1.0 rave http://www.apache.org/rave/tags Allows access to a org.apache.rave.model.Person object via the configured variable person org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.PersonTag JSP The ID of the person to load id true true The variable to assign the resulting person to var true true The scope under which the assignment is valid scope false true Allows access to a org.apache.rave.model.Widget object via the configured variable widget org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.WidgetTag JSP The ID of the widget to load id true true The variable to assign the resulting widget to var true true The scope under which the assignment is valid scope false true Renders a given RegionWidget in the page render-widget org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.RegionWidgetTag JSP The region widget to render regionWidget true true The widget to render widget true true Renders a set of script blocks for the current location render-script org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.ScriptTag JSP The page location for the scripts location true true org.apache.rave.portal.web.renderer.ScriptLocation Renders a static content fragment based on the cache key render-static-content org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.StaticContentTag JSP The cache key of the static content to render contentKey true true java.lang.String Registers a script block for later inclusion in a JSP page register-init-script org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.RegisterInitializationScriptTag JSP The page location for the scripts location true true org.apache.rave.portal.web.renderer.ScriptLocation Renders the initialization script block render-init-script org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.RenderInitializationScriptTag JSP The page location for the scripts location true true org.apache.rave.portal.web.renderer.ScriptLocation Renders the value of the JavaScriptDebugMode portal preference render-js-debug-mode org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.JavaScriptDebugModeTag JSP Renders the value of the ShowStackTrace portal preference render-show-stack-trace org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.ShowStackTraceTag JSP