
Backport ot JSR 166 (java.util.concurrent) to Java 1.4


This package is the backport of java.util.concurrent API, introduced in Java 5.0, to Java 1.4. The backport is based on public-domain sources from the JSR 166 CVS repository, the dl.util.concurrent package, and the Doug Lea's collections package. The backport is close to complete; unsupported functionality is limited to: 1) classes that rely on explicit JVM support and cannot be emulated at a satisfactory performance level, 2) some of the functions described in the original javadoc as "designed primarily for use in monitoring in system state, not for synchronization control", or 3) functionality that would require development of substantial amount of new code.

The purpose of this library is to enable gradual migration from Java 1.4 to 5.0: the library allows to develop concurrent applications for Java 1.4 that should work with Java 5.0 simply by changing package names.


This software is released to the public domain, in the spirit of the original code written by Doug Lea. The code can be used for any purpose, modified, and redistributed without acknowledgment. No warranty is provided, either express or implied.

Note: versions prior to 2.1 had dependencies on proprietary code. Versions 2.1 and newer do not have such dependencies anymore.


The following functionality of java.util.concurrent is supported in the backport:


JSR 166 functionality is tied closely to the Java 5.0 Virtual Machine, and some aspects of it cannot be fully backported to Java 1.4. This section discusses these differences between the backport and JSR 166.

Package Names

Since user libraries cannot define classes in java.* packages, all the original package names have been prefixed with edu.emory.mathcs.backport. For instance, java.util.concurrent.Future becomes

Differences between versions

The backport, version 1.1 and above, includes functionality of JSR 166 that has been added in Java 6.0. Pay attention to the "since" javadoc tags if conformance with specific Java platform versions is desired. Examples of "since 1.6" functionality include: deques, navigable maps and sets (including ConcurrentSkipList[Map,Set]), "newTaskFor" in AbstractExecutorService, "lazySet" in atomics, RunnableFuture and RunnableScheduledFuture, "allowCoreThreadTimeout" in ThreadPoolExecutor, "decorateTask" in ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, MINUTES, HOURS, and DAYS in TimeUnit, and appropriate retrofits in collection classes. As of backport version 2.2, these features are based on beta versions of Java 6.0 APIs, which may still change in the future.

Backport is developed carefully to retain link-time compatibility, i.e. it is generally safe to replace an old library JAR with a new one (with a possible exception of APIs based on beta releases, e.g. current "since 1.6" classes and methods). Serial compatibility (i.e. ability of one version to deserialize objects that has been serialized using a different version) is maintained on a best-effort basis, and not always guaranteed. Please see details below. (Note that concurrency tools are usually not intended for persistent storage anyway). Compile-time compatibility: applications using wildcard imports (e.g. java.util.* and*) may cease to compile with updated backport versions (containing new classes) due to import ambiguities. In such cases, you must dis-ambiguate imports (i.e. use explicit imports as appropriate) and recompile.

Notes for version 2.2: Link-time and serial compatibility is fully preserved for "since 1.5" APIs. For "since 1.6" APIs, link-time and serial compatibility is preserved except for navigable maps and sets, which API has recently changed slightly in Java 6.0 beta.

Notes for version 2.1: Link-time compatibility is preserved fully. Serial compatibility is preserved except for the class ReentrantReadWriteLock.

Notes for version 2.0:

Unsupported functionality

Detailed listing of functionality that has not been backported is presented below.

Java 5.0 Syntax

Package java.util.concurrent exploits new language features introduced in Java 5.0. In particular, most API classes are generic types. In the backport, they have been flattened to standard, non-generic classes. Still, programs linked against the backport should compile with Java 5.0 (after changing package names). Nevertheless, you may want to consider gradually switching to using generics once you make the transition to Java 5.0, since it gives better compile-time type checking.

In Condition

Method long awaitNanos(long nanosTimeout) is not supported, since the emulation cannot reliably report remaining times with nanosecond precision. Thus, it probably would be too dangerous to leave the emulated method in the Condition interface. However, the method is still available, for those who know what they are doing, in the util.concurrent.helpers.Utils class.

In ReentrantLock

the following monitoring methods are supported only for fair locks: boolean hasQueuedThreads(), int getQueueLength(), Collection getQueuedThreads(), boolean isQueued(), boolean hasWaiters(Condition), int getWaitQueueLength(Condition), Collection getWaitingThreads(Condition).

In ReentrantReadWriteLock

The current backport implementation is based on dl.util.concurrent class ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock, and thus slightly departs from java.util.concurrent that does not specify acquisition order but allows to enable/disable fairness. The backport implementation does not have a single-parameter constructor allowing to specify fairness policy; it always behaves like writer-preference lock with no fairness guarantees. Because of these characteristics, this class is compliant with JSR 166 specification of non-fair reentrant read-write locks, while the exact semantics of fair locks are not supported (and the appropriate constructor is thus not provided).

Also, the following instrumentation and status methods are not supported: Collection getQueuedWriterThreads(), Collection getQueuedReaderThreads(), boolean hasQueuedThreads(), boolean hasQueuedThread(Thread), Collection getQueuedThreads(), boolean hasWaiters(Condition), int getWaitQueueLength(Condition), Collection getWaitingThreads(Condition).

In Semaphore

Blocking atomic multi-acquires: acquire(int permits) and tryAcquire(int permits, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) are supported only for FAIR semaphores.

Platform-level functionality

To emulate System.nanoTime(), the method nanoTime() is provided in the class dl.util.concurrent.helpers.Utils. On Java 1.4.2, it attempts to use high-precision timer via sun.misc.Perf (thanks to Craig Mattocks for suggesting this). On older Java platforms, or when sun.misc.Perf is not supported, it falls back to System.currentTimeMillis().

