Qpid JCA Resource Adapter Apache Geronimo 2.x Installation and Configuration Instructions Overview ======== The Qpid Resource Adapter is a JCA 1.5 compliant resource adapter that allows for JEE integration between EE applications and AMQP 0.10 message brokers. The adapter provides both outbound and inbound connectivity and exposes a variety of options to fine tune your messaging applications. Currently the adapter only supports C++ based brokers and has only been tested with Apache Qpid C++ broker. The following document explains how to configure the resource adapter for deployment in Geronimo 2.x Configuration and Deployment ============================ The Apache Geronimo 2.x application server requires the use of an RA deployment plan to deploy and configure a resource adapter. A sample deployment plan has been provided as geronimo-ra.xml which is included in the META-INF directory of the qpid-ra-.rar file. If you need to modify this file, simply extract the RAR file, edit the geronimo-ra.xml file and recompress the file. Please refer to the general README.txt file for a description of each configuration property the adapter supports for resource adapter, managedconnectionfatory and activationspec level configuration.