/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ %module qpid_messaging %include "std_string.i" %include "qpid/swig_python_typemaps.i" /* Needed for get/setPriority methods. Surprising SWIG 1.3.40 doesn't * convert uint8_t by default. */ %apply unsigned char { uint8_t }; /* * Exceptions * * The convention below is that exceptions in _qpid_messaging.so have the same * names as in the C++ library. They get renamed to their Python * equivalents when brought into the Python wrapping */ %define QPID_EXCEPTION(exception, parent) %{ static PyObject* exception; %} %init %{ exception = PyErr_NewException( (char *) ("_qpid_messaging." #exception), parent, NULL); Py_INCREF(exception); PyModule_AddObject(m, #exception, exception); %} %pythoncode %{ exception = _qpid_messaging. ## exception %} %enddef /* Python equivalents of C++ exceptions. */ /* */ /* Commented out lines are exceptions in the Python library, but not */ /* in the C++ library. */ QPID_EXCEPTION(MessagingError, NULL) QPID_EXCEPTION(LinkError, MessagingError) QPID_EXCEPTION(AddressError, LinkError) QPID_EXCEPTION(ResolutionError, AddressError) QPID_EXCEPTION(AssertionFailed, ResolutionError) QPID_EXCEPTION(NotFound, ResolutionError) QPID_EXCEPTION(InvalidOption, LinkError) QPID_EXCEPTION(MalformedAddress, LinkError) QPID_EXCEPTION(ReceiverError, LinkError) QPID_EXCEPTION(FetchError, ReceiverError) QPID_EXCEPTION(Empty, FetchError) /* QPID_EXCEPTION(InsufficientCapacity, LinkError) */ /* QPID_EXCEPTION(LinkClosed, LinkError) */ QPID_EXCEPTION(SenderError, LinkError) QPID_EXCEPTION(SendError, SenderError) QPID_EXCEPTION(TargetCapacityExceeded, SendError) QPID_EXCEPTION(ConnectionError, MessagingError) QPID_EXCEPTION(ConnectError, ConnectionError) /* QPID_EXCEPTION(AuthenticationFailure, ConnectError) */ /* QPID_EXCEPTION(VersionError, ConnectError) */ /* QPID_EXCEPTION(ConnectionClosed, ConnectionError) */ /* QPID_EXCEPTION(HeartbeartTimeout, ConnectionError) */ QPID_EXCEPTION(SessionError, MessagingError) /* QPID_EXCEPTION(Detached, SessionError) */ /* QPID_EXCEPTION(NontransactionalSession, SessionError) */ /* QPID_EXCEPTION(ServerError, SessionError) */ /* QPID_EXCEPTION(SessionClosed, SessionError) */ QPID_EXCEPTION(TransactionError, SessionError) QPID_EXCEPTION(TransactionAborted, TransactionError) QPID_EXCEPTION(UnauthorizedAccess, SessionError) /* QPID_EXCEPTION(InternalError, MessagingError) */ %define TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(cpp_exception, py_exception) catch ( cpp_exception & ex) { pExceptionType = py_exception; error = ex.what(); } %enddef /* Define the general-purpose exception handling */ %exception { PyObject * pExceptionType = NULL; std::string error; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS; try { $action } /* Catch and translate exceptions. */ TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::NoMessageAvailable, Empty) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::NotFound, NotFound) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::AssertionFailed, AssertionFailed) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::ResolutionError, ResolutionError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::TargetCapacityExceeded, TargetCapacityExceeded) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::TransportFailure, ConnectError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::MalformedAddress, MalformedAddress) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::AddressError, AddressError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::FetchError, FetchError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::ReceiverError, ReceiverError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::SendError, SendError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::SenderError, SenderError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::InvalidOptionString, InvalidOption) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::LinkError, LinkError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::TransactionAborted, TransactionAborted) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::TransactionError, TransactionError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::UnauthorizedAccess, UnauthorizedAccess) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::SessionError, SessionError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::ConnectionError, ConnectionError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::KeyError, PyExc_KeyError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::messaging::MessagingException, MessagingError) TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION(qpid::types::Exception, PyExc_RuntimeError) Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS; if (!error.empty()) { PyErr_SetString(pExceptionType, error.c_str()); return NULL; } } /* This only renames the non-const version (I believe). Then again, I * don't even know why there is a non-const version of the method. */ %rename(opened) qpid::messaging::Connection::isOpen(); %rename(_close) qpid::messaging::Connection::close(); %rename(receiver) qpid::messaging::Session::createReceiver; %rename(_sender) qpid::messaging::Session::createSender; %rename(_acknowledge_all) qpid::messaging::Session::acknowledge(bool); %rename(_acknowledge_msg) qpid::messaging::Session::acknowledge( Message &, bool); %rename(_fetch) qpid::messaging::Receiver::fetch; %rename(unsettled) qpid::messaging::Receiver::getUnsettled; %rename(available) qpid::messaging::Receiver::getAvailable; %rename(unsettled) qpid::messaging::Sender::getUnsettled; %rename(available) qpid::messaging::Sender::getAvailable; %rename(_send) qpid::messaging::Sender::send; %rename(_getReplyTo) qpid::messaging::Message::getReplyTo; %rename(_setReplyTo) qpid::messaging::Message::setReplyTo; %rename(_getTtl) qpid::messaging::Message::getTtl; %rename(_setTtl) qpid::messaging::Message::setTtl; %include "qpid/qpid.i" %extend qpid::messaging::Connection { %pythoncode %{ def __init__(self, url=None, **options): if url: args = [str(url)] else: args = [] if options: # remove null valued options clean_opts = {} for k, v in options.iteritems(): if v: clean_opts[k] = v args.append(clean_opts) this = _qpid_messaging.new_Connection(*args) try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this def attached(self): return self.opened() def close(self, timeout=None): #timeout not supported in c++ self._close() %} /* Return a pre-existing session with the given name, if one * exists, otherwise return a new one. (Note that if a * pre-existing session exists, the transactional argument is * ignored, and the returned session might not satisfy the desired * setting. */ qpid::messaging::Session _session(const std::string & name, bool transactional) { if (!name.empty()) { try { return self->getSession(name); } catch (const qpid::messaging::KeyError &) { } } if (transactional) { return self->createTransactionalSession(name); } else { return self->createSession(name); } } %pythoncode %{ def session(self, name=None, transactional=False) : if name is None : name = '' return self._session(name, transactional) %} %pythoncode %{ @staticmethod def establish(url=None, **options) : conn = Connection(url, **options) conn.open() return conn %} } %extend qpid::messaging::Session { %pythoncode %{ def acknowledge(self, message=None, disposition=None, sync=True) : if disposition : raise Exception("SWIG does not support dispositions yet. Use " "Session.reject and Session.release instead") if message : self._acknowledge_msg(message, sync) else : self._acknowledge_all(sync) __swig_getmethods__["connection"] = getConnection if _newclass: connection = property(getConnection) def sender(self, target, **options) : s = self._sender(target) s._setDurable(options.get("durable")) return s %} } %extend qpid::messaging::Receiver { %pythoncode %{ def _get_source(self): return self.getAddress().str() __swig_getmethods__["capacity"] = getCapacity __swig_setmethods__["capacity"] = setCapacity if _newclass: capacity = property(getCapacity, setCapacity) __swig_getmethods__["session"] = getSession if _newclass: session = property(getSession) __swig_getmethods__["source"] = _get_source if _newclass: source = property(_get_source) %} %pythoncode %{ def fetch(self, timeout=None) : if timeout is None : return self._fetch() else : # Python API uses timeouts in seconds, # but C++ API uses milliseconds return self._fetch(Duration(int(1000*timeout))) %} } %extend qpid::messaging::Sender { %pythoncode %{ def _get_target(self): return self.getAddress().str() def _setDurable(self, d): self.durable = d def send(self, object, sync=True) : if isinstance(object, Message): message = object else: message = Message(object) if self.durable and message.durable is None: message.durable = self.durable return self._send(message, sync) __swig_getmethods__["capacity"] = getCapacity __swig_setmethods__["capacity"] = setCapacity if _newclass: capacity = property(getCapacity, setCapacity) __swig_getmethods__["session"] = getSession if _newclass: session = property(getSession) __swig_getmethods__["target"] = _get_target if _newclass: source = property(_get_target) %} } %extend qpid::messaging::Message { %pythoncode %{ class MessageProperties: def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg self.properties = self.msg.getProperties() def __len__(self): return self.properties.__len__() def __getitem__(self, key): return self.properties[key]; def get(self, key): return self.__getitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.properties[key] = value self.msg.setProperty(key, value) def set(self, key, value): self.__setitem__(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): del self.properties[key] self.msg.setProperties(self.properties) def __iter__(self): return self.properties.iteritems() def __repr__(self): return str(self.properties) # UNSPECIFIED was module level before, but I do not # know how to insert python code at the top of the module. # (A bare "%pythoncode" inserts at the end. UNSPECIFIED=object() def __init__(self, content=None, content_type=UNSPECIFIED, id=None, subject=None, user_id=None, reply_to=None, correlation_id=None, durable=None, priority=None, ttl=None, properties=None): this = _qpid_messaging.new_Message('') try: self.this.append(this) except: self.this = this if not content is None: self.content = content if content_type != UNSPECIFIED : self.content_type = content_type if id is not None : self.id = id if subject is not None : self.subject = subject if user_id is not None : self.user_id = user_id if reply_to is not None : self.reply_to = reply_to if correlation_id is not None : self.correlation_id = correlation_id if durable is not None : self.durable = durable if priority is not None : self.priority = priority if ttl is not None : self.ttl = ttl if properties is not None : self.setProperties(properties) def _get_msg_props(self): try: return self._msg_props except AttributeError: self._msg_props = Message.MessageProperties(self) return self._msg_props def _get_content(self) : obj = self.getContentObject() if obj: return obj if self.content_type == "amqp/list" : return decodeList(self) if self.content_type == "amqp/map" : return decodeMap(self) return self.getContent() def _set_content(self, content) : if isinstance(content, str) : self.setContent(content) elif isinstance(content, unicode) : if not self.content_type: self.content_type = "text/plain" self.setContent(str(content)) elif isinstance(content, list) or isinstance(content, dict) : encode(content, self) else : self.setContentObject(content) __swig_getmethods__["content"] = _get_content __swig_setmethods__["content"] = _set_content if _newclass: content = property(_get_content, _set_content) def _get_content_type(self) : ct = self.getContentType() if ct == "": return None else: return ct __swig_getmethods__["content_type"] = _get_content_type __swig_setmethods__["content_type"] = setContentType if _newclass: content_type = property(_get_content_type, setContentType) __swig_getmethods__["id"] = getMessageId __swig_setmethods__["id"] = setMessageId if _newclass: id = property(getMessageId, setMessageId) __swig_getmethods__["subject"] = getSubject __swig_setmethods__["subject"] = setSubject if _newclass: subject = property(getSubject, setSubject) __swig_getmethods__["priority"] = getPriority __swig_setmethods__["priority"] = setPriority if _newclass: priority = property(getPriority, setPriority) def getTtl(self) : return self._getTtl().getMilliseconds()/1000.0 def setTtl(self, duration) : self._setTtl(Duration(int(1000*duration))) __swig_getmethods__["ttl"] = getTtl __swig_setmethods__["ttl"] = setTtl if _newclass: ttl = property(getTtl, setTtl) __swig_getmethods__["user_id"] = getUserId __swig_setmethods__["user_id"] = setUserId if _newclass: user_id = property(getUserId, setUserId) __swig_getmethods__["correlation_id"] = getCorrelationId __swig_setmethods__["correlation_id"] = setCorrelationId if _newclass: correlation_id = property(getCorrelationId, setCorrelationId) __swig_getmethods__["redelivered"] = getRedelivered __swig_setmethods__["redelivered"] = setRedelivered if _newclass: redelivered = property(getRedelivered, setRedelivered) __swig_getmethods__["durable"] = getDurable __swig_setmethods__["durable"] = setDurable if _newclass: durable = property(getDurable, setDurable) __swig_getmethods__["properties"] = _get_msg_props if _newclass: properties = property(_get_msg_props) def getReplyTo(self) : return self._getReplyTo().str() def setReplyTo(self, address_str) : self._setReplyTo(Address(address_str)) __swig_getmethods__["reply_to"] = getReplyTo __swig_setmethods__["reply_to"] = setReplyTo if _newclass: reply_to = property(getReplyTo, setReplyTo) def __repr__(self): args = [] for name in ["id", "subject", "user_id", "reply_to", "correlation_id", "priority", "ttl", "durable", "redelivered", "properties", "content_type"] : value = getattr(self, name) if value : args.append("%s=%r" % (name, value)) if self.content is not None: if args: args.append("content=%r" % self.content) else: args.append(repr(self.content)) return "Message(%s)" % ", ".join(args) %} } %pythoncode %{ # Bring into module scope UNSPECIFIED = Message.UNSPECIFIED %}