Click Here for Admin Login
Object action = request.getAttribute("action"); if( action != null ){ String act = (String)action; if( act.compareTo("signin") == 0 ){ Object state = request.getAttribute("state"); if( state != null ){ switch ((Integer)state){ case 0: break; case 1:
User name or Password can not be null
break; case 2:
No user found. Make use you input correct user name
break; case 3:
Password incorrect
break; } } } else if( act.compareTo("signup") == 0 ){ Object state = request.getAttribute("state"); if( state != null ){ switch ((Integer)state){ case 0:
Congratulations!! You have signed up your account. Now you can sign in.
break; case 1:
It seems that you input some value which does not satisfy our requirement.
break; case 2:
The user name has been registered alreay. Take another user name.
break; case -1:
Congratulations!! Your openid has been authenticated. Now you need to create a new account in this site. And the authenticated openid will be bound to your new account automatically.
break; default:
Make sure you input correct value for each field.
break; } } } }