* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using log4net;
using Qpid.Client.qms;
namespace Qpid.Client
public class URLHelper
public static char DEFAULT_OPTION_SEPERATOR = '&';
public static char ALTERNATIVE_OPTION_SEPARATOR = ',';
public static char BROKER_SEPARATOR = ';';
public static void parseOptions(IDictionary optionMap, string options)
//options looks like this
if (options == null || options.IndexOf('=') == -1)
int optionIndex = options.IndexOf('=');
String option = options.Substring(0, optionIndex);
int length = options.Length;
int nestedQuotes = 0;
// to store index of final "'"
int valueIndex = optionIndex;
//Walk remainder of url.
while (nestedQuotes > 0 || valueIndex < length)
if (valueIndex >= length)
if (options[valueIndex] == '\'')
if (valueIndex + 1 < options.Length)
if (options[valueIndex + 1] == DEFAULT_OPTION_SEPERATOR ||
options[valueIndex + 1] == ALTERNATIVE_OPTION_SEPARATOR ||
options[valueIndex + 1] == BROKER_SEPARATOR ||
options[valueIndex + 1] == '\'')
// System.out.println(
// options + "\n" + "-" + nestedQuotes + ":" + getPositionString(valueIndex - 2, 1));
if (nestedQuotes == 0)
//We've found the value of an option
// System.out.println(
// options + "\n" + "+" + nestedQuotes + ":" + getPositionString(valueIndex - 2, 1));
// We are at the end of the string
// Check to see if we are corectly closing quotes
if (options[valueIndex] == '\'')
if (nestedQuotes != 0 || valueIndex < (optionIndex + 2))
int sepIndex = 0;
//Try and identify illegal separator character
if (nestedQuotes > 1)
for (int i = 0; i < nestedQuotes; i++)
sepIndex = options.IndexOf('\'', sepIndex);
if (sepIndex >= options.Length || sepIndex == 0)
parseError(valueIndex, "Unterminated option", options);
parseError(sepIndex, "Unterminated option. Possible illegal option separator:'" +
options[sepIndex] + "'", options);
// optionIndex +2 to skip "='"
int sublen = valueIndex - (optionIndex + 2);
String value = options.Substring(optionIndex + 2, sublen);
optionMap.Add(option, value);
if (valueIndex < (options.Length - 1))
//Recurse to get remaining options
parseOptions(optionMap, options.Substring(valueIndex + 2));
public static void parseError(int index, String error, String url)
parseError(index, 1, error, url);
public static void parseError(int index, int length, String error, String url)
throw new UrlSyntaxException(url, error, index, length);
public static String printOptions(Hashtable options)
if (options.Count == 0)
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (String key in options.Keys)
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
// sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
return sb.ToString();
public class QpidConnectionUrl
internal static ConnectionInfo FromUrl(string fullURL)
//_url = fullURL;
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new QpidConnectionInfo();
// _options = new HashMap();
// _brokers = new LinkedList();
// _failoverOptions = new HashMap();
// Connection URL format
// Options are of course optional except for requiring a single broker in the broker list.
Uri connection = new Uri(fullURL);
if (connection.Scheme == null || !(connection.Scheme.Equals(ConnectionUrlConstants.AMQ_PROTOCOL)))
throw new UrlSyntaxException(fullURL, "Not an AMQP URL");
if (connection.Host != null && connection.Host.Length > 0 && !connection.Host.Equals("default"))
String userInfo = connection.UserInfo;
if (userInfo == null || userInfo.Length == 0)
URLHelper.parseError(ConnectionUrlConstants.AMQ_PROTOCOL.Length + 3,
"User information not found on url", fullURL);
parseUserInfo(userInfo, fullURL, connectionInfo);
String virtualHost = connection.AbsolutePath; // XXX: is AbsolutePath corrrect?
if (virtualHost != null && (!virtualHost.Equals("")))
int authLength = connection.Authority.Length;
int start = ConnectionUrlConstants.AMQ_PROTOCOL.Length + 3;
int testIndex = start + authLength;
if (testIndex < fullURL.Length && fullURL[testIndex] == '?')
