#!/usr/bin/env python # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import pdb import os from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, IndentedHelpFormatter import sys import locale home = os.environ.get("QPID_TOOLS_HOME", os.path.normpath("/usr/share/qpid-tools")) sys.path.append(os.path.join(home, "python")) from qpid.messaging import Connection from qpidtoollibs import BrokerAgent usage = """ Usage: qpid-config [OPTIONS] qpid-config [OPTIONS] exchanges [filter-string] qpid-config [OPTIONS] queues [filter-string] qpid-config [OPTIONS] add exchange [AddExchangeOptions] qpid-config [OPTIONS] del exchange qpid-config [OPTIONS] add queue [AddQueueOptions] qpid-config [OPTIONS] del queue [DelQueueOptions] qpid-config [OPTIONS] bind [binding-key] [-f -|filename] [all|any] k1=v1 [, k2=v2...] qpid-config [OPTIONS] unbind [binding-key] qpid-config [OPTIONS] reload-acl""" description = """ Examples: $ qpid-config add queue q $ qpid-config add exchange direct d -a localhost:5672 $ qpid-config exchanges -b $ qpid-config queues -b guest/guest@broker-host:10000 Add Exchange values: direct Direct exchange for point-to-point communication fanout Fanout exchange for broadcast communication topic Topic exchange that routes messages using binding keys with wildcards headers Headers exchange that matches header fields against the binding keys xml XML Exchange - allows content filtering using an XQuery Queue Limit Actions: none (default) - Use broker's default policy reject - Reject enqueued messages flow-to-disk - Page messages to disk ring - Replace oldest unacquired message with new ring-strict - Replace oldest message, reject if oldest is acquired Replication levels: none - no replication configuration - replicate queue and exchange existence and bindings, but not messages. all - replicate configuration and messages """ REPLICATE_LEVELS= ["none", "configuration", "all"] class Config: def __init__(self): self._recursive = False self._host = "localhost" self._connTimeout = 10 self._ignoreDefault = False self._altern_ex = None self._durable = False self._replicate = None self._clusterDurable = False self._if_empty = True self._if_unused = True self._fileCount = None self._fileSize = None self._maxQueueSize = None self._maxQueueCount = None self._limitPolicy = None self._msgSequence = False self._lvq_key = None self._ive = False self._eventGeneration = None self._file = None self._flowStopCount = None self._flowResumeCount = None self._flowStopSize = None self._flowResumeSize = None self._msgGroupHeader = None self._sharedMsgGroup = False self._extra_arguments = [] self._start_replica = None self._returnCode = 0 config = Config() conn_options = {} FILECOUNT = "qpid.file_count" FILESIZE = "qpid.file_size" MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = "qpid.max_size" MAX_QUEUE_COUNT = "qpid.max_count" POLICY_TYPE = "qpid.policy_type" CLUSTER_DURABLE = "qpid.persist_last_node" LVQ_KEY = "qpid.last_value_queue_key" MSG_SEQUENCE = "qpid.msg_sequence" IVE = "qpid.ive" QUEUE_EVENT_GENERATION = "qpid.queue_event_generation" FLOW_STOP_COUNT = "qpid.flow_stop_count" FLOW_RESUME_COUNT = "qpid.flow_resume_count" FLOW_STOP_SIZE = "qpid.flow_stop_size" FLOW_RESUME_SIZE = "qpid.flow_resume_size" MSG_GROUP_HDR_KEY = "qpid.group_header_key" SHARED_MSG_GROUP = "qpid.shared_msg_group" REPLICATE = "qpid.replicate" #There are various arguments to declare that have specific program #options in this utility. However there is now a generic mechanism for #passing arguments as well. The SPECIAL_ARGS list contains the #arguments for which there are specific program options defined #i.e. the arguments for which there is special processing on add and #list SPECIAL_ARGS=[ FILECOUNT,FILESIZE,MAX_QUEUE_SIZE,MAX_QUEUE_COUNT,POLICY_TYPE,CLUSTER_DURABLE, LVQ_KEY,MSG_SEQUENCE,IVE,QUEUE_EVENT_GENERATION, FLOW_STOP_COUNT,FLOW_RESUME_COUNT,FLOW_STOP_SIZE,FLOW_RESUME_SIZE, MSG_GROUP_HDR_KEY,SHARED_MSG_GROUP,REPLICATE] class JHelpFormatter(IndentedHelpFormatter): """Format usage and description without stripping newlines from usage strings """ def format_usage(self, usage): return usage def format_description(self, description): if description: return description + "\n" else: