Kerberos Setup Instructions


Beginning in version 1.4.1, the JavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition provides three client-side Kerberos tools: kinit, klist, and ktab in its Windows and Linux distributions. In this document, we explain how to use these tools to obtain Kerberos Ticket Granting Tickets (TGTs) and keytabs on their provided platforms. If you are running on the SolarisTM Operating System (Solaris OS), then in addition to using the Solaris OS version of the kinit utility to obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting tickets, you should also use the Solaris OS-specific Kerberos database administration program, kadmin (for details type, man kadmin).

Create keytab files

Create a keytab file, if it does not exist already, and add entries using:
ktab -a <principal_name> <password> -k <keytab_name>
For example, to create a keytab file named as krb-servers.keytab in the config directory, which contains three entries whose principal names are server, phoenix, and reggie, and passwords are serverpw, phoenixpw, and reggiepw respectively, you would use the following:
ktab -a server serverpw -k config/krb-servers.keytab
ktab -a phoenix phoenixpw -k config/krb-servers.keytab
ktab -a reggie reggiepw -k config/krb-servers.keytab
To check what entries are in a keytab file, use:
ktab -l -k <keytab_name>
To create keytabs when running on Solaris OS, one can use the ktadd command provided under the kadmin utility (for details type, man kadmin).

Create TGT cache

kinit can used to obtain and cache Kerberos TGTs. Here are links to the documentation of this command on various platforms ([Linux] [Windows] [Solaris OS]).

Kerberos Login module documentation

The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) login module for Kerberos is Krb5LoginModule. To find out what options it supports and how to setup its configuration file, click here.