ID |
Requirement |
Section |
Comments |
Two proxy objects are equal (using the equals method) if they are proxies for the same lookup discovery service. |
8.3 |
An invocation of the register method produces
an object — referred to as a registration object (or simply, a registration)
— that is mutable. Because the
returned object is mutable, each invocation of the register method produces a new registration object. |
8.4 |
The register method may
throw a RemoteException. … When this exception does occur, the registration may or may not
have been successful. |
Each registration with the lookup discovery service is
persistent across restarts (crashes) of the lookup discovery service, until
the lease on the registration expires or is cancelled. |
The register method takes a String array, ..., consisting of zero or more names of the groups to which the
desired lookup services belong |
The register method takes a String array, none of whose elements may be null, ... |
The register method takes a String array,… [effectively] with duplicates eliminated. |
A null value (LookupDiscovery.ALL_GROUPS) is acceptable for this argument. If the value is null, the lookup discovery service will attempt to discover all lookup
services located within the multicast radius of the host on which the lookup
discovery service is running. |
If an empty array (LookupDiscovery.NO_GROUPS) is passed in, then no group discovery will be performed for the
associated registration until the client, through one of the registration’s
methods, populates the managed set of groups. |
An array of zero or more non-null LookupLocator objects, each corresponding to a specific lookup service the client
wishes to be discovered |
… with duplicates eliminated. |
If either the empty array or null is passed in as the locators argument, then no locator discovery
will be performed for the associated registration until the client, through
one of the registration’s methods, populates the managed set of locators. |
A non-null RemoteEventListener object which specifies the entity that will receive events notifying
the registration of the discovery of lookup services of interest |
If a null value is input to this argument,
then a NullPointerException
will be thrown and the registration fails. |
Either null or an instance of MarshalledObject specifying an object that will be included in the notification event
that the lookup discovery service sends to the registered listener |
A long value representing the amount of time (in
milliseconds) for which the resources of the lookup discovery service are
being requested |
The initial duration of the lease granted to a client
by the lookup discovery service will be less than or equal to the requested
duration reflected in the value input to the leaseDuration argument. |
That value must be positive, Lease.FOREVER or Lease.ANY. If any other value is input to this argument, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. |
The register method returns
an instance of the LookupDiscoveryRegistration interface. |
Upon discovery of a lookup service, through either
group discovery or locator discovery, the lookup discovery service will send
an event, referred to as a discovery event, to the listener associated with
the registration produced by the call to register. |
If the multicast announcements from an
already-discovered lookup service indicate that the lookup service is a
member of a new group, a discovery event will be sent to all registrations
that have registered interest in lookup services belonging to that group. |
If the multicast announcements from an
already-discovered lookup service indicate that the lookup service is no
longer a member of one or more of the groups that had been reflected in
previous multicast announcements, a discard event will be sent to all
registrations that have registered interest in at least one of the missing
groups but in none of the remaining groups. |
If the multicast announcements from an
already-discovered lookup service are no longer being received, a discard
event will be sent to all registrations that have registered interest in that
lookup service. |
What's the timeout? How many dropped events? |
For each registration created by the lookup discovery
service, an event identifier will be generated that uniquely maps the
registration to the listener and to the set of groups and locators submitted
through the registration request. This event identifier is returned as a part
of the returned registration object, and is unique across all other active
registrations with the lookup discovery service. |
Whenever the lookup discovery service finds a lookup
service matching the discovery criteria of one or more of its registrations,
it sends an instance of RemoteDiscoveryEvent (a sub-class of RemoteEvent) to the listener corresponding to each such registration. |
Once an event signaling the discovery (by group or
locator) of a desired lookup service has been sent, no other discovery events
for that lookup service will be sent to a registration’s listener until the
lookup service is discarded (through that registration) and then
re-discovered. |
Conflicts with #21? |
If, between the time a lookup service is discarded
(through any registration) and the time it is re-discovered, a new
registration having parameters referencing that lookup service is requested,
