1.0 rave http://www.apache.org/rave/tags Renders a given RegionWidget in the page render-widget org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.RegionWidgetTag JSP The region widget to render regionWidget true true Renders a set of script blocks for the current location render-script org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.ScriptTag JSP The page location for the scripts location true true org.apache.rave.portal.web.renderer.ScriptLocation Renders a static content fragment based on the cache key render-static-content org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.StaticContentTag JSP The cache key of the static content to render contentKey true true java.lang.String Registers a script block for later inclusion in a JSP page register-init-script org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.RegisterInitializationScriptTag JSP The page location for the scripts location true true org.apache.rave.portal.web.renderer.ScriptLocation Renders the initialization script block render-init-script org.apache.rave.portal.web.tag.RenderInitializationScriptTag JSP The page location for the scripts location true true org.apache.rave.portal.web.renderer.ScriptLocation