return "" def Usage(): print usage sys.exit(-1) def OptionsAndArguments(argv): """ Set global variables for options, return arguments """ global config parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description, formatter=JHelpFormatter()) group1 = OptionGroup(parser, "General Options") group1.add_option("-t", "--timeout", action="store", type="int", default=10, metavar="", help="Maximum time to wait for broker connection (in seconds)") group1.add_option("-r", "--recursive", action="store_true", help="Show bindings in queue or exchange list") group1.add_option("-b", "--broker", action="store", type="string", metavar="
", help="Address of qpidd broker with syntax: [username/password@] hostname | ip-address [:]") group1.add_option("-a", "--broker-addr", action="store", type="string", metavar="
") group1.add_option("--sasl-mechanism", action="store", type="string", metavar="", help="SASL mechanism for authentication (e.g. EXTERNAL, ANONYMOUS, PLAIN, CRAM-MD, DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI). SASL automatically picks the most secure available mechanism - use this option to override.") group1.add_option("--ssl-certificate", action="store", type="string", metavar="", help="Client SSL certificate (PEM Format)") group1.add_option("--ssl-key", action="store", type="string", metavar="", help="Client SSL private key (PEM Format)") group1.add_option("--ha-admin", action="store_true", help="Allow connection to a HA backup broker.") parser.add_option_group(group1) group_ls = OptionGroup(parser, "Options for Listing Exchanges and Queues") group_ls.add_option("--ignore-default", action="store_true", help="Ignore the default exchange in exchange or queue list") parser.add_option_group(group_ls) group2 = OptionGroup(parser, "Options for Adding Exchanges and Queues") group2.add_option("--alternate-exchange", action="store", type="string", metavar="", help="Name of the alternate-exchange for the new queue or exchange. Exchanges route messages to the alternate exchange if they are unable to route them elsewhere. Queues route messages to the alternate exchange if they are rejected by a subscriber or orphaned by queue deletion.") group2.add_option("--durable", action="store_true", help="The new queue or exchange is durable.") group2.add_option("--replicate", action="store", metavar="", help="Enable automatic replication in a HA cluster. is 'none', 'configuration' or 'all').") parser.add_option_group(group2) group3 = OptionGroup(parser, "Options for Adding Queues") group3.add_option("--cluster-durable", action="store_true", help="The new queue becomes durable if there is only one functioning cluster node") group3.add_option("--file-count", action="store", type="int", metavar="", help="Number of files in queue's persistence journal") group3.add_option("--file-size", action="store", type="int", metavar="", help="File size in pages (64KiB/page)") group3.add_option("--max-queue-size", action="store", type="int", metavar="", help="Maximum in-memory queue size as bytes") group3.add_option("--max-queue-count", action="store", type="int", metavar="", help="Maximum in-memory queue size as a number of messages") group3.add_option("--limit-policy", action="store", choices=["none", "reject", "flow-to-disk", "ring", "ring-strict"], metavar="", help="Action to take when queue limit is reached") group3.add_option("--lvq-key", action="store", metavar="", help="Last Value Queue key") group3.add_option("--generate-queue-events", action="store", type="int", metavar="", help="If set to 1, every enqueue will generate an event that can be processed by registered listeners (e.g. for replication). If set to 2, events will be generated for enqueues and dequeues.") group3.add_option("--flow-stop-size", action="store", type="int", metavar="", help="Turn on sender flow control when the number of queued bytes exceeds this value.") group3.add_option("--flow-resume-size", action="store", type="int", metavar="", help="Turn off sender flow control when the number of queued bytes drops below this value.") group3.add_option("--flow-stop-count", action="store", type="int", metavar="", help="Turn on sender flow control when the number of queued messages exceeds this