implement one or more of their own providers if their application deployment requires a more specific feature that is not implemented by the built-in providers.

In general, an application developer or deployer does not need to understand all APIs used by providers. Such APIs only need to be well-understood if one is developing a new service provider or customizing some aspect of an existing one.

5.1 Providers located by resources

The following is a list of provider interfaces and associated implementations that are located via resources (and specified in jsk-resources.jar). For the most part, these provider interfaces and implementations are used by other infrastructure implementations. Applications generally don't need to program to either the interfaces or the implementations of these kinds of providers with some minor exceptions: to implement TrustVerifier for a smart/custom proxy, and to reference a Configuration.

java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoaderSpi (defined in J2SE)





net.jini.security.policy.DynamicPolicy and java.security.Policy

5.2 Providers specified in configurations

The providers in this section are those that a deployer may specify explicitly in a configuration. Applications typically program to the interfaces of these providers, but not their implementations. Many applications can utilize the implementations available in the Apache River release, and therefore, don't need to worry about how to implement a specific interface, only how to use it.





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