# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Simple test of encode/decode of a double in application headers # TODO: this should be expanded to cover a wider set of types and go # in both directions $srcdir = Split-Path $myInvocation.InvocationName $PYTHON_DIR = "$srcdir\..\..\..\python" if (!(Test-Path $PYTHON_DIR -pathType Container)) { "Skipping msg_group test as python libs not found" exit 0 } . .\test_env.ps1 if (Test-Path qpidd.port) { set-item -path env:QPID_PORT -value (get-content -path qpidd.port -totalcount 1) } # Test runs from the tests directory but the test executables are in a # subdirectory based on the build type. Look around for it before trying # to start it. . $srcdir\find_prog.ps1 .\msg_group_test.exe if (!(Test-Path $prog)) { "Cannot locate msg_group_test.exe" exit 1 } $QUEUE_NAME="group-queue" $GROUP_KEY="My-Group-Id" $BROKER_URL="localhost:$env:QPID_PORT" $tests=@("python $QPID_CONFIG_EXEC -b $BROKER_URL add queue $QUEUE_NAME --group-header=${GROUP_KEY} --shared-groups", "$prog -b $BROKER_URL -a $QUEUE_NAME --group-key $GROUP_KEY --messages 103 --group-size 13 --receivers 2 --senders 3 --capacity 3 --ack-frequency 7 --randomize-group-size --interleave 3", "$prog -b $BROKER_URL -a $QUEUE_NAME --group-key $GROUP_KEY --messages 103 --group-size 13 --receivers 2 --senders 3 --capacity 7 --ack-frequency 7 --randomize-group-size", "python $QPID_CONFIG_EXEC -b $BROKER_URL add queue ${QUEUE_NAME}-two --group-header=${GROUP_KEY} --shared-groups", "$prog -b $BROKER_URL -a $QUEUE_NAME --group-key $GROUP_KEY --messages 103 --group-size 13 --receivers 2 --senders 3 --capacity 7 --ack-frequency 3 --randomize-group-size", "$prog -b $BROKER_URL -a ${QUEUE_NAME}-two --group-key $GROUP_KEY --messages 103 --group-size 13 --receivers 2 --senders 3 --capacity 3 --ack-frequency 7 --randomize-group-size --interleave 5", "$prog -b $BROKER_URL -a $QUEUE_NAME --group-key $GROUP_KEY --messages 59 --group-size 5 --receivers 2 --senders 3 --capacity 1 --ack-frequency 3 --randomize-group-size", "python $QPID_CONFIG_EXEC -b $BROKER_URL del queue ${QUEUE_NAME}-two --force", "$prog -b $BROKER_URL -a $QUEUE_NAME --group-key $GROUP_KEY --messages 59 --group-size 3 --receivers 2 --senders 3 --capacity 1 --ack-frequency 1 --randomize-group-size", "$prog -b $BROKER_URL -a $QUEUE_NAME --group-key $GROUP_KEY --messages 211 --group-size 13 --receivers 2 --senders 3 --capacity 47 --ack-frequency 79 --interleave 53", "$prog -b $BROKER_URL -a $QUEUE_NAME --group-key $GROUP_KEY --messages 10000 --group-size 1 --receivers 0 --senders 1", "$prog -b $BROKER_URL -a $QUEUE_NAME --group-key $GROUP_KEY --messages 10000 --receivers 5 --senders 0", "python $QPID_CONFIG_EXEC -b $BROKER_URL del queue $QUEUE_NAME --force") foreach ($cmd in $tests) { Invoke-Expression "$cmd" | Write-Output $ret = $LASTEXITCODE if ($ret -ne 0) {Write-Host "FAILED message group test. Failed command: $cmd" break} } exit $ret