value.") group3.add_option("--flow-resume-count", action="store", type="int", metavar="", help="Turn off sender flow control when the number of queued messages drops below this value.") group3.add_option("--group-header", action="store", type="string", metavar="", help="Enable message groups. Specify name of header that holds group identifier.") group3.add_option("--shared-groups", action="store_true", help="Allow message group consumption across multiple consumers.") group3.add_option("--argument", dest="extra_arguments", action="append", default=[], metavar="", help="Specify a key-value pair to add to queue arguments") group3.add_option("--start-replica", metavar="", help="Start replication from the same-named queue at ") # no option for declaring an exclusive queue - which can only be used by the session that creates it. parser.add_option_group(group3) group4 = OptionGroup(parser, "Options for Adding Exchanges") group4.add_option("--sequence", action="store_true", help="Exchange will insert a 'qpid.msg_sequence' field in the message header") group4.add_option("--ive", action="store_true", help="Exchange will behave as an 'initial-value-exchange', keeping a reference to the last message forwarded and enqueuing that message to newly bound queues.") parser.add_option_group(group4) group5 = OptionGroup(parser, "Options for Deleting Queues") group5.add_option("--force", action="store_true", help="Force delete of queue even if it's currently used or it's not empty") group5.add_option("--force-if-not-empty", action="store_true", help="Force delete of queue even if it's not empty") group5.add_option("--force-if-used", action="store_true", help="Force delete of queue even if it's currently used") parser.add_option_group(group5) group6 = OptionGroup(parser, "Options for Declaring Bindings") group6.add_option("-f", "--file", action="store", type="string", metavar="", help="For XML Exchange bindings - specifies the name of a file containing an XQuery.") parser.add_option_group(group6) opts, encArgs = parser.parse_args(args=argv) try: encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() args = [a.decode(encoding) for a in encArgs] except: args = encArgs if opts.recursive: config._recursive = True if opts.broker: config._host = opts.broker if opts.broker_addr: config._host = opts.broker_addr if config._host is None: config._host="localhost:5672" if opts.timeout is not None: config._connTimeout = opts.timeout if config._connTimeout == 0: config._connTimeout = None if opts.ignore_default: config._ignoreDefault = True if opts.alternate_exchange: config._altern_ex = opts.alternate_exchange if opts.durable: config._durable = True if opts.replicate: if not opts.replicate in REPLICATE_LEVELS: raise Exception("Invalid replication level '%s', should be one of: %s" % (opts.replicate, ", ".join(REPLICATE_LEVELS))) config._replicate = opts.replicate if opts.ha_admin: config._ha_admin = True if opts.cluster_durable: config._clusterDurable = True if opts.file: config._file = opts.file if opts.file_count is not None: config._fileCount = opts.file_count if opts.file_size is not None: config._fileSize = opts.file_size if opts.max_queue_size is not None: config._maxQueueSize = opts.max_queue_size if opts.max_queue_count is not None: config._maxQueueCount = opts.max_queue_count if opts.limit_policy: config._limitPolicy = opts.limit_policy if opts.sequence: config._msgSequence = True if opts.lvq_key: config._lvq_key = opts.lvq_key if opts.ive: config._ive = True if opts.generate_queue_events: config._eventGeneration = opts.generate_queue_events if opts.force: config._if_empty = False config._if_unused = False if opts.force_if_not_empty: config._if_empty = False if opts.force_if_used: config._if_unused = False if opts.sasl_mechanism: config._sasl_mechanism = opts.sasl_mechanism if opts.flow_stop_size is not None: config._flowStopSize = opts.flow_stop_size if opts.flow_resume_size is not None: config._flowResumeSize = opts.flow_resume_size if opts.flow_stop_count is not None: config._flowStopCount = opts.flow_stop_count if opts.flow_resume_count is not None: config._flowResumeCount = opts.flow_resume_count if opts.group_header: config._msgGroupHeader = opts.group_header