#!/bin/sh # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # This starts the controller for coordinating perf tests/ . check-qpid-java-env PROGRAM_NAME="qpid-jms-send" URL="amqp://guest:guest@clientid/testpath?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672'" ADDRESS="queue;{create:always}" MESSAGES="1" ID="" REPLY_TO="" SEND_EOS="1" DURABLE="false" TTL="0" PRIORITY="0" PROPERTY="" CORRELATION_ID="" USER_ID="" CONTENT_STRING="" CONTENT_SIZE="1024" CONTENT_MAP="" CAPACITY="1000" ACK_FREQUENCY="100" TX="0" ROLLBACL_FREQUENCY="0" PRINT_CONTENT="true" PRINT_HEADERS="false" REPORT_TOTAL="false" REPORT_EVERY="0" REPORT_HEADER="true" SEND_RATE="-1" SEQUNCE="1" DISABLE_TIMESTAMP="false" EXTRA_JVM_ARGS="" VERBOSE="0" TEST_ID=`echo ${HOSTNAME} | awk -F . '{print $1}'` TEMP=$(getopt -n $PROGRAM_NAME -o b:a:m:i:P:M:vh\ --long broker:,address:,messages:,id:,reply-to:\ ,send-eos:,durable:,ttl:,property:,correlational-id:\ ,user-id:,content-string:,content-size:,content-map:\ ,capacity:,ack-frequency:,tx:,rollback-frequency:\ ,print-content:,print-headers:,report-total\ ,report-every:,report-header:,send-rate:,sequence:,timestamp:\ ,jvm-args:,verbose,help -- "$@") # padding the option string with 4 spaces # padding the desc string with 30 spaces usage() { printf "\n%s\n" "Usage: $PROGRAM_NAME [option].." printf "\n%20s\n%57s\n" "-b, --broker URL" "url of broker to connect to" printf "\n%24s\n%53s\n" "-a,--address ADDRESS" "address to receive from" printf "\n%24s\n%89s\n" "-m, --messages N (0)" "Number of messages to receive; 0 means receive indefinitely" printf "\n%15s\n%75s\n" "-i, --id ID" "use the supplied id instead of generating one" printf "\n%23s\n%54s\n" "--reply-to REPLY-TO" "specify reply-to address" printf "\n%20s\n%70s\n" "--send-eos N (0)" "send N EOS messages to mark end of input" printf "\n%24s\n%54s\n" "--durable yes|no (0)" "mark messages as durable" printf "\n%19s\n%72s\n" "--ttl msecs (0)" "time-to-live for messages, in milliseconds" printf "\n%27s\n%72s\n" "--priority PRIORITY (0)" "time-to-live for messages, in milliseconds" printf "\n%29s\n%54s\n" "-P, --property NAME=VALUE" "specify message property" printf "\n%23s\n%57s\n" "--correlation-id ID" "correlation-id for message" printf "\n%20s\n%48s\n" "--user-id USERID" "userid for message" printf "\n%28s\n%60s\n" "--content-string CONTENT" "use CONTENT as message content" printf "\n%24s\n%62s\n" "--content-size N (0)" "create an N-byte message content" printf "\n%32s\n%59s\n" "-M, --content-map NAME=VALUE" "specify entry for map content" printf "\n%23s\n%71s\n" "--capacity N (1000)" "Pre-fetch window (0 implies no pre-fetch)" printf "\n%27s\n%94s\n" "--ack-frequency N (100)" "Ack frequency (0 implies none of the messages will get accepted)" printf "\n%14s\n%94s\n" "--tx N (0)" "batch size for transactions (0 implies transaction are not used)" printf "\n%30s\n%94s\n" "--rollback-frequency N (0)" "rollback frequency (0 implies no transaction will be rolledback)" printf "\n%30s\n%55s\n" "--print-content yes|no (1)" "print out message content" printf "\n%30s\n%55s\n" "--print-headers yes|no (0)" "print out message headers" printf "\n%18s\n%76s\n" "--report-total" "Report total throughput and latency statistics" printf "\n%24s\n%87s\n" "--report-every N (0)" "Report throughput and latency statistics every N messages" printf "\n%30s\n%47s\n" "--report-header yes|no (1)" "Headers on report" printf "\n%21s\n%64s\n%62s\n" "--send-rate N (0)" "Send at rate of N messages/second." "0 means send as fast as possible" printf "\n%25s\n%69s\n%77s\n" "--sequence yes|no (1)" "Add a sequence number messages property" "(required for duplicate/lost message detection)" printf "\n%26s\n%64s\n%77s\n" "--timestamp