
Presently, mod_python is installed by statically linking mod_python into
Apache. There are still some issues that I am trying to resolve with DSO
support. It will work, but I do not have a clean installation procedure
that works across platforms.

Please join the mod_python mailing list by sending an e-mail with the word
"subscribe" in the subject to

To install:

1. Untar the file in some directory.
2. copy mod_python/src/mod_python.c to src/modules/extra/ in the Apache sources.
3. cd into the apache source directory

then either

    4. ./configure --activate-module=src/modules/extra/mod_python.c
    5. make

    4. cd src
    5. edit Configuration and add "AddModule modules/extra/mod_python.o"
    6. ./Configure
    7. make

lastly, you need to install the Python package:

 [as root]

1. cp lib/python/mod_python to /usr/local/lib/python1.5/site-packages/
2. python /usr/local/lib/python/ /usr/local/lib/python1.5/site-packages/mod_python

 [end as root]

Now, see if it works:

    1. ./httpd -l should list mod_python.c
    2. pick some directory on yout website
    3. make sure that AllowOverride isn't None for that directory
    4. edit .htaccess so that it has:

    AddHandler python-program .py
    PythonHandler test

    5. put a file named in this directory with this in it:

    from mod_python import apache

    def handler(req):
        req.write("Hello World!")
        return apache.OK

    6. point your browser to the URL referring to this file

    7. If this didn't work, either study the error output in your browser,
       or look at the error log. Make sure you followed all the steps.

    8. If that fails, e-mail me or the list.


Last modified: Thu May 11 18:24:19 EDT 2000