if opts.shared_groups: config._sharedMsgGroup = True if opts.extra_arguments: config._extra_arguments = opts.extra_arguments if opts.start_replica: config._start_replica = opts.start_replica if opts.sasl_mechanism: conn_options['sasl_mechanisms'] = opts.sasl_mechanism if opts.ssl_certificate: conn_options['ssl_certfile'] = opts.ssl_certificate if opts.ssl_key: if not opts.ssl_certificate: parser.error("missing '--ssl-certificate' (required by '--ssl-key')") conn_options['ssl_keyfile'] = opts.ssl_key if opts.ha_admin: conn_options['client_properties'] = {'qpid.ha-admin' : 1} return args # # helpers for the arg parsing in bind(). return multiple values; "ok" # followed by the resultant args # # accept -f followed by either # a filename or "-", for stdin. pull the bits into a string, to be # passed to the xml binding. # def snarf_xquery_args(): if not config._file: print "Invalid args to bind xml: need an input file or stdin" return [False] if config._file == "-": res = sys.stdin.read() else: f = open(config._file) # let this signal if it can't find it res = f.read() f.close() return [True, res] # # look for "any"/"all" and grok the rest of argv into a map # def snarf_header_args(args): if len(args) < 2: print "Invalid args to bind headers: need 'any'/'all' plus conditions" return [False] op = args[0] if op == "all" or op == "any": kv = {} for thing in args[1:]: k_and_v = thing.split("=") kv[k_and_v[0]] = k_and_v[1] return [True, op, kv] else: print "Invalid condition arg to bind headers, need 'any' or 'all', not '" + op + "'" return [False] class BrokerManager: def __init__(self): self.brokerName = None self.conn = None self.broker = None def SetBroker(self, brokerUrl): self.url = brokerUrl self.conn = Connection.establish(self.url, **conn_options) self.broker = BrokerAgent(self.conn) def Disconnect(self, ignore=True): if self.conn: try: self.conn.close() except Exception, e: if ignore: # suppress close errors to avoid # tracebacks when a previous # exception will be printed to stdout pass else: # raise last exception so complete # trackback is preserved raise def Overview(self): exchanges = self.broker.getAllExchanges() queues = self.broker.getAllQueues() print "Total Exchanges: %d" % len(exchanges) etype = {} for ex in exchanges: if ex.type not in etype: etype[ex.type] = 1 else: etype[ex.type] = etype[ex.type] + 1 for typ in etype: print "%15s: %d" % (typ, etype[typ]) print print " Total Queues: %d" % len(queues) durable = 0 for queue in queues: if queue.durable: durable = durable + 1 print " durable: %d" % durable print " non-durable: %d" % (len(queues) - durable) def ExchangeList(self, filter): exchanges = self.broker.getAllExchanges() caption1 = "Type " caption2 = "Exchange Name" maxNameLen = len(caption2) found = False for ex in exchanges: if self.match(ex.name, filter): if len(ex.name) > maxNameLen: maxNameLen = len(ex.name) found = True if not found: global config config._returnCode = 1 return print "%s%-*s Attributes" % (caption1, maxNameLen, caption2) line = "" for i in range(((maxNameLen + len(caption1)) / 5) + 5): line += "=====" print line for ex in exchanges: if config._ignoreDefault and not ex.name: continue if self.match(ex.name, filter): print "%-10s%-*s " % (ex.type, maxNameLen, ex.name), args = ex.arguments if not args: args = {} if ex.durable: print "--durable", if REPLICATE in args: print "--replicate=%s" % args[REPLICATE], if MSG_SEQUENCE in args and args[MSG_SEQUENCE] == 1: print "--sequence", if IVE in args and args[IVE] == 1: print "--ive", if ex.altExchange: print "--alternate-exchange=%s" % ex.altExchange, print def ExchangeListRecurse(self, filter): exchanges = self.broker.getAllExchanges() bindings = self.broker.getAllBindings() queues = self.broker.getAllQueues() for ex in exchanges: if config._ignoreDefault and not ex.name: continue if self.match(ex.name, filter): print "Exchange '%s' (%s)" % (ex.name, ex.type) for bind in bindings: if bind.exchangeRef == ex.name: qname = "" queue = self.findById(queues, bind.queueRef) if queue != None: qname = queue.name if bind.arguments: print " bind [%s] => %s %s" % (bind.bindingKey, qname, bind.arguments) else: print " bind [%s] => %s" % (bind.bindingKey, qname) def