=============================================== PLEASE NOTE THAT BELOW INFO IS (VERY) OUTDATED! It is only kept for reference while updated documentation is under develoment. Meanwhile, please refer to: /build.xml ('qa.run' task) e.g. 'ant qa.run' /qa/build.xml ('run-categories', 'run-tests', 'jtreg' tasks) e.g. 'ant jtreg' =============================================== This file describes the steps one can take to build and run the tests provided under the 'integrationtests' directory of Apache River. Note that the steps outlined here assume a unix or linux based system with access to the GNU make utility. 1. CHECKOUT Suppose your home directory is /home/myUsername, and suppose you checkout the river distribution (including the QA test source) from the Apache River Project as show below, > cd ~ > svn checkout \ https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/river/jtsk/trunk \ jtsk-trunk Note also that there are a number of example commands presented in this document that use '~' for the user's home directory. In those commands, '~' is allowable. In all other commands shown, the absolute path is required. 2. Set - JAVA_HOME > export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2se/jdk1.6.0 JAVA_HOME must be set as an environment variable. If it is not set, then neither the ant scripts used to compile the river source, nor the make file used to compile the QA tests, will work. In the example command line above, replace the value used for the location of the Java home directory with the appropriate value for your system. 3. BUILD - the source > cd ~/jtsk-trunk > ant clean (optional) > ant > ant jars 4. INSTALL - the policy provider > su [must be root to execute the install.policy target] # cd ~/jtsk-trunk # ant install.policy # ls -al /usr/lib/j2se/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/ext -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31106 2008-05-19 17:42 jsk-policy.jar # exit -- The Apache River Jini distribution should now be built -- 5. BUILD - the qa tests > cd ~/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests > make clean (optional) > make > make jars 6. INSTALL - the merged policy provider for the qa tests > su [must be root to install this provider] # cd ~/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/lib # cp mergedpolicyprovider.jar /usr/lib/j2se/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/ext # exit In the example command line above, replace the value used for the location of the Java home directory with the appropriate value for your system. 7. RUNNING - the qa tests > cd ~/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/src NOTE: elements of the command line below are broken up below for readability Example 7a. Run individual test(s) in transient mode, named: com.sun.jini.test.spec.joinmanager.Register com.sun.jini.test.impl.joinmanager.LeaseRenewDurRFE com.sun.jini.test.impl.servicediscovery.event.LookupTaskServiceIdMapRace > java -cp $HOME/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/lib/jiniharness.jar :$HOME/jtsk-trunk/lib/jsk-platform.jar :$HOME/jtsk-trunk/lib/jsk-lib.jar -Djava.security.policy= $HOME/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/harness/policy/qa.policy -Djava.util.logging.config.file= $HOME/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/src/com/sun/jini/test/resources/qa1.logging com.sun.jini.qa.harness.QARunner $HOME/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/src/com/sun/jini/test/resources/qaHarness.prop -testJar $HOME/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/lib/jinitests.jar -tests com/sun/jini/test/spec/joinmanager/Register.td, com/sun/jini/test/impl/joinmanager/LeaseRenewDurRFE.td, com/sun/jini/test/impl/servicediscovery/event/LookupTaskServiceIdMapRace.td -com.sun.jini.qa.harness.serviceMode transient Example 7b. Run all tests in transient mode under the joinmanager categories: > java -cp $HOME/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/lib/jiniharness.jar :$HOME/jtsk-trunk/lib/jsk-platform.jar :$HOME/jtsk-trunk/lib/jsk-lib.jar -Djava.security.policy= $HOME/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/harness/policy/qa.policy -Djava.util.logging.config.file= $HOME/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/src/com/sun/jini/test/resources/qa1.logging com.sun.jini.qa.harness.QARunner $HOME/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/src/com/sun/jini/test/resources/qaHarness.prop -testJar $HOME/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/lib/jinitests.jar -categories joinmanager -com.sun.jini.qa.harness.serviceMode transient Examples of test categories that can be run: joinmanager lookupdiscoveryspec discoveryservice fiddler servicediscovery servicediscoveryevent etc. MODE: To run the services being tested in activatable mode, rather than transient mode as was shown above, simply exclude the argument '-com.sun.jini.qa.harness.serviceMode transient' from each command line in the examples. POLICY: The system property related to security policy is optional when not running the secure test configurations. LOGGING: The system property related to logging is also optional, but if it is excluded, then only minimal default logging output will be displayed. In the examples above, the logging file, $HOME/jtsk-trunk/integrationtests/qa/src/com/sun/jini/test/resources/qa1.logging is used to configure logging for both the test harness and the tests themselves. Most loggers referenced in the qa1.logging configuration file are initially configured at the INFO level. If you would like to see more verbose logging output, then edit qa1.logging and change the level of the desired logger to the appropriate level.