# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Run the acl tests. $srcdir = Split-Path $myInvocation.InvocationName . .\test_env.ps1 if (!(Test-Path $PYTHON_DIR -pathType Container)) { "Skipping acl tests as python libs not found" exit 1 } $Global:BROKER_EXE = "" Function start_broker($acl_options) { # Test runs from the tests directory but the broker executable is one level # up, and most likely in a subdirectory from there based on what build type. # Look around for it before trying to start it. . $srcdir\find_prog.ps1 ..\qpidd.exe if (!(Test-Path $prog)) { "Cannot locate qpidd.exe" exit 1 } $Global:BROKER_EXE = $prog if (Test-Path qpidd.port) { Remove-Item qpidd.port } $cmdline = "$prog --auth=no --no-module-dir --port=0 --log-to-file qpidd.log $acl_options | foreach { set-content qpidd.port `$_ }" $cmdblock = $executioncontext.invokecommand.NewScriptBlock($cmdline) . $srcdir\background.ps1 $cmdblock # Wait for the broker to start $wait_time = 0 while (!(Test-Path qpidd.port) -and ($wait_time -lt 30)) { Start-Sleep 2 $wait_time += 2 } if (!(Test-Path qpidd.port)) { "Timeout waiting for broker to start" exit 1 } set-item -path env:BROKER_PORT -value (get-content -path qpidd.port -totalcount 1) } Function stop_broker { "Stopping $Global:BROKER_EXE" Invoke-Expression "$Global:BROKER_EXE --no-module-dir -q --port $env:BROKER_PORT" | Write-Output Remove-Item qpidd.port } $DATA_DIR = [IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory() + "\data_dir" Remove-Item $DATA_DIR -recurse New-Item $DATA_DIR -type directory Copy-Item $srcdir\policy.acl $DATA_DIR start_broker("--data-dir $DATA_DIR --acl-file policy.acl") "Running acl tests using broker on port $env:BROKER_PORT" Invoke-Expression "python $PYTHON_DIR/qpid-python-test -m acl -b localhost:$env:BROKER_PORT" | Out-Default $RETCODE=$LASTEXITCODE stop_broker # Now try reading the acl file from an absolute path. Remove-Item qpidd.log $policy_full_path = "$srcdir\policy.acl" start_broker("--no-data-dir --acl-file $policy_full_path") #test_loading_acl_from_absolute_path(){ # POLICY_FILE=$srcdir/policy.acl # rm -f temp.log # PORT=`../qpidd --daemon --port 0 --no-module-dir --no-data-dir --auth no --load-module $ACL_LIB --acl-file $POLICY_FILE -t --log-to-file temp.log 2>/dev/null` # ACL_FILE=`grep "notice Read ACL file" temp.log | sed 's/^.*Read ACL file //'` # $QPIDD_EXEC --no-module-dir -q --port $PORT # if test "$ACL_FILE" != "\"$POLICY_FILE\""; then # echo "unable to load policy file from an absolute path"; # return 1; # fi # rm temp.log #} # # test_loading_acl_from_absolute_path || EXITCODE=1 # rm -rf $DATA_DIR # exit $EXITCODE stop_broker exit $RETCODE