Apache Qpid Copyright 2006-2008 Apache Software Foundation This product includes software developed at Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/) Message logging is provided by the SLF4J library package, which is open source software, written by Ceki Gülcü, and copyright by SLF4J.ORG and QOS.ch. The original software is available from http://www.slf4j.org/ Concurrency utlitity classes are provided by the backport-util-concurrent library package, which is open source software, written by Dawid Kurzyniec, and copyright by Distributed Computing Laboratory, Emory University. The original software is available from http://dcl.mathcs.emory.edu/util/backport-util-concurrent/ Data compression support is provided by the JZLib library package, which is open source software, written by JCraft, and copyright by JCraft. The original software is available from http://www.jcraft.com/jzlib/ Spring framework is provided by the Spring framework library package, which is open source software, written by Rod Johnson et al, and copyright by Springframework.org. The original software is available from http://www.springframework.org/ This product includes software developed at The OSGi Alliance (http://www.osgi.org/). Copyright 2006 The OSGi Alliance. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Handling console input is provided bye the Jline library package, JLine is a Java library for handling console input. It is similar in functionality to BSD editline and GNU readline.Original software is available from pphttp://jline.sourceforge.net/index.html Jython is used within ant scripts for generating code. Jython is hosted at http://www.jython.org The license for jython is located at http://www.jython.org/Project/license.txt The Apache Muse Project is a Java-based implementation of the WS-ResourceFramework (WSRF), WS-BaseNotification (WSN), and WS-DistributedManagement (WSDM) specifications. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. The original software is available from http://ws.apache.org/muse/ The Web Services Description Language for Java Toolkit (WSDL4J) allows the creation, representation, and manipulation of WSDL documents It is licensed under the Common Public License 1.0 The original software is available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/wsdl4j Xml manipulation and all related xml common utilities are provider by the xml-apis library, which is an open source software. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 and is available from : http://xml.apache.org/commons/ Xerces Java is a library for parsing, validating and manipulating XML documents. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 and is available from : http://xerces.apache.org/ Xalan is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. The original software is available from : http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/ Jetty is an open-source, standards-based, full-featured web server implemented entirely in Java. It is used as a web server / servlet engine on WS-DM adapter. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0. The original software is available from : http://www.mortbay.org/jetty/ Javassist is a load-time reflective system for Java. It is a class library for editing bytecodes in Java; Licensend under MPL or LGPL. The original software is available from : http://www.jboss.org/javassist/