yes|no (1)" "Add a time stamp messages property" "(required for duplicate/lost message detection)" printf "\n%14s\n%69s\n" "--jvm-args" "Extra jvm arguments you want to specify" printf "\n%17s\n%69s\n\n" "-v, --verbose" "Print debug information for this script" } eval set -- "$TEMP" while true; do case $1 in -b|--broker) URL="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; -a|--address) ADDRESS="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; -m|--messages) MESSAGES="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; -i|--id) ID="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --reply-to) REPLY_TO="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --send-eos) SEND_EOS="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --durable) if [ "$2" == "1" ]; then DURABLE="true"; else DURABLE="false"; fi; shift; shift; continue ;; --ttl) TTL="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --priority) PRIORITY="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; -P|--property) PROPERTY="$2,$PROPERTY"; shift; shift; continue ;; --correlation-id) CORRELATION_ID="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --user-id) USER_ID="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --content-string) CONTENT_STRING="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --content-size) CONTENT_SIZE="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; -M|--content-map) CONTENT_MAP="$2,$CONTENT_MAP"; shift; shift; continue ;; --capacity) CAPACITY="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --ack-frequency) ACK_FREQUENCY="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --tx) TX="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --rollback-frequency) ROLLBACK_FREQUENCY="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --print-content) if [ "$2" == "yes" ]; then PRINT_CONTENT="true"; else PRINT_CONTENT="false"; fi; shift; shift; continue ;; --print-headers) if [ "$2" == "yes" ]; then PRINT_HEADERS="true"; else PRINT_HEADERS="false"; fi; shift; shift; continue ;; --report-total) REPORT_TOTAL="true"; shift; continue ;; --report-every) REPORT_EVERY="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --report-header) if [ "$2" == "yes" ]; then REPORT_HEADER="true"; else REPORT_HEADER="false"; fi; shift; shift; continue ;; --send-rate) SEND_RATE="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --sequence) if [ "$2" == "yes" ]; then SEQUENCE="true"; else SEQUENCE="false"; fi; shift; shift; continue ;; --timestamp) if [ "$2" == "yes" ]; then DISABLE_TIMESTAMP="false"; else DISABLE_TIMESTAMP="true"; fi; shift; shift; continue ;; -a|--jvm-args) EXTRA_JVM_ARGS="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; -v|--verbose) VERBOSE="1"; shift; continue ;; --) # no more arguments to parse break ;; *) # no more arguments to parse break ;; esac done SENDER_ARGS="-server -Durl=$URL \ -Daddress=$ADDRESS \ -Dmsg-count=$MESSAGES \ -Dsend-eos=$SEND_EOS \ -Ddurable=$DURABLE \ -Dmsg_size=$CONTENT_SIZE \ -Dsend-rate=$SEND_RATE \ -Ddisable-timestamp=$DISABLE_TIMESTAMP \ -Dttl=$TTL \ -Dpriority=$PRIORITY \ -Dtx=$TX \ -Drollback-frequnecy=$ROLLBACK_FREQUENCY \ -Dprint-content=$PRINT_CONTENT \ -Dprint-headers=$PRINT_HEADERS \ -Dreport-total=$REPORT_TOTAL \ -Dreport-every=$REPORT_EVERY \ -Dreport-header=$REPORT_HEADER \ -Dmax_prefetch=$CAPACITY " if [ "x$ID" != "x" ]; then SENDER_ARGS="$SENDER_ARGS -Did=$ID"; fi if [ "x$USER_ID" != "x" ]; then SENDER_ARGS="$SENDER_ARGS -Duser_id=$USER_ID"; fi if [ "x$CORRELATION_ID" != "x" ]; then SENDER_ARGS="$SENDER_ARGS -Dcorrelation_id=$CORRELATION_ID"; fi if [ "$VERBOSE" == "1" ]; then echo $SENDER_ARGS; fi $JAVA -cp $CLASSPATH $LOG_CONFIG $JAVA_MEM $SENDER_ARGS org.apache.qpid.tools.QpidSend