URLHelper.parseError(start, testIndex - start, "Virtual host found", fullURL);
URLHelper.parseError(-1, "Virtual host not specified", fullURL);
QpidConnectionInfo qci = (QpidConnectionInfo)connectionInfo;
string query = connection.Query;
if (query[0] == '?') query = query.Substring(1);
URLHelper.parseOptions(qci.GetOptions(), query);
//Fragment is #string (not used)
return connectionInfo;
catch (UriFormatException uris)
throw uris;
// if (uris is UrlSyntaxException)
// {
// throw uris;
// }
// int slash = fullURL.IndexOf("\\");
// if (slash == -1)
// {
// URLHelper.parseError(uris.GetIndex(), uris.getReason(), uris.getInput());
// }
// else
// {
// if (slash != 0 && fullURL.charAt(slash - 1) == ':')
// {
// URLHelper.parseError(slash - 2, fullURL.indexOf('?') - slash + 2, "Virtual host looks like a windows path, forward slash not allowed in URL", fullURL);
// }
// else
// {
// URLHelper.parseError(slash, "Forward slash not allowed in URL", fullURL);
// }
// }
private static void parseUserInfo(String userinfo, string fullUrl, ConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
//user info = user:pass
int colonIndex = userinfo.IndexOf(':');
if (colonIndex == -1)
URLHelper.parseError(ConnectionUrlConstants.AMQ_PROTOCOL.Length + 3,
userinfo.Length, "Null password in user information not allowed.", fullUrl);
connectionInfo.setUsername(userinfo.Substring(0, colonIndex));
connectionInfo.SetPassword(userinfo.Substring(colonIndex + 1));
private static void processOptions(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
string brokerlist = connectionInfo.GetOption(ConnectionUrlConstants.OPTIONS_BROKERLIST);
if (brokerlist != null)
//brokerlist tcp://host:port?option='value',option='value';vm://:3/virtualpath?option='value'
Regex splitter = new Regex("" + URLHelper.BROKER_SEPARATOR);
foreach (string broker in splitter.Split(brokerlist))
connectionInfo.AddBrokerInfo(new AmqBrokerInfo(broker));
connectionInfo.SetOption(ConnectionUrlConstants.OPTIONS_BROKERLIST, null);
// _options.remove(OPTIONS_BROKERLIST);
string failover = connectionInfo.GetOption(ConnectionUrlConstants.OPTIONS_FAILOVER);
if (failover != null)
// failover='method?option='value',option='value''
int methodIndex = failover.IndexOf('?');
if (methodIndex > -1)
connectionInfo.SetFailoverMethod(failover.Substring(0, methodIndex));
QpidConnectionInfo qpidConnectionInfo = (QpidConnectionInfo)connectionInfo;
failover.Substring(methodIndex + 1));
connectionInfo.SetOption(ConnectionUrlConstants.OPTIONS_FAILOVER, null);
// _options.remove(OPTIONS_FAILOVER);
internal static ConnectionInfo FromUri(Uri uri)
return null; // FIXME
public class QpidConnectionInfo : ConnectionInfo
private static readonly ILog _logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(QpidConnectionInfo));
string _username = "guest";
string _password = "guest";
string _virtualHost = "/default";
string _failoverMethod = null;
IDictionary _failoverOptions = new Hashtable();
IDictionary _options = new Hashtable();
IList _brokerInfos = new ArrayList(); // List
string _clientName = String.Format("{0}{1:G}", Dns.GetHostName(), DateTime.Now.Ticks);
public IDictionary GetFailoverOptions()
return _failoverOptions;
public IDictionary GetOptions()
return _options;
public static ConnectionInfo FromUrl(String url)
return QpidConnectionUrl.FromUrl(url);
public string AsUrl()
string result = "amqp://";
foreach (BrokerInfo info in _brokerInfos)
result += info.ToString();
return result;
public string GetFailoverMethod()
return _failoverMethod;
public void SetFailoverMethod(string failoverMethod)
_failoverMethod = failoverMethod;
public string GetFailoverOption(string key)
return (string)_failoverOptions[key];
public int GetBrokerCount()
return _brokerInfos.Count;
public BrokerInfo GetBrokerInfo(int index)
return (BrokerInfo)_brokerInfos[index];
public void AddBrokerInfo(BrokerInfo brokerInfo)
if (!_brokerInfos.Contains(brokerInfo))
public IList GetAllBrokerInfos()
return _brokerInfos;
public string GetClientName()
return _clientName;
public void SetClientName(string clientName)
_clientName = clientName;
public string GetUsername()
return _username;
public void setUsername(string username)
_username = username;
public string GetPassword()
return _password;
public void SetPassword(string password)
_password = password;
public string GetVirtualHost()
return _virtualHost;
public void SetVirtualHost(string virtualHost)
_virtualHost = virtualHost;
public string GetOption(string key)
return (string)_options[key];
public void SetOption(string key, string value)
_options[key] = value;
public override string ToString()
return AsUrl();