# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # This script builds a WinSDK from a Qpid source checkout that # has been cleaned of any SVN artifacts. # # On entry: # 1. Args[0] holds the relative path to Qpid/trunk. # Directory ".\$args[0]" holds the "cpp" directory and # file QPID_VERSION.txt. # 2. Args[1] holds the x86 32-bit BOOST_ROOT. "c:\boost" # 3. Args[2] holds the x64 64-bit BOOST_ROOT. "c:\boost_x64" # 4. Args[3] holds the version number. "0.7.946106-99" # 5. The current directory will receive x86 and x64 subdirs. # 6. The x86 an x64 dirs are where cmake will run. # 7. Two Boost installations, 32- and 64-bit, are available. # 9. Boost directories must not be on the path. # 9. cmake, 7z, and devenv are already on the path. # 10. devenv is Visual Studio 2008 # # This script creates separate zip kits for 32- and # for 64-bit variants. # Set-PSDebug -Trace 1 Set-PSDebug -strict $ErrorActionPreference='Stop' ################################ # # Global variables # [string] $global:bldwinsdkDirectory = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition [string] $global:sourceDirectory = Split-Path -parent $global:bldwinsdkDirectory [string] $global:currentDirectory = Split-Path -parent $global:sourceDirectory ################################ # # Unix2Dos # Change text file to DOS line endings # function Unix2Dos { param ( [string] $fname ) $fContent = Get-Content $fname $fContent | Set-Content $fname } ################################ # # BuildAPlatform # Build a platform, x86 or x64. # Compiles and packages Debug and RelWithDebInfo configurations. # function BuildAPlatform { param ( [string] $qpid_cpp_dir, [string] $platform, [string] $cmakeGenerator, [string] $vsTargetDebug, [string] $vsTargetRelease, [string] $boostRoot, [string] $randomness ) [string] $install_dir = "install_$randomness" [string] $preserve_dir = "preserve_$randomness" [string] $zipfile = "qpid-cpp-$platform-$ver.zip" [string] $platform_dir = "$global:currentDirectory/$platform" [string] $qpid_cpp_src = "$global:currentDirectory/$qpid_cpp_dir" # # Create the platform directory if necessary # if (!(Test-Path -path $platform_dir)) { New-Item $platform_dir -type Directory | Out-Null } # # Descend into platform directory # Set-Location $platform_dir # # Set environment for this build # $env:BOOST_ROOT = "$boostRoot" $env:QPID_BUILD_ROOT = Get-Location # # Run cmake # cmake -G "$cmakeGenerator" "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_dir" $qpid_cpp_src # Need to build doxygen api docs separately as nothing depends on them. # Build for both x86 and x64 or cmake_install fails. if ("x86" -eq $platform) { devenv qpid-cpp.sln /build "Release|Win32" /project docs-user-api } else { devenv qpid-cpp.sln /build "Release|$platform" /project docs-user-api } # Build both Debug and Release builds so we can ship both sets of libs: # Make RelWithDebInfo for debuggable release code. # (Do Release after Debug so that the release executables overwrite the # debug executables. Don't skip Debug as it creates some needed content.) devenv qpid-cpp.sln /build "$vsTargetDebug" /project INSTALL devenv qpid-cpp.sln /build "$vsTargetRelease" /project INSTALL # Build the .NET binding if ("x86" -eq $platform) { devenv $qpid_cpp_src\bindings\qpid\dotnet\org.apache.qpid.messaging.sln ` /build "Debug|Win32" /project org.apache.qpid.messaging devenv $qpid_cpp_src\bindings\qpid\dotnet\org.apache.qpid.messaging.sln ` /build "Debug|$platform" /project org.apache.qpid.messaging.sessionreceiver devenv $qpid_cpp_src\bindings\qpid\dotnet\org.apache.qpid.messaging.sln ` /build "RelWithDebInfo|Win32" /project org.apache.qpid.messaging devenv $qpid_cpp_src\bindings\qpid\dotnet\org.apache.qpid.messaging.sln ` /build "RelWithDebInfo|$platform" /project org.apache.qpid.messaging.sessionreceiver } else { devenv $qpid_cpp_src\bindings\qpid\dotnet\org.apache.qpid.messaging.sln ` /build "Debug|$platform" /project org.apache.qpid.messaging devenv $qpid_cpp_src\bindings\qpid\dotnet\org.apache.qpid.messaging.sln ` /build "Debug|$platform" /project org.apache.qpid.messaging.sessionreceiver devenv $qpid_cpp_src\bindings\qpid\dotnet\org.apache.qpid.messaging.sln ` /build "RelWithDebInfo|$platform" /project org.apache.qpid.messaging devenv $qpid_cpp_src\bindings\qpid\dotnet\org.apache.qpid.messaging.sln ` /build "RelWithDebInfo|$platform" /project org.apache.qpid.messaging.sessionreceiver } # Define lists of items to be touched in installation tree # Move target must be a directory $move=( ('bin/*.lib','lib'), ('bin/boost/*.dll','bin') ) $preserve=( 'include/qpid/agent', 'include/qpid/amqp_0_10', 'include/qpid/management', 'include/qpid/messaging', 'include/qpid/sys/IntegerTypes.h', 'include/qpid/sys/windows/IntegerTypes.h', 'include/qpid/sys/posix/IntegerTypes.h', 'include/qpid/types', 'include/qpid/CommonImportExport.h') $remove=( 'bin/qpidd.exe', 'bin/qpidbroker*.