QueueList(self, filter): queues = self.broker.getAllQueues() caption = "Queue Name" maxNameLen = len(caption) found = False for q in queues: if self.match(q.name, filter): if len(q.name) > maxNameLen: maxNameLen = len(q.name) found = True if not found: global config config._returnCode = 1 return print "%-*s Attributes" % (maxNameLen, caption) line = "" for i in range((maxNameLen / 5) + 5): line += "=====" print line for q in queues: if self.match(q.name, filter): print "%-*s " % (maxNameLen, q.name), args = q.arguments if not args: args = {} if q.durable: print "--durable", if REPLICATE in args: print "--replicate=%s" % args[REPLICATE], if CLUSTER_DURABLE in args and args[CLUSTER_DURABLE] == 1: print "--cluster-durable", if q.autoDelete: print "auto-del", if q.exclusive: print "excl", if FILESIZE in args: print "--file-size=%s" % args[FILESIZE], if FILECOUNT in args: print "--file-count=%s" % args[FILECOUNT], if MAX_QUEUE_SIZE in args: print "--max-queue-size=%s" % args[MAX_QUEUE_SIZE], if MAX_QUEUE_COUNT in args: print "--max-queue-count=%s" % args[MAX_QUEUE_COUNT], if POLICY_TYPE in args: print "--limit-policy=%s" % args[POLICY_TYPE].replace("_", "-"), if LVQ_KEY in args: print "--lvq-key=%s" % args[LVQ_KEY], if QUEUE_EVENT_GENERATION in args: print "--generate-queue-events=%s" % args[QUEUE_EVENT_GENERATION], if q.altExchange: print "--alternate-exchange=%s" % q.altExchange, if FLOW_STOP_SIZE in args: print "--flow-stop-size=%s" % args[FLOW_STOP_SIZE], if FLOW_RESUME_SIZE in args: print "--flow-resume-size=%s" % args[FLOW_RESUME_SIZE], if FLOW_STOP_COUNT in args: print "--flow-stop-count=%s" % args[FLOW_STOP_COUNT], if FLOW_RESUME_COUNT in args: print "--flow-resume-count=%s" % args[FLOW_RESUME_COUNT], if MSG_GROUP_HDR_KEY in args: print "--group-header=%s" % args[MSG_GROUP_HDR_KEY], if SHARED_MSG_GROUP in args and args[SHARED_MSG_GROUP] == 1: print "--shared-groups", print " ".join(["--argument %s=%s" % (k, v) for k,v in args.iteritems() if not k in SPECIAL_ARGS]) def QueueListRecurse(self, filter): exchanges = self.broker.getAllExchanges() bindings = self.broker.getAllBindings() queues = self.broker.getAllQueues() for queue in queues: if self.match(queue.name, filter): print "Queue '%s'" % queue.name for bind in bindings: if bind.queueRef == queue.name: ename = "" ex = self.findById(exchanges, bind.exchangeRef) if ex != None: ename = ex.name if ename == "": if config._ignoreDefault: continue ename = "''" if bind.arguments: print " bind [%s] => %s %s" % (bind.bindingKey, ename, bind.arguments) else: print " bind [%s] => %s" % (bind.bindingKey, ename) def AddExchange(self, args): if len(args) < 2: Usage() etype = args[0] ename = args[1] declArgs = {} for a in config._extra_arguments: r = a.split("=", 1) if len(r) == 2: value = r[1] else: value = None declArgs[r[0]] = value if config._msgSequence: declArgs[MSG_SEQUENCE] = 1 if config._ive: declArgs[IVE] = 1 if config._altern_ex: declArgs['alternate-exchange'] = config._altern_ex if config._durable: declArgs['durable'] = 1 if config._replicate: declArgs[REPLICATE] = config._replicate self.broker.addExchange(etype, ename, declArgs) def DelExchange(self, args): if len(args) < 1: Usage() ename = args[0] self.broker.delExchange(ename) def AddQueue(self, args): if len(args) < 1: Usage() qname = args[0] declArgs = {} for a in config._extra_arguments: r = a.split("=", 1) if len(r) == 2: value = r[1] else: value = None declArgs[r[0]] = value if config._durable: # allow the default fileCount and fileSize specified # in qpid config file to take prededence if config._fileCount: declArgs[FILECOUNT] = config._fileCount if config._fileSize: declArgs[FILESIZE] = config._fileSize if config._maxQueueSize is not None: declArgs[MAX_QUEUE_SIZE] = config._maxQueueSize if config._maxQueueCount is not None: declArgs[MAX_QUEUE_COUNT] = config._maxQueueCount if config._limitPolicy: if config._limitPolicy == "none": pass elif config._limitPolicy == "reject": declArgs[POLICY_TYPE] = "reject" elif config._limitPolicy == "flow-to-disk": declArgs[POLICY_TYPE] = "flow_to_disk" elif config._limitPolicy == "ring": declArgs[POLICY_TYPE] = "ring" elif config._limitPolicy == "ring-strict": declArgs[POLICY_TYPE] = "ring_strict" if