upon re-discovery of the lookup service an event will also be sent to that
new registration’s listener. |
The sequence numbers for a given event identifier are
strictly increasing (as defined in the Jini™ Distributed Event
Specification), which means that when any two such successive events have
sequence numbers differing by only a value of 1, then no events have been
missed. |
Two proxy objects are equal (using the equals method) if they are proxies for the same registration created by the
same lookup discovery service. |
8.5.1 |
If the client’s registration with the lookup discovery
service has expired or been cancelled, then any invocation of a remote method
defined in this interface will result in a NoSuchObjectException. |
The getEventRegistration method
returns an EventRegistration
object that encapsulates the information needed by the
client to identify a notification sent by the lookup discovery service to the
registration’s listener. |
The getLease method returns
the Lease object that controls a client’s registration with the lookup discovery
service. It is through the object returned by this method that the client
requests the renewal or cancellation of the registration with the lookup
discovery service. This method is not remote and takes no arguments. |
Note that the object returned by the getEventRegistration method also provides a getLease method. That
method and the getLease
method defined by the LookupDiscoveryRegistration interface both return the same Lease object. |
The getRegistrars method returns
an array containing references to each lookup service that has already been
discovered for the registration. |
The getGroups method returns
an array consisting of the group names from the registration’s managed set. |
If the managed set of groups is empty, this method returns
the empty array. . |
If there is no managed set of groups associated with
the registration, then null is returned |
The getLocators method returns
an array consisting of the LookupLocator objects from
the registration’s managed set. |
If the managed set of locators is empty, this method
returns the empty array. |
If there is no managed set of locators associated with
the registration, then null is returned. |
a set of groups is represented as a String array, none of whose elements may be null. |
The empty set is denoted by the empty array (LookupDiscovery.NO_GROUPS), |
and “no set” is indicated by null (LookupDiscovery.ALL_GROUPS). No set indicates that all lookup services within the multicast
radius should be discovered. |
Invoking any of these methods with an input set of
groups that contains duplicate names is equivalent to performing the
invocation with the duplicate group names removed from the input set. |
The addGroups method adds a
set of group names to the registration’s managed set. |
Elements in the array that duplicate elements already
in the managed set will be ignored. |
Once a new name has been added to the managed set, the
lookup discovery service will attempt to discover all as yet undiscovered
lookup services that are members of the group having that name. |
If the registration has no current managed set of
groups to augment, this method throws an UnsupportedOperationException. |
If the parameter value is null, this method throws a NullPointerException. |
If the parameter value is the empty array, then the
registration’s managed set of groups will not change. |
The setGroups method replaces
all of the group names in the registration’s managed set with names from a
new set. |
Once a new group name has been placed in the managed
set, if there are lookup services belonging to that group that have already
been discovered, no event will be sent to the registration’s listener for
those particular lookup services. Attempts to discover all as yet
undiscovered lookup services belonging to that group will continue to be made
for the registration. |
If null is passed to setGroups, then the
lookup discovery service will attempt to discover all as yet undiscovered
lookup services located within the multicast radius and, upon discovery of
any lookup service, will send to the registration’s listener an event
signaling that discovery. |
If the parameter value is the empty array, then group
discovery for the registration will cease. |
The removeGroups method deletes
a set of group names from the registration’s managed set. |
If the registration has no current managed set of
groups from which to remove elements, the removeGroups method
throws an UnsupportedOperationException. |
If null is input, this method throws a NullPointerException. |
If the empty array is input, then the registration’s
managed set of groups will not change. |
After a set of groups has been removed from the
managed set because of an invocation of either setGroups or removeGroups, attempts to discover any lookup service that satisfies each of the
following characteristics will cease to be made for the registration: -
the lookup service is a member of
one or more of the groups that was removed from the registration’s managed
set, and -
the lookup service is not a member
of any group in the new managed set resulting from the invocation of setGroups or removeGroups, and -
the lookup service does not
correspond to any element in the registration’s managed set of locators. |
a set of locators is represented as an array of LookupLocator objects, none of whose elements may be null. |