*', 'bin/*PDB/qpidd.exe', 'bin/*PDB/qpidbroker*.*', 'bin/qmfengine*.*', 'bin/qpidxarm*.*', 'bin/*PDB/qmfengine*.*', 'bin/*PDB/qpidxarm*.*', 'bin/boost_regex*.*', 'bin/boost', 'conf', 'examples/direct', 'examples/failover', 'examples/fanout', 'examples/pub-sub', 'examples/qmf-console', 'examples/request-response', 'examples/tradedemo', 'include', 'plugins') # Move some files around in the install tree foreach ($pattern in $move) { $target = Join-Path $install_dir $pattern[1] New-Item -force -type directory $target Move-Item -force -path "$install_dir/$($pattern[0])" -destination "$install_dir/$($pattern[1])" } # Copy aside the files to preserve New-Item -path $preserve_dir -type directory foreach ($pattern in $preserve) { $target = Join-Path $preserve_dir $pattern $tparent = Split-Path -parent $target New-Item -force -type directory $tparent Move-Item -force -path "$install_dir/$pattern" -destination "$preserve_dir/$pattern" } # Remove everything to remove foreach ($pattern in $remove) { Remove-Item -recurse "$install_dir/$pattern" } # Copy back the preserved things foreach ($pattern in $preserve) { $target = Join-Path $install_dir $pattern $tparent = Split-Path -parent $target New-Item -force -type directory $tparent Move-Item -force -path "$preserve_dir/$pattern" -destination "$install_dir/$pattern" } Remove-Item -recurse $preserve_dir # Install the README Copy-Item -force -path "$qpid_cpp_src/README-winsdk.txt" -destination "$install_dir/README-winsdk.txt" # Set top level info files to DOS line endings Unix2Dos "$install_dir/README-winsdk.txt" Unix2Dos "$install_dir/LICENSE" Unix2Dos "$install_dir/NOTICE" # Install the Debug .NET binding Copy-Item -force -path "./src/Debug/org.apache.qpid.messaging*.dll" -destination "$install_dir/bin" # Install the .NET binding examples New-Item -path $(Join-Path $(Get-Location) $install_dir) -name dotnet_examples -type directory New-Item -path $(Join-Path $(Get-Location) $install_dir/dotnet_examples) -name examples -type directory $src = Resolve-Path "$qpid_cpp_src/bindings/qpid/dotnet/examples" $dst = Resolve-Path "$install_dir/dotnet_examples" Copy-Item "$src\" -destination "$dst\" -recurse -force $src = Resolve-Path "$qpid_cpp_src/bindings/qpid/dotnet/winsdk_sources" $dst = Resolve-Path "$install_dir/dotnet_examples" Copy-Item "$src\*" -destination "$dst\" -recurse -force # Zip the /bin PDB files &'7z' a -mx9 ".\$install_dir\bin\symbols-debug.zip" ".\$install_dir\bin\DebugPDB\*.pdb" &'7z' a -mx9 ".\$install_dir\bin\symbols-release.zip" ".\$install_dir\bin\ReleasePDB\*.pdb" Remove-Item -recurse ".\$install_dir\bin\DebugPDB" Remove-Item -recurse ".\$install_dir\bin\ReleasePDB" # Zip the dotnet bindings New-Item -force -type directory "$install_dir/bin/bindingDebug" Copy-Item -force -path "./src/Debug/org.apache.qpid.messaging*.dll" -destination "$install_dir/bin/bindingDebug/" Copy-Item -force -path "./src/Debug/org.apache.qpid.messaging*.pdb" -destination "$install_dir/bin/bindingDebug/" &'7z' a -mx9 ".\$install_dir\bin\dotnet-binding-debug.zip" ".\$install_dir\bin\bindingDebug\*.*" Remove-Item -recurse ".\$install_dir\bin\bindingDebug" New-Item -force -type directory "$install_dir/bin/bindingRelease" Copy-Item -force -path "./src/RelWithDebInfo/org.apache.qpid.messaging*.dll" -destination "$install_dir/bin/bindingRelease/" Copy-Item -force -path "./src/RelWithDebInfo/org.apache.qpid.messaging*.pdb" -destination "$install_dir/bin/bindingRelease/" &'7z' a -mx9 ".\$install_dir\bin\dotnet-binding-release.zip" ".\$install_dir\bin\bindingRelease\*.*" Remove-Item -recurse ".\$install_dir\bin\bindingRelease" # Create a new zip for the whole kit. # Exclude *.pdb so as not include the debug symbols twice if (Test-Path $zipfile) {Remove-Item $zipfile} &'7z' a $zipfile ".\$install_dir\*" -xr!*pdb } ################################ # # Main() # # Process the args # if ($args.length -lt 3) { Write-Host 'Usage: bld-winsdk.ps1 qpid_src_dir boost32_dir boost64_dir [version]' exit } $qpid_src = $args[0] $boostRoot32 = $args[1] $boostRoot64 = $args[2] $ver = $args[3] if ($ver -eq $null) { $qpid_version_file="$qpid_src\QPID_VERSION.txt" if ( !(Test-Path $qpid_version_file)) { Write-Host "Path doesn't seem to be a qpid src tree (no QPID_VERSION.txt)" exit } $ver=Get-Content $qpid_version_file } # # Verify that Boost is not in PATH # [string] $oldPath = $env:PATH $oldPath = $oldPath.ToLower() if ($oldPath.Contains("boost")) { Write-Host "This script will not work with BOOST defined in the path environment variable." Exit } $randomness=[System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() $qpid_cpp_src="$qpid_src\cpp" # # buid # BuildAPlatform $qpid_cpp_src ` "x64" ` "Visual Studio 9 2008 Win64" ` "Debug|x64" ` "RelWithDebInfo|x64" ` $boostRoot64 ` $randomness BuildAPlatform $qpid_cpp_src ` "x86" ` "Visual Studio 9 2008" ` "Debug|Win32" ` "RelWithDebInfo|Win32" ` $boostRoot32 ` $randomness