config._clusterDurable: declArgs[CLUSTER_DURABLE] = 1 if config._lvq_key: declArgs[LVQ_KEY] = config._lvq_key if config._eventGeneration: declArgs[QUEUE_EVENT_GENERATION] = config._eventGeneration if config._flowStopSize is not None: declArgs[FLOW_STOP_SIZE] = config._flowStopSize if config._flowResumeSize is not None: declArgs[FLOW_RESUME_SIZE] = config._flowResumeSize if config._flowStopCount is not None: declArgs[FLOW_STOP_COUNT] = config._flowStopCount if config._flowResumeCount is not None: declArgs[FLOW_RESUME_COUNT] = config._flowResumeCount if config._msgGroupHeader: declArgs[MSG_GROUP_HDR_KEY] = config._msgGroupHeader if config._sharedMsgGroup: declArgs[SHARED_MSG_GROUP] = 1 if config._altern_ex: declArgs['alternate-exchange'] = config._altern_ex if config._durable: declArgs['durable'] = 1 if config._replicate: declArgs[REPLICATE] = config._replicate self.broker.addQueue(qname, declArgs) if config._start_replica: # Start replication self.broker._method("replicate", {"broker":config._start_replica, "queue":qname}, "org.apache.qpid.ha:habroker:ha-broker") def DelQueue(self, args): if len(args) < 1: Usage() qname = args[0] self.broker.delQueue(qname, if_empty=config._if_empty, if_unused=config._if_unused) def Bind(self, args): if len(args) < 2: Usage() ename = args[0] qname = args[1] key = "" if len(args) > 2: key = args[2] # query the exchange to determine its type. res = self.broker.getExchange(ename) # type of the xchg determines the processing of the rest of # argv. if it's an xml xchg, we want to find a file # containing an x-query, and pass that. if it's a headers # exchange, we need to pass either "any" or all, followed by a # map containing key/value pairs. if neither of those, extra # args are ignored. ok = True _args = {} if res.type == "xml": # this checks/imports the -f arg [ok, xquery] = snarf_xquery_args() _args = { "xquery" : xquery } else: if res.type == "headers": [ok, op, kv] = snarf_header_args(args[3:]) _args = kv _args["x-match"] = op if not ok: sys.exit(1) self.broker.bind(ename, qname, key, _args) def Unbind(self, args): if len(args) < 2: Usage() ename = args[0] qname = args[1] key = "" if len(args) > 2: key = args[2] self.broker.unbind(ename, qname, key) def ReloadAcl(self): try: self.broker.reloadAclFile() except Exception, e: if str(e).find('No object found') != -1: print "Failed: ACL Module Not Loaded in Broker" else: raise def findById(self, items, id): for item in items: if item.name == id: return item return None def match(self, name, filter): if filter == "": return True if name.find(filter) == -1: return False return True def YN(bool): if bool: return 'Y' return 'N' def main(argv=None): args = OptionsAndArguments(argv) bm = BrokerManager() try: bm.SetBroker(config._host) if len(args) == 0: bm.Overview() else: cmd = args[0] modifier = "" if len(args) > 1: modifier = args[1] if cmd == "exchanges": if config._recursive: bm.ExchangeListRecurse(modifier) else: bm.ExchangeList(modifier) elif cmd == "queues": if config._recursive: bm.QueueListRecurse(modifier) else: bm.QueueList(modifier) elif cmd == "add": if modifier == "exchange": bm.AddExchange(args[2:]) elif modifier == "queue": bm.AddQueue(args[2:]) else: Usage() elif cmd == "del": if modifier == "exchange": bm.DelExchange(args[2:]) elif modifier == "queue": bm.DelQueue(args[2:]) else: Usage() elif cmd == "bind": bm.Bind(args[1:]) elif cmd == "unbind": bm.Unbind(args[1:]) elif cmd == "reload-acl": bm.ReloadAcl() else: Usage() except KeyboardInterrupt: print except IOError, e: print e bm.Disconnect() return 1 except SystemExit, e: bm.Disconnect() return 1 except Exception,e: if e.__class__.__name__ != "Timeout": # ignore Timeout exception, handle in the loop below print "Failed: %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e) bm.Disconnect() return 1 while True: # some commands take longer than the default amqp timeout to complete, # so attempt to disconnect until successful, ignoring Timeouts try: bm.Disconnect(ignore=False) break except Exception, e: if e.__class__.__name__ != "Timeout": print "Failed: %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e) return 1 return config._returnCode if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())