Invoking any of these methods with a set of locators
that contains duplicate locators (as determined by the equals method of LookupLocator) is equivalent to performing the
invocation with the duplicates removed from the input set. |
The addLocators method adds a
set of LookupLocator
objects to the registration’s managed set. |
Elements in the input set that duplicate (using LookupLocator.equals) elements already in the managed set will be ignored. |
This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException if the registration has no managed set of locators to augment. |
If null is passed to addLocators,a NullPointerException will be thrown. |
If the empty array is the parameter value, the
registration’s managed set of locators will not change. |
The setLocators method replaces
all of the locators in the registration’s managed set with LookupLocator objects from a new set. |
If null is passed to setLocators,a NullPointerException will be thrown. |
If the parameter value is the empty array, all locator
discovery performed by the lookup discovery service, for the registration,
will cease. |
The removeLocators method deletes
a set of LookupLocator
objects from the registration’s managed set. |
If the registration has no managed set of locators
from which to remove elements, this method throws an UnsupportedOperationException. |
If null is passed to removeLocators,a NullPointerException will be thrown. |
If the parameter value is the empty array, the registration’s
managed set of locators will not change. |
Note that locator equality is determined by the equals method of LookupLocator. |
Whenever a new locator is placed in the managed set as
a result of an invocation of one of the locator modification methods, and
that new locator equals none of the locators corresponding to the previously
discovered lookup services (across all registrations), the lookup discovery
service will attempt unicast discovery of the lookup service associated with
the new locator. |
If locator discovery is attempted, the discovery
attempt will be repeated until…The lookup service is discovered |
If locator discovery is attempted, the discovery
attempt will be repeated until…The client’s lease expires |
If locator discovery is attempted, the discovery
attempt will be repeated until…The client explicitly removes the locator from
the managed set |
Upon discovery of the lookup service corresponding to
the new locator, or upon finding a match between the new locator and a previously
discovered lookup service, an event signaling a discovery will be sent to the
registration’s listener. |
Whenever an existing locator is removed from the
managed set … If the lookup service has yet to be discovered for the
registration, attempts to perform locator discovery of that lookup service
will cease. |
Whenever an existing locator is removed from the
managed set … If the lookup service has already been discovered for the
registration through locator discovery, but not through group discovery, the
lookup service will be discarded |
the lookup discovery service will discard a lookup
service: … In response to a discard request
resulting from an invocation of a registration’s discard method |
the lookup discovery service will discard a lookup
service: … When a lookup service — previously
discovered through locator discovery — is removed from a registration’s
managed set, in response to an invocation of either the setLocators method or the removeLocators method |
the lookup discovery service will discard a lookup
service: … When the multicast announcements
from an already-discovered lookup service are no longer being received |
whenever the lookup discovery service discards a
lookup service, it will send an event to the registration to notify it that
the lookup service has been discarded. |
The discard method takes a
single argument: the proxy to the lookup service to discard. This method
takes no action if the parameter to this method equals none of the proxies
reflected in the managed set (using proxy equality as defined in the Jini™
Lookup Service Specification). |
This means that for each of the registration’s
targeted lookup services, after a lookup service is initially discovered, the
lookup discovery service will not attempt to discover that lookup service
again (for that registration) until that lookup service is discarded. |
That is, upon re-discovery of the lookup service, only
those registrations through which this method is invoked will be notified. |
Instances of the RemoteDiscoveryEvent class are
passed to the RemoteEvent
listener implemented by the client and registered with
the lookup discovery service. |
The isDiscarded method returns
a boolean that indicates whether the event is a discovery event or a discard
event. |
The getRegistrars method returns
an array of ServiceRegistrar
objects. The elements contained in the returned array
are the proxies that correspond to lookup services that were either newly
discovered, re-discovered, discarded, or had their group sets modified. |
Note that the event sequence numbers, as defined
earlier in this chapter in the section titled Event Semantics, are strictly
increasing — even when the information is batched. |
The getRegistrars method does not
make a remote call. |
The same array is returned on multiple invocations of
this method. |