#!/usr/bin/env python # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import os, uuid import getopt import sys import socket import qpid from threading import Condition from qpid.management import managementClient from qpid.peer import Closed from qpid.connection import Connection from qpid.util import connect from time import sleep _defspecpath = "/usr/share/amqp/amqp.0-10.xml" _specpath = _defspecpath _recursive = False _host = "localhost" _durable = False _fileCount = 8 _fileSize = 24 FILECOUNT = "qpid.file_count" FILESIZE = "qpid.file_size" def Usage (): print "Usage: qpid-config [OPTIONS]" print " qpid-config [OPTIONS] exchanges [filter-string]" print " qpid-config [OPTIONS] queues [filter-string]" print " qpid-config [OPTIONS] add exchange [AddExchangeOptions]" print " qpid-config [OPTIONS] del exchange " print " qpid-config [OPTIONS] add queue [AddQueueOptions]" print " qpid-config [OPTIONS] del queue " print " qpid-config [OPTIONS] bind [binding-key]" print " qpid-config [OPTIONS] unbind [binding-key]" print print "Options:" print " -b [ --bindings ] Show bindings in queue or exchange list" print " -a [ --broker-addr ] Address (localhost) Address of qpidd broker" print " broker-addr is in the form: hostname | ip-address [:]" print " ex: localhost,, broker-host:10000" print " -s [ --spec-file] Path (" + _defspecpath + ")" print " AMQP specification file" print print "Add Queue Options:" print " --durable Queue is durable" print " --file-count N (8) Number of files in queue's persistence journal" print " --file-size N (24) File size in pages (64Kib/page)" print print "Add Exchange Options:" print " --durable Exchange is durable" print sys.exit (1) class Broker: def __init__ (self, text): colon = text.find (":") if colon == -1: host = text self.port = 5672 else: host = text[:colon] self.port = int (text[colon+1:]) self.host = socket.gethostbyname (host) def name (self): return self.host + ":" + str (self.port) class BrokerManager: def __init__ (self): self.dest = None self.src = None self.broker = None def SetBroker (self, broker): self.broker = broker def ConnectToBroker (self): try: self.spec = qpid.spec.load (_specpath) self.conn = Connection (connect (self.broker.host, self.broker.port), self.spec) self.conn.start () self.mclient = managementClient (self.spec) self.mchannel = self.mclient.addChannel (self.conn.session(str(uuid.uuid4()))) except socket.error, e: print "Socket Error:", e sys.exit (1) except Closed, e: print "Connect Failed:", e sys.exit (1) def Overview (self): self.ConnectToBroker () mc = self.mclient mch = self.mchannel mc.syncWaitForStable (mch) exchanges = mc.syncGetObjects (mch, "exchange") queues = mc.syncGetObjects (mch, "queue") print "Total Exchanges: %d" % len (exchanges) etype = {} for ex in exchanges: if ex.type not in etype: etype[ex.type] = 1 else: etype[ex.type] = etype[ex.type] + 1 for typ in etype: print "%15s: %d" % (typ, etype[typ]) print print " Total Queues: %d" % len (queues) _durable = 0 for queue in queues: if queue.durable: _durable = _durable + 1 print " durable: %d" % _durable print " non-durable: %d" % (len (queues) - _durable) def ExchangeList (self, filter): self.ConnectToBroker () mc = self.mclient mch = self.mchannel mc.syncWaitForStable (mch) exchanges = mc.syncGetObjects (mch, "exchange") print "Type Bindings Exchange Name" print "=============================================" for ex in exchanges: if self.match (ex.name, filter): print "%-10s%5d %s" % (ex.type, ex.bindings, ex.name) def ExchangeListRecurse (self, filter): self.ConnectToBroker () mc = self.mclient mch = self.mchannel mc.syncWaitForStable (mch) exchanges = mc.syncGetObjects (mch, "exchange") bindings = mc.syncGetObjects (mch, "binding") queues = mc.syncGetObjects (mch, "queue") for ex in exchanges: if self.match (ex.name, filter): print "Exchange '%s' (%s)" % (ex.name, ex.type) for bind in bindings: if bind.exchangeRef == ex.id: qname = "" queue = self.findById (queues, bind.queueRef) if queue != None: qname = queue.name print " bind [%s] => %s" % (bind.bindingKey, qname) def QueueList (self, filter): self.ConnectToBroker () mc = self.mclient mch = self.mchannel mc.syncWaitForStable (mch) queues = mc.syncGetObjects (mch, "queue") journals = mc.syncGetObjects (mch, "journal") print " Store Size" print "Durable AutoDel Excl Bindings (files x file pages) Queue Name" print "===========================================================================================" for q in queues: if self.match (q.name, filter): args = q.arguments if q.durable and FILESIZE in args and FILECOUNT in args: fs = int (args[FILESIZE]) fc = int (args[FILECOUNT]) print "%4c%9c%7c%10d%11dx%-14d%s" % \ (YN (q.durable), YN (q.autoDelete), YN (q.exclusive), q.bindings, fc, fs, q.name) else: if not _durable: print "%4c%9c%7c%10d %s" % \ (YN (q.durable), YN (q.autoDelete), YN (q.exclusive), q.bindings, q.name) def QueueListRecurse (self, filter): self.ConnectToBroker () mc = self.mclient mch = self.mchannel mc.syncWaitForStable (mch) exchanges = mc.syncGetObjects (mch, "exchange") bindings = mc.syncGetObjects (mch, "binding") queues = mc.syncGetObjects (mch, "queue") for queue in queues: if self.match (queue.name, filter): print "Queue '%s'" % queue.name for bind in bindings: if bind.queueRef == queue.id: ename = "" ex = self.findById (exchanges, bind.exchangeRef) if ex != None: ename = ex.name if ename == "": ename = "''" print " bind [%s] => %s" % (bind.bindingKey, ename) def AddExchange (self, args): if len (args) < 2: Usage () self.ConnectToBroker () etype = args[0] ename = args[1] try: self.channel.exchange_declare (exchange=ename, type=etype, durable=_durable) except Closed, e: print "Failed:", e def DelExchange (self, args): if len (args) < 1: Usage () self.ConnectToBroker () ename = args[0] try: self.channel.exchange_delete (exchange=ename) except Closed, e: print "Failed:", e def AddQueue (self, args): if len (args) < 1: Usage () self.ConnectToBroker () qname = args[0] declArgs = {} if _durable: declArgs[FILECOUNT] = _fileCount declArgs[FILESIZE] = _fileSize try: self.channel.queue_declare (queue=qname, durable=_durable, arguments=declArgs) except Closed, e: print "Failed:", e def DelQueue (self, args): if len (args) < 1: Usage () self.ConnectToBroker () qname = args[0] try: self.channel.queue_delete (queue=qname) except Closed, e: print "Failed:", e def Bind (self, args): if len (args) < 2: Usage () self.ConnectToBroker () ename = args[0] qname = args[1] key = "" if len (args) > 2: key = args[2] try: self.channel.queue_bind (queue=qname, exchange=ename, routing_key=key) except Closed, e: print "Failed:", e def Unbind (self, args): if len (args) < 2: Usage () self.ConnectToBroker () ename = args[0] qname = args[1] key = "" if len (args) > 2: key = args[2] try: self.channel.queue_unbind (queue=qname, exchange=ename, routing_key=key) except Closed, e: print "Failed:", e def findById (self, items, id): for item in items: if item.id == id: return item return None def match (self, name, filter): if filter == "": return True if name.find (filter) == -1: return False return True def YN (bool): if bool: return 'Y' return 'N' ## ## Main Program ## try: longOpts = ("durable", "spec-file=", "bindings", "broker-addr=", "file-count=", "file-size=") (optlist, cargs) = getopt.gnu_getopt (sys.argv[1:], "s:a:b", longOpts) except: Usage () for opt in optlist: if opt[0] == "-s" or opt[0] == "--spec-file": _specpath = opt[1] if opt[0] == "-b" or opt[0] == "--bindings": _recursive = True if opt[0] == "-a" or opt[0] == "--broker-addr": _host = opt[1] if opt[0] == "--durable": _durable = True if opt[0] == "--file-count": _fileCount = int (opt[1]) if opt[0] == "--file-size": _fileSize = int (opt[1]) nargs = len (cargs) bm = BrokerManager () bm.SetBroker (Broker (_host)) if nargs == 0: bm.Overview () else: cmd = cargs[0] modifier = "" if nargs > 1: modifier = cargs[1] if cmd[0] == 'e': if _recursive: bm.ExchangeListRecurse (modifier) else: bm.ExchangeList (modifier) elif cmd[0] == 'q': if _recursive: bm.QueueListRecurse (modifier) else: bm.QueueList (modifier) elif cmd == "add": if modifier == "exchange": bm.AddExchange (cargs[2:]) elif modifier == "queue": bm.AddQueue (cargs[2:]) else: Usage () elif cmd == "del": if modifier == "exchange": bm.DelExchange (cargs[2:]) elif modifier == "queue": bm.DelQueue (cargs[2:]) else: Usage () elif cmd == "bind": bm.Bind (cargs[1:]) elif cmd == "unbind": bm.Unbind (cargs[1:]) else: Usage ()