Class ThreadHelpers (added in 1.0_01) is provided to emulate certain aspects of Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler.

Note on nanosecond precision timing

The backport strives to honor nanosecond timeouts, if such are requested, by using two-parameter variant of Object.wait(). Note, however, that most Java platforms before 5.0 will round up the timeout to full milliseconds anyway.

Low-level concurrency classes

The following classes are not supported: LockSupport, AbstractQueuedSynchronizer, AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer.

Rationale: on Java 5.0, these classes depend on explicit JVM support, delegating to low-level OS concurrency primitives. There seems to be no simple way of emulating them without introducing prohibitive performance overhead. (If you think they should be present in the backport anyway, let me know).

Atomic utilities

The following "atomic" utilities are not supported: Atomic[Integer,Long,Reference]FieldUpdater.


Backport-util-concurrent is based in large part on source code from JSR 166 and dl.util.concurrent, both very well tested. Whenever possible, the JSR 166 code was used. In cases when it was infeasible (e.g. for performance reasons), the dl.util.concurrent code was adapted. The new code was introduced only when absolutely necessary, e.g. to make dl.util.concurrent code conforming to JSR 166 interfaces and semantics. This partially explains why so few bugs have been reported again the backport, despite over 10,000 downloads and many deployments in commercial and open-source projects.

Unit tests

Version 2.1 of the library passes all the relevant 1859 unit tests from TCK test package designed for java.util.concurrent (the tests of unsupported functionality were skipped).

The following unit tests have been completed (listed in the alphabetical order): AbstractExecutorServiceTest, AbstractQueueTest, ArrayBlockingQueueTest, ArrayDequeTest, AtomicBooleanTest, AtomicIntegerArrayTest, AtomicIntegerTest, AtomicLongArrayTest, AtomicLongTest, AtomicMarkableReferenceTest, AtomicReferenceArrayTest, AtomicReferenceTest, AtomicStampedReferenceTest, ConcurrentHashMapTest, ConcurrentLinkedQueueTest, ConcurrentSkipListMapTest, ConcurrentSkipListSubMapTest, ConcurrentSkipListSetTest, ConcurrentSkipListSubSetTest, CopyOnWriteArrayListTest, CopyOnWriteArraySetTest, CountDownLatchTest, CyclicBarrierTest, DelayQueueTest, EntryTest, ExchangerTest, ExecutorsTest, ExecutorCompletionServiceTest, FutureTaskTest, LinkedBlockingDequeTest, LinkedBlockingQueueTest, LinkedListTest, PriorityBlockingQueueTest, PriorityQueueTest, ReentrantLockTest, ReentrantReadWriteLockTest, ScheduledExecutorTest, ScheduledExecutorSubclassTest, SemaphoreTest, SynchronousQueueTest, SystemTest (testing Utils.nanoTime()), ThreadLocalTest, ThreadPoolExecutorTest, ThreadPoolExecutorSubclassTest, TimeUnitTest, TreeMapTest, TreeSubMapTest, TreeSetTest, TreeSubSetTest.

Stress tests

Starting from version 1.1_01, the backport is being stress-tested using the "loops" tests from JSR 166 (courtesy of Doug Lea and the JSR 166 Expert Group). The tests, included in the development source bundle, thoroughly evaluate behavior and performance of various types of locks, queues, maps, futures, and other API classes, under various conditions (contention etc.) and circumstances, including cancellation.

Despite exhaustive testing, as any software, this library may still contain bugs. If you find one, please report it, or better yet, contribute a fix.

Known problems

Note: A bug has been reported against Sun 1.4.2_04 JVMs, and fixed in 1.4.2_06 (see ID 4917709) that makes those JVMs to occassionally crash with SIGSEGV during backport stress tests, particularly MapLoops and MapChecks. It is therefore recommended to use JVM versions 1.4.2_06 or newer when using the backport (although the crashes seem to not happen also on 1.4.2_03, and perhaps on earlier JVMs). Detected in version: 2.0.

Note: due to what is apparently a bug in SUN JVM implementations for Solaris, observed on 1.4.2_03 and 1.4.2_06, the 'ExecutorsTest.testPrivilegedThreadFactory()' unit test fails with ClassNotFoundException when launched from a class path that has backport classes stored as individual files in the "classes" directory. The problem disappears when the classes are put in a JAR file. The bug is most likely related to handling context class loaders. It is therefore advised to use JAR files instead of class files when running code that explicitly or implicitly modifies context class loaders, as does privileged thread factory. Detected in version: 2.0.

Note: missed signals have been observed on Linux 2.6.3-7 kernel for SMP w/64GB support under contention and in the presence of frequent timeouts. (The bug was captured during TimeoutProducerConsumerLoops on SynchronousQueue). Apparently, this is caused by a kernel bug. The problem have been observed on several different JVMs. It does not occur on newer kernels. Detected in version: 2.0.

As evident from the above, IT IS CRUCIAL THAT YOU RUN THE STRESS TESTS on the target configuration before using the backport in a production environment. Concurrency issues are tricky, and possible bugs in JVMs, operating systems, and this software, usually won't show up until under heavy loads. Stress tests included with this distribution test this software under extreme conditions, so if they are consistently passing, there's a very good chance that everything works fine.


Version 2.2 (Jun 4, 2006) [CVS log]

Version 2.1 (Jan 28, 2006) [CVS log] Version 2.0_01 (Aug 3, 2005) [CVS log] Version 2.0 (Jul 6, 2005) [CVS log] Version 1.1_01 (Feb 7, 2005) [CVS log] Version 1.1 (Jan 21, 2005) [CVS log] Version 1.0_01 (Dec 28, 2004) [CVS log] Version 1.0 (Dec 1, 2004)

Documentation and Support

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Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Distributed Computing